OK THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMPT AT A STORY SO BE OPEN MINED!!!! And it's a crossover with H3X and you wont have had to watch H3X to understand because I will put a summary of what happens in H3X so you can understand.


Summary: Bella isn't a Swan she's a Dee, Bella Dee and she has a sister Ella, they are both anointed ones, the last two left they have been frozen at 18 for over 400 years. But in the year 1664, the sister had to separate because the arch angles gave them different jobs, Ella was to make sure Azazeal's child was never born and Bella was to make sure the vampires weren't out of control ant any time and if they were she would have to kill the vampire and the vampires creator. Then in the year 2007 Bella decides to take a break and goes to live in Forks with Charlie Swan who has a feint trace of the Dee bloodline very far up his family tree. When Bella meets the Cullen's she knows that she isn't Edwards mate but she hoped that she could have some fun (If you know what I mean). All of twilight happens but she already knows what Edward is, the story starts out in new moon when Edward leaves….

H3X info off imbd

Medenham estate is an exclusive, mixed British boarding school, but evil lurks from its dark past, when a wicked lady of the manor practiced black magic and was executed for it. When Cassie accidentally touches the canari, a magical container, this unleashes in her powers beyond her control. She confides this secret only to her best friend Thelma, who dies in a accident but remains visible to her as an 'undead' former Lesbian playmate. They discover the evil forces are fallen angels, called the nephilim. Their leader, Azazeal, manipulates Cassie into dumping her darling lover Troy and giving birth to his own satanic son, Malachi, who grows extremely fast and develops unprecedented powers. After Cassie's death and disappearance, Thelma turns to two others, timid virgin student Leon, who proves himself as a noble 'knight', and Ella, an age-old slayer, who becomes Leon's lover and main ally in the fight against a parade of diabolical adversaries linked to the surprisingly complex Malachi. The more they learn about the magic world, the darker and more dangerous it proves and the more daunting their fight.

On my profile I will have links to my polyvore account so you can look at some of my things and it might help you understand some more about H3X.