
By Alex Damien

Fandom: Kingdom Hearts- Dissidia

A/N: I still don't like the idea of any kingdom hearts sneaking their way into a Dissidia 2 game, but I did this for the lulz.

"You seem worried about something Sora" said Aerith at lunch time. Sora snapped out of his thoughts and forced himself to give her his brightest smile.

"It's nothing! I'm just very tired," he got up from the table and stretched. "I think I'll go to sleep now guys."

"You're not going to finish your dinner then?"

"Ah, sorry. I'm just not hungry anymore."

He smiled again and ran to his room just in time to collapse on the floor.

"No…the golden lady…" he said, as all around him he felt a heavy, invisible force approach. "Stop…Stop…," tears fell from his eyes and his heartbeat sped up.

He closed his eyes to see more clearly with his mind. His breathing stopped when he saw the six armed monster descending towards a shining woman with golden hair.

"They must know true darkness."

- - -

"Cosmos! Cosmos!" shouted the Warrior of Light.

"Wait!" Firion pulled him back, keeping him from running straight into the fire of the Chaos God. Above the warriors, the calm sk of the shrine darkened as the worlds lost their balance.

"No…why? Cosmos…" muttered Light.

"Now you will finally disappear" said Chaos. "Nothing will remain…no memories, no time, nothing…"

Terra screamed. Then Tidus, and Cloud. They all fell to the ground, hands to their chest where they started feeling the force of the nothingness inside them. Light whirled around to see his companions start fading away. The light that put together their bodies slowly disappearing.

"Your goddess has abandoned you, and now your pitiful light dies away" Chaos laughed. "Give up now. Before you disappear, I want to see you despair."

The ground beneath their feet cracked.

"Never…," said Light. He took out his crystal. "The light will always be with us! The light will save us!"

The light from the crystal flowed through his arms, into his whole body.

Then, he broke.

Into a thousand crystal pieces shining like stars.

- - -

Sora saw it. Curled into a ball on a corner of his room, he saw the brightest star crash into pieces. Again and again until he wondered if it had been him the one who had been broken.

As midnight arrived, Sora crawled to the nearby window and jumped out. To him, all the lights had faded, and he could hear the worlds falling apart.

He walked alone through Hollow Bastion until he reached the desolated outskirts of town.

There, he laid down to sleep.

A man in knight's armor arrived, and sat next to him. In his right arm he carried a horned blue helmet, but no matter how much Sora tried, he couldn't see his face.

"Hey, it's you…That Light guy," said Sora. His whole body felt heavy, and even talking felt like too much effort for him. "You said you'd come back once the war had ended, but you never did."

"Sorry Sora, I…"

"I know what happened. That golden woman died, didn't she?"

"I don't know. She might be. But then, I think I'm dead too."

"That's not true!" at the warrior's words, Sora found the energy to sit back up. "You're here! You're alright!"

"This is a dream."

"I know, I'm not dumb! You came in a dream the other time too, and you weren't dead back then." Sora hugged them man. In his dream land, the armor wasn't as cold as it should be, but that only made Sora smile.


"I told you I wanted to go with you guys. I wanted to help you fight!"

Even thought Sora couldn't see the man's face, he still felt the sadness in it.

"I didn't let you fight because you and your world have already gone though so much. I couldn't bear to see you fight, and lose."

"I wouldn't have-!"

"We all did. That wasn't a simple battle Sora. That was the war of eternity. You would win and lose, and no matter what, you would keep coming back. I knew I could not see you die again and again" the man ruffled Sora's hair and hugged him back. "The others…I have brought them here. Please, take care of them, once I'm gone."

"No! No, no, no! I don't want you to go! There must be a way! You're still here, you haven't disappeared, why can't you come back again?"

"I don't have a body anymore. And with Cosmos gone, I don't have enough energy to get another one. I already used all I had to keep the others together and bring them here. Once you wake up, the last traces of me will vanish."

"Then I don't want to wake up. I won't leave you alone" Sora pouted. "A body…Oh! I know! Organization XIII can clone people! They once made a clone of Riku and tricked me with it. That means they can make a copy of your body."

"I won't last enough for that to happen. And nobody knows I came to you. To tell anybody you would have to wake up. Besides, isn't that organization your enemy?"

"Yeah, they are. But it's the only thing I can think of. Damn, I'd have to wake up to do anything, but then you'd die!"

The man patted Sora's back.

"It's alright. You'll be a great warrior of light Sora. I'm just sorry I could never fulfill my promise to visit you again for real."

"I don't want you to go. I don't want any more of my friends to vanish without doing anything for them. Wait! Yes, that's it! I won't do anything. You say that you'll disappear when I wake up, but what if I don't? What if you wake up for me? You could live in my body and tell your friends to help you!"

"Sora, I can't just take over your body. I don't-"

"You don't want me to fight, but I don't want you to die! And if you don't do something, we'll all die too!"

The man sighed.

"Well, I suppose I could do that. But I don't think your heart could take me in."

"Why? What's wrong with my heart?" Sora poked at his chest.

"There is a darkness in it. In my current state, it could destroy me."

"Darkness?! In my heart?! That can't-Oh, wait…I think…It must have something to do with that time I spent as a heartless. I'm not sure what happened to my heart back then, but I guess it was that. Can't you clean it with your light powers or something?"

The man chuckled.

"At any other time I would. But right now, the most I can do is expel the darkness from your heart and take it's place."

"Sounds like a plan to me! What do I have to do then?"

"You're so innocent Sora. I'm very sorry to do this."

"Aww, it's alright sparkles. That's what friends are for, to help each other."

The man took his horned helmet and put it on Sora's head.

"You will be a great warrior one day. And I'll make sure there will still be a world for you."

Sora smiled, happy at finally getting to wear the man's cool helmet. Then his eyelids felt heavy, and he fell against the man's warm armor.

He almost didn't feel the strange cold spreading from the center of his heart.