This is my promised le chapitre de sex. Sorry it's taken me a while to post it up. My non-computer life has been hectic and demanding and um. Yeah. I haven't had much time to type. This is the last chapter for this story. I have a completely new story in the process of being written though. Involving supermarket sex ;)

-Sugar Spell It Out: Haha, I aim to please. Your review was lovely ;)

-ondirecting: Review was equally appreciated. Thanks : )

-theseachange: You think chapter two was a tease? Just wait until I post one of my other stories I've had brewing … ;)

-mooeymooey: I guess it's the older-twin thing, idkidk. Don't worry, I'm equally as sucky at life, I stalk this site for updates on all the stories daily, haha.

-enthusedsilver: Oh God, haven't we all wished to be Tegan's bra at some point in our lives? Sexy time is here! Let out that bated breath!

Sara shuddered as she padded through the downstairs rooms, dripping chlorine-stained water and leaving wet footprints across the carpets and linoleum.

She visibly shivered as she entered the bathroom, the steam almost burning her skin; a vast contrast to the Arctic-cold waters of the outside pool. She could make out Tegan's backside through the [badly] frosted shower door. The colourful glass circles barely concealed her sister within the cubicle. She watched as Tegan raised her head, letting the water fall down onto her face and down her hair, hands smoothing her hair down and rubbing at her face. Her body was stretched towards the shower head above her, a very sensual posture that sent a positive spark of energy flowing through Sara.

Sara slid her underwear past her hips and down her thighs, stepping out of them as they hit the floor, trying to remain as silent and invisible to Tegan as was physically possible.

A damn lot's fucking changed, Sara ponders as she steps closer to the shower stall, dragging her soaking wet socks from her feet. She remembers all-too-clearly their first experience in a shower together; the sneaky glances shared every time one of them turned their body slightly, Sara washing Tegan's back, Tegan washing Sara's back, the fucking incredulous amount of sexual tension Sara built up in-between the pair - tension thicker than more than half the books Sara chose for 'light' reading.

She peeled her wet shirt over her head, dropping it in the sink next to the stall. She stealthily slid open the glass door, slipping into the stall with her sister and closing the door behind her; letting the scalding hot water hit her body.

Sara placed her hands against her sisters waist and pulled their bodies closer together; her breasts pressing against Tegan's back. A small shiver jolted through Tegan's body - she'd expected Sara to take slightly longer to arrive in the shower alongside her. Sara tapped her fingers gently across Tegan's hipbones, ever so gently -

gentle, so fucking gentle. Remember when she fucked you so hard last time you found it difficult to walk for the rest of the day?

- rubbing small circles across her wet skin. Sara leaned her head foreword, lips connecting with her sisters neck, teeth brushing across the sensitive skin. She bit down against her pulse point, sucking on the skin and soothing it with a kiss and a lick. Fuck being that gentle.

Tegan twisted around in Sara's embrace, latching her arms around her sisters neck as they finally faced. Sara revealed in the way Tegan's hand was clasped firmly at the back of her neck, whilst her other hand explored farther down her chest, roughly massaging her palm around her lean stomach. Sara ran her hands down Tegan's back, tuning in immediately to the delicious feel of soapy back muscles, the dip in Tegan's lower back, and the soft skin just below her breasts.

Tegan mumbled a stealthy moan when Sara took her breast fully in her palm, massaging gently as their lips found each others, tongues matching movements.

Sara pressed Tegan's body up against the wall, lips continuing to ravish Tegan as her hands raked confidently up and down her sisters' body. She purposely brushed her hand roughly over Tegan's pubic bone, a gasp and a moan coming from the older twin's mouth as she bucked to keep the contact.

A throaty gasp escaped from between Tegan's lips as Sara's fingers delicately stroked between her legs, before she quickly slid one finger between her silky folds, finishing with a little flick upward on her clit. Tegan's hands gripped unmistakeably tighter onto Sara's shoulders as her breaths became shallow. Emboldened, Sara reaches deeper and slides her middle finger inside Tegan and, desperate for more contact, grinds against Tegan's slick legs, revelling in the way their bodies fit together absolutely perfectly.

Tegan's legs spread further and her hands roughly push and pull and slide and grasp at Sara's wet body. Both girls begin a grinding motion against each other, mindless of anything else but the feel of burning skin on burning skin. Sara's free hand runs through Tegan's wet hair as Sara rests her head in the crook of her shoulder, breathing heavily against her twins neck as the water continued cascading onto their entwined bodies.

Tegan's eyes are shut tight and her head falls back, hitting the shower wall lightly with each thrust.

Something dominant and forceful erupts inside of Tegan just as Sara was beginning to get the hand of riding Tegan's leg. Tegan's right hand worms it's way between them and reaches one shaking finger into Sara, quickly followed by a second. Sara gasped loudly at the tight and unexpected intrusion, faltered in her motions and nearly fell to her knees - but Tegan's steady hand on her bicep supports her as Sara removes her hand from Tegan's neck and shoots it out to rest on the wall next to Tegan's shoulder. Sara reciprocates by adding her ring finger to her first, burying deeper into Tegan and using her knees to roughly push against her sister.

Tegan removes her hand from Sara's arm to tilt her chin into a searing kiss, as the rhythm between the two grew frantic.

It happened faster than either twin could expect. Sara pulls out of the kiss to bury her face into Tegan's neck and heaves a loud sigh of release there. Tegan bites her bottom lip tightly but can't keep her guttural moan from escaping her mouth so she gives in and lets her jaw fall open. It was so sudden that Sara doesn't realise she has kept up a slow circling rhythm around Tegan's clit; Tegan keeps lazily grinding for several moments before Sara collapses against her and leaves butterfly kisses along her neck and jaw line, searching blindly for her lips.

Their hands weave an wind their way around each other, massaging sore muscles and tangling themselves in curtains of wet hair.

"I'm in love with you, Tegan,"

"What a coincidence. So am I."

"Fuck you."


Thanks so much guys for reading and being so rad and supportive! Reviews are still lovely ;)