Passion For Paperwork

Disclaimer: Don't own any of the charas, world, etc etc etc. Not for profit, just for fun :)

Warnings for the whole story: Alcohol abuse, lime-like moments as Hitsugaya can't control his raging hormones and a lemon at the very end.

Warnings for this chapter: lemon

My biggest thanks to Skarla for beta-ing – I luffs you! Credit to Skarla also for the title, I love it!

Chapter Seven – A Good Thing

"So you got the Soul Society all riled up and worried about you, thinking some new enemy had come knocking on our door, and all this time you had just fallen down a hole?" Rukia demanded, punching Renji on his good arm. Unohana had done wonders with his shattered sword arm and it was now healing well, but she had made it exceptionally clear that he would not be using it until she said so.

"That's pretty much it!" He grinned, and laughed. He had to admit, when he saw it from the other way around, it did seem pretty funny. His captain had even come to visit him, asking about the encounter, when he would be fit to return to duty and done something that had left Renji rather rudely speechless: Captain Kuchiki had made Renji some tea. Nobles didn't serve tea for peasants. It seemed like there really was a first time for everything.

Rangiku's leg was another matter, she had been in the squad four recovery room for a grand total of two days before she was discharged with a recommendation from Isane to take it easy and rest the appendage. So she resting in the Captain's private residence. He refused to let her go back to her room after there was still so much commotion going around in their daily routine, he felt it would aid her recuperation if she was in a peaceful place. He had been out for most of the few days since she had some to reside with him; he had to ensure the division could run smoothly for the few days of leave he was planning to take off. She was feeling a little lonely, she had to admit. As a normally social creature, the idea of quiet for days after the time she had already spent alone in the hole was not really appealing, though she was touched by the sentiments of her Captain. She had been compensated by his company; it was not every day that she got to stay in the Captain's house. It wasn't luxurious, but it was very comfortable, he knew what he liked and surrounded himself with it. He was an early riser, and she had come to expect breakfast waiting for her on the small bedside table for when she did finally decide to rise, and he would always come back for lunch, then for dinner in the evening. She had learned more about her captain in the last few days than the last few years, and she was rather happy.

After breakfast one morning, she was surprised to hear the door. Wondering who it would be, or what was wrong, she carefully made her way downstairs and peered around, tracking the person down to the study. Hitsugaya was back already, he had a calm look on his face. He unwrapped the sash that kept Hyourinmaru on his back, placing the sword carefully on his desk before shedding his haori and hanging it up.

"Captain?" She asked aloud. "What are you doing back so quickly?" She asked, she thought he looked troubled. "Is something wrong?"

"You know," He said, turning around to face her. "You can call me Toshiro."

"What's going on? Are you feeling alright?" She said with an uneasy laugh, his strange behaviour was starting to unnerve her. He didn't say anything, he simply went over to her and held her face gently in her hands.

"Rangiku..." He whispered, his teal eyes trailing down to rest on her lips. It was pretty obvious what was going through his mind, but all the same she was having a pretty tough time believing it was happening and wasn't some kind of dream.

"Ca...Toshiro..." She said, having to correct herself, and relishing his true name roll out of her mouth. He smiled widely, a grin that that was tinged with a smirk, and it was as though she could feel the heat emitted off of the normally cold man. He pulled her face towards his own and closed the gap, laying his lips on hers and slowly initiating a kiss. He moved against her in a fluid motion, at first just softly but she began to respond, and run her hands over his shoulders and gripped the back of his neck, squeezing gently. This sent a shot of heat through Toshiro and in a fierce wave, he pushed against her passionately, pressing her body against the wall behind her, forcing a small squeak of surprise that gave him an opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. Quickly rediscovering her wits, Rangiku decided to move herself, taking a fistful of his silver hair and allowing her own tongue to rove over his, initiating a stimulating response from him.

Eliciting another surprised noise from the back of her throat, he swooped her up in his arms and before she was aware of what was going on he was laying her down softly on a pleasantly cool bed. From the corner of her half-closed eyes she saw blue sheets which meant they must have been in his bedroom, as hers were a neutral white. She languished happily on the comfortable bed and enjoyed the thrill of heat that was going through her repeatedly; he was leaning over her, his chest pressing against hers and she could feel his heavy breathing. She could tell he was trying to hold back, as he hadn't moved closer to her, but he hadn't moved away either; taking the initiative, she pulled on his shoulders and rolled him over her and to her side.

"Toshiro, you don't have to be shy with me." She whispered through the kisses she trailed up his jaw and into his ear. She sealed the sentiment by nibbling on his earlobe and she smirked as it produced an audible change within him.

"Rangiku..." He panted in between short breaths "I can barely control myself..." He warned her, and she was touched by his consideration, it seemed like a physical and mental battle he was steadily losing. She ran her nails down his chest, parting his shihakusho and saying:

"You don't have to." She saw his eyes haze over at those words and with a swift tug the sash that kept her casual kimono together was pulled apart and he quickly exposed her curvaceous body. It was a delicious sight for him, clad only a thin pair of black knickers, her breasts free, he wouldn't have to fight with a bra clasp, and her long legs were already squirming in anticipation of what was to come. She slipped her arms out of the gown and pawed at his clothes, pulling them off easily, finding no resistance. His broad chest was dusted with a few silver hairs that were barely visible, and she licked her lips in excitement; she had dreamed so many times of getting to explore his body it was making her lightheaded.

Her hands roamed freely over his lithe muscles as his lips travelled away from her mouth, following the pulse of her neck, making her arch into him slightly as he sucked and licked his way down. His mouth flickered eagerly over her breast, paying glad attention to the perfect pale globes. He spiralled down to a pert nipple; running tongue around the sensitive nub, blowing cold breath over it, making her gasp in delight before sucking on it. The excited noises coming out of Rangiku spurred him on, one hand rolling the neglected nipple between his fingers as he continued to lavish his attentions on her. Her hands worked down his body to touch the hard member awaiting her and after faltering for a moment, continued his work on the other breast, slowly dragging the peak through his teeth. She teased his shaft with soft delicate touches before gripping it and beginning slow, deliberate pumps. His actions stuttered and came to a stop as pleasure rushed through his body in short, sharp waves, his head bowed and rested into her neck as he couldn't think of anything but how good this felt. For all the nights he had spent dreaming about this moment, it was nothing compared to having the real Rangiku pleasuring him and tumbling sweet urgent breaths down his neck.

He was brought back to the present as she stopped her ministrations, wriggled out of her underwear and parted her legs so he could lie between them comfortably. His head dipped to her stomach, smothering her smooth flesh with kisses, doting on every part of her body that he touched.

"I adore you." He said, murmuring into her and he heard her pleased giggle ripple through her luscious frame.

"And I want you." She replied, desire thick in her voice. "Now." She added – no - demanded. He drew himself back up to her face and kissed her beautiful lips. He settled himself on top of her, his hips grinding lightly against hers, the feel of his straining cock against her soaking core making them both moan with want and he could bear it no longer. He guided himself to her entrance and with small thrusts eased himself in. He was trembling with restraint as he wanted her to get used to him before he would truly begin. Her breath hitched, and her hands grasped for him to bring him closer and further into her. Quickly her hips began to move and grind against him, driving him deeper inside, his arms slid underneath her waist and he kept her close as his hips, overtaken by instinct, thrusting into her. The searing, slick heat of her drained his brain of blood and he was barely conscious as all he could feel was the perfect woman bucking beneath him, her voice piercing the air with cries of ecstasy as he repeatedly hit her pleasure centre inside.

"Oh god, Toshiro!" She whimpered as the raw feeling began to overtake her senses and he thrust hard and fast into her, his own orgasm building up quickly as her tight womanhood squeezed and coaxed the climax out of him.

"Rangiku!" He called hoarsely; his wildly thrusting hips drove into her for a final few powerful strokes as he shuddered and her name tore from his throat in a guttural cry. The pulsation from his body and his member in her core tipped Rangiku over the edge, her body coiling tightly around him, clamping him inside of her as she released to several passionate screams of 'Toshiro!'

With still hazy eyes he looked up, the white largely gone from his eyes he could see the ecstatic face of his lover as he brought her to climax. He was breathing raggedly, desperately trying to get enough oxygen into his burning lungs, his muscles were beginning to hurt from sudden exertion and after carefully slipping out from her, collapsed to her side. He felt as though he would never breath again, the intense satisfaction still riding out the waves going through his body. She turned almost immediately into him, burying her face in his neck, inhaling his pure scent as she recuperated her breath as well.

It took a while for either of them to think in anything that resembled a straight line, but when they did come back to their senses, both were contented to realised their hands were entwined and he squeezed hers softly. He couldn't quite bring himself to say anything yet, but had a feeling she knew what it would be any way.

Much, much later, after several more bouts of intense lovemaking, Rangiku raised the question over late lunch of :

"How do we break this to everyone? A lot of people will be disappointed." She said.

"I'm sure it won't stop Hisagi from having a good gawk at you every time you pass." He said, not meaning to sound as possessive as it came out.

"I was more referring to your hoards of adoring fans." She said, a little playful twinkle in her eye.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." He said, keeping his eyes strictly on his food.

"Oh please," She drawled "You get scores of letters you get every Valentine's Day. You know, I could get jealous." She smiled.

"Does this mean I have to prove to you that I am yours and only yours every time you feel jealous?" He asked, looking up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Every single time." She purred. She had put down her food and was looking at him with a certain degree of hunger that was not for food.

"And...are you feeling jealous right now?" He smirked.

"I just need reassurance." She played along with him and one shunpo later, they were back in the bedroom.

Three days later the two came off of their official leave and were back to business. They arrived at the office and got back to work, with only a few differences; they both came in on time, in fact, they came in together and the captain was in an unprecedented good mood and feeling generous towards anyone who came to him with a problem. Some things stayed the same though; Rangiku still tried anything to worm her way out of doing paperwork and she still hid bottles of sake in her desk. It seemed to take a long while for anyone to realise that they were going to and from the office together and Lieutenant Matsumoto seemed to have pretty much moved into the Captain's residence, but since the queen of the rumour mill herself was involved and therefore not spreading gossip, the information took a long while to get around. Plenty of the women of the Soul Society went into girlish mourning for the loss of Captain Hitsugaya's availability, and the man himself received a mixture of man-pats and envious whispers of 'you lucky bastard'.

Not that either of them cared. They had a thing going on and it was good.

A/N: And there you have it. Completion! I would like to thank everyone who has read this to the end, and who has supported me in the form of reviews and favouriting. I would like to ask everyone who added this story to their favourites and their alerts to leave me a review to say what they liked about my story. It's good for me to know what I'm doing right! Coming soon: Aizen crack ficlets (including lots of lollipops, seafood and LSD XD ). Thank you and goodnight!