La Ronde Lunaire

By Any Unborn Child

For so many reasons, Fai had found himself thinking of his twin that night. He couldn't sleep for what seemed like the fourth time that week, and he figured that it had to do with the past. Whether it was running away from it, coming to terms with it, remorse over it, many of the same thoughts kept reverberating in his mind.

It seemed almost like a daily ritual. The likely scenarios played as such: either Fai would be tossing and turning, making an attempt to go into the shadowland of his dreams, or he would be so into the slumber that he had created for himself that he would be deemed catatonic otherwise.

This night was different.

He stared at the moonlit sky through the window near his resting place, and looked at the myriad of stars painted there. They looked so far away, and yet they were so close.

Like Yuui's soul.

He knew that a piece of Yuui would always be in his heart, that he would never leave him no matter what. He knew that Yuui was living on in the depths of the corridors and halls of his heart, giving him support and encouragement when he needed it the most.

Was Yuui out there also? Was Yuui amongst the stars? Was Yuui a star himself, always watching over him, from the balcony of the night sky?

He couldn't say much on the matter. Even though he had been near the brink of death many times, he still survived. There were times when he wanted to leave the world to join Yuui, but the world wouldn't set him free.

The world wouldn't let him go.

It's only one step from a smile to anguish.
