(Please see previous chapters for disclaimers and warnings.)

Meanwhile, as Optimus and Thundercracker struggled to spark their final little ones, Aquaformer and Sentinel were squaring off. Sentinel had no idea just how dangerous a sparked, oversized femme could be. He figured this fight would end quickly with him being victorious. However, that cockiness and overconfidence was going to be his downfall. Aquaformer had fought in the wars long ago. Sentinel was too young to remember those, much less have fought in anything close to a war. Aquaformer waited for Sentinel to make the first move.

Sentinel, figuring the femme was scared, lunged at her with all he had. She easily moved and he went head first into the steel wall behind her. She was quicker than he realized. She merely moved about, hoping it didn't come to blows, as she didn't want her developing sparklings harmed, but she knew she would kill this bot if she had to. Aquaformer watched as Sentinel finally moved from the rubble. HE lunged at her again, but she karate chopped him down, knocking him completely out. She did work on some of his wiring, so that if he woke as she brought him back to the base, he would be harmless.

And as she made her way back, Thundercracker had easily sparked his third and final mech seekerling. All three were strong and healthy. Krypto and TC were pleased. They named the three Sunscorcher, Skyline, and Astrostar. The three seekerlings were happy. Krypto wished he could stay with his mate, but due to the fact that Optimus was still struggling, Krypto went to help Ratchet who was growing very concerned and impatient with this. "Please, Ratchet, let me scan him" Krypto said.

Ratchet, though reluctant, backed off and allowed the seeker medic to do as he requested. Krypto scanned and scanned deeply before swearing at what he found. "What?" Ratchet and Bug demanded to know.

"It's an oversized seekerling. It will never be able to come out of him through the sparking channel as it is far too big and it could end up killing both. We need to open him up and open him up now" Kerypto said in a very commanding voice that even Magnus respected. Bug knew what this meant as well, he and his twin would have to combine to save this sparkling and Optimus. Bug explained quickly to Optimus what was going to happen. Optimus wearily nodded. Magnus took Bug's place and all watched as the twins became one bot, a triple former named Kryptobug. Magnus was a bit in awe, as he had only heard stories of this bot.

Ratchet backed off and wanted to watch, but it was at that time, Ratchet had to go to the other side of the med bay as the rest of the group minus Aquaformer and Sentinel had returned and they needed to be looked over. Ratchet left Optimus in Kryptobug's hands. Kryptobug called on the power and guidance of Primus to safely deliver the little one. Primus heard the prayer and guided Kryptobug's hands to be able to perform this delicate and lifesaving operation.

Meanwhile, the troop stumbled in on the other side. Ratchet was happy to see most of the minor things had been patched up in the field. He would have to thank Aquaformer when she returned. But he didn't see her. "Where is Aquaformer?"

"She said something about needing to make a comm and stepped off to the side" Bee said. That worried ratchet a bit, as Sentinel was still on the loose.

"Hey doc bot, can you check on me, I don't feel so good" Jazz asked once the others had been addressed and left. Prowl stayed close by, though.

Ratchet scanned and then sighed. "You're sparked. I hope you have a mate" Ratchet said.

"I do….Prowl." Now it was ratchet's turn to nearly pull a "prowl." Prowl just smirked. This was good, as very little seemed to shock the old medic. The two walked out.

Ratchet was going to check on Optimus and Kryptobug, but in walked Aquaformer with a neutralized sentinel. Ratchet was a bit shocked but he didn't let it show. "he dared to pick a fight with me. I ended the fight quickly. Could you please scan me to see if my developing little ones are alright" Aquaformer said in her deep voice. Ratchet could only nod and began scanning once Sentinel had been dumped onto a med bay berth and then chained to it.

Back with Magnus and Kryptobug, Optimus was softly praying as Kryptobug was making his way into the chamber deeply hidden inside Optimus. It was hidden under many crucial structures and without the guanidine of Primus, the medic knew he wouldn't have made it this far without causing damage. The thrashing sparkling could be seen outside of the developing chamber. The medic, as quick as possible and with as minimal "damage" as possible, removed the oversized seekerling. Kryptobug was in awe, as were Optimus and Magnus. The seekerling dwarfed its triplet brother and sister, but thankfully, he was a quiet and peaceful bot, much like bug. He was dried off and then placed next to his siblings.

At the mere presence of the seekerling, the first mech calmed down. He didn't seem as feisty, as if he knew it was now safe to be in this world. Magnus smiled while Kryptobug quickly and thoroughly repaired Optimus. Once that was done, Bug and Krypto separated. Bug went to his mate and Krypto went to his. Krypto also commed Ratchet with the good news. Ratchet was relieved.

After Ratchet found that Aquaformer's sparklings were healthy and safe, both he and she went back to check on Optimus and Magnus. Optimus was holding the sparklings while Bug was trying to help. Aquaformer went to her brother while ratchet went to Optimus.

"Ultra Magnus, the defiant Sentinel is neutralized and chained to a berth in the other part of the med bay" Aquaformer said, to which Magnus was grateful.

"Good, then he cannot run from me as I now know what he was doing. And fear not, my sister, Stronghold will be released within the hour" Magnus said, and Aquaformer was relieved. She and her mate would be able to live in peace once again.

Ratchet had overheard the two talk, but he ignored it, as he wanted to check on Optimus. "How are you doing, Optimus?"

"Good. Relieved to have the sparklings out of me. Please meet Hacksaw, Sequence, and Starreacher" Optimus said tiredly, bug by his side. Ratchet smiled.

Later on, Sentinel was thrown in jail. The Cons were neutralized for now. and all families had been reunited and sparklings were growing up with their loving parents. All had turned out well for something that had started as a mere surprise.