Have you ever looked into a broken mirror? What did you see? Bad luck, 7 years of it? You in shards? A reflection? Colours? The Sky? Heaven? Hell? Or maybe just a broken mirror. I saw myself in a broken mirror once, I looked the exactly the same.
Oh wow, the sun is pretty today. The bench is cold though, its metal you see and because the park is on a hill like this and its high up there's a nasty freezing wind and I'm only wearing a dress, I don't really feel it though. I want to go to New York one day, I can be alone and surrounded by hundreds of people, just some nobody, and I'd love to be a nobody. Sometimes I feel like too much of a somebody, I feel too real and weird and everyone else feels real when none of it's real.
None of it's really real is it? One of millions upon millions, we all feel unique we all feel special, we love things which we act about as though we are the only ones to love them, like TV shows and books and people. People aren't like books or TV shows, they don't read people properly, you need to read people properly or you'll stand on them by accident. I've been stood on a lot.
Sid stands on people, not on purpose but he stumbles and tramples everyone with his clumsiness. It's quite fun dodging his feet though, it keeps you on your toes and gives you a sense of adventure. Then he stops being clumsy and he loves you, you love him back, you stand up together with him and he hasn't tied his shoes properly. That's when you get trodden on by Sid.
When I get trodden on, I lift myself up. I make myself lighter so I can fly, so I can fly. It works, I fly and fall. But I'd rather do that than to never fly. Then, then they make me eat. They stick tubes in me with food going in them; I rip them out and watch them drip onto the lino floor wondering why if I'm light and can fly why they want to weigh me down again. Is there anything bad about flying? It feels good, It is good. So very good. Then you're back on the ground dodging people's careless feet. It's scary when you're under them, it's like a big black cloud is surrounding you. I have one of those clouds, it's round the bench I'm sitting on.
I have goosebumps, goosebumps are so weird. Why do people need goosebumps? Does it do something when you're cold? Does it let you know you're cold? Pills are weird too, but they make me fly. I like flying, Sid used to make me fly. He is in away, treading on me again has made me want to fly more than ever. But I want to keep flying this time; I want to know what it's like properly. Will it be dark or light? I'll just have to find out when I get there. Where you say? I don't know, but I'll let you know.
I'm spinning now, it's working, I'm going in a moment. Spinning, spinning, spinning. All it takes to fly are a few white pills. It takes me back to the broken mirror, pills are like broken mirrors.
Oh wow, they're like broken mirrors.
Cassie doesn't need to be understood. (:
-Sherbet Daisy