Chapter 0.5


The last 6 years had been somewhat difficult but rewarding at the same time to Ororo Munroe. Being the head of Xavier's school of Mutants and the leader of the Xmen had not been challenging at all for her. In fact, she couldn't imagine life different. But it was dealing with the death of the only family she knew that almost killed Ororo, but having her new family helped her along. Her new family consisted of the new Xmen (along with some of the old members).

The years had passed by fast for all the Xmen, the younger of the Xmen had long ago graduated, and were now teaching at the school themselves, or in the case of Rogue, being the on call doctor. Life had been difficult for her since the cure, many mutants rejected the Cure physically (so their powers returned, painfully at that) as the government at the time had not enough time to check if the cure was permanent when they administrated it. So Marie, better known as Rogue, was once again forced to wear gloves on her hands.

The cure, discovered as being faulty with 3 out of 4 mutants, was being re-examined to make a more permanent Cure, lasting for a Mutant's life time. It was known that Magneto once again gained back his powers after only a few months, but the Xmen and Ororo were unsure about his other followers (Mystique being the most loyal and the most sadistic). When Magneto gained back full power, he took over a small country, Genosha, and used it as a safe Haven for all mutants.

Some new members had joined the Xmen over the last 6 years, whether to help make the world a better place, or in hope to fix past mistakes by helping others. Warren had felt he would no longer be accepted at any place, but when the younger students looked up to him for advice or asked him questions on his wings, he gained back his confidence in himself, however slowly, and eventually joined the team, but he only ventured out the gate of the school if the team desperately needed him.

Emma Frost, the young telepath, found her way to the school. Years before, when the first students came to the school, Emma always said she would come back to the school one day to learn more about her power, to increase it to the point of Xavier. She came back a few years ago in the hope to find Charles Xavier waiting for her, waiting to help find her sister. Instead she found his grave.

Emma stayed. Mainly because Ororo asked her too, mainly because she discovered Logan at the school, he stirred in one of her memories and Logan was there just before her sister (Kayla) went missing, she searched his mind frequently but never found much except a few memories of her sister during the event of her release, never revealing much about his relationship with her.

It was actually very lucky that Emma came back when she did, as Rogue was contemplating taking the new cure to suppress her powers permanently, Emma promised her that if Rogue could not control her powers within a year, she should take the cure. 2 years later, they were still working on it, but Rogue could go for hours holding someone's hand and not harm them at all.

Bobby was still the same happy-go-lucky person, but he and Rogue were not all that pleasant to each other, as she had broken up with him for just too many differences in their personalities (and she thought that Bobby liked Kitty just a little too much), Bobby was still bitter about this and treated Rogue just like before, but sometimes when she mentioned other men he would tease her about it ("He's acting like a child" Rogue had commented after one unfortunate date where Bobby had teased her when it ended in tears).

Kitty was in her last year of college, but made the trips back at the institute when she was needed for a major mission, Peter (also known as Colossus, or metal man by Logan) stayed with the school, teaching Geography (seeing as he travelled to most countries trying to escape Mutant hate groups) and going on missions with the rest of the group.

Logan was the same as ever, the same wolf like Wolverine was vicious in his attacks. Right after Jean, Scott and Xavier died, Logan gave the cold shoulder to anyone and if anyone tried to change that (even Rogue) he would act violently towards them, showing off his sharp claws. After a few months of this behaviour, Ororo told him to take off, clear his head and come back when he thinks he could handle the world again.

Ororo, expecting Logan to take off and never look back (having no reason to stay now) came back after only a few months, she was pleasantly surprised with this and asked if Logan would like a position as a teacher when he stayed within the school grounds, talking to the kids and teachers, for the rest of that year, Ororo thought he had finally turned a new leaf.

He denied at first, but when he saw one of the younger children being bullied on the streets because of his fork tongue, Logan asked if he could teach gym and combat class, teaching the kids self defence and useful exercises if they were ever in trouble.

Of course being a man with no memory and being the person he was, Logan took off every few months, sometimes a week at a time without telling anyone. After this happened the few first times (and after a yelling match which ended in a lighting zap) Logan told Ororo that he would tell someone he was leaving, and after that he was nicer to Ororo, even offering to mark mountain loads of homework she had to do.

But no matter how much the new Xmen tried, Mutants were still discriminated against. Hank, being the first mutant governor, may have provided a little more safety for Mutants, but not by much. Governments still tried to pass laws on Mutant registration, but Hank always got these laws rejected by using mutant and human alike spokes persons to defend the case, sometimes even using Ororo as the voice of Mutant children.

However, with so much progress in the government, some Mutants still ruined it. Even by accident of a Mutant teenager experiencing his or her powers for the first time, it pushed all that understanding of Mutants away, and the human citizens of the country still wanted Mutant registration.

On such a mission, the group known as the Xmen were coming back from a long mission, trying to convince a group of street mutants that paying back humans by wrecking their homes was not the way to live, however the team of homeless teens didn't think this was an option. In short, it was like a normal mission, fighting and yelling, humans screaming in fright and the Xmen trying to calm them down.

Ororo came home depressed (as did the rest of the older Xmen), the mission was successful in some sense, but the mutants were too dangerous and were forced into custody by the M.R.D, a group that protected humans and Mutants from each other by separating them. They didn't believe in the cure (which Ororo was thankful for) but they did believe in locking up mutants or using them for their own devices, till they saw it fit to let the Mutants back into society (but that didn't happen for months or years at a time).

This is where our story starts.

Author note!

Hey, this is the author and I would like to make some points before I give you the next chapter.

I have made a full plan for this story, so don't worry not updating for months because of writers block (I spent a full week and a half just planning so you know it is fully planned and I don't have to think about events in a chapter) and they are long chapters, just to make you feel happy. (1)

I enjoy reviews, I write faster, I know if you want something and they just make me feel I am not wasting my time writing this story (2)

I am not going to be one of those losers who make the main character have twins in the end and they are a boy and a girl. I hate those and I think it ruins the story. So it's a one single sex baby and you don't find out what it is till the end. (3)

Suggestions for names! I would love if you leave a review on suggestions for names, and could you give me a reason for the name, like, I don't know Eg. John: after a character or someone Logan knew in his past (4)

I hate how they made Remy (Gambit) like 20 years older than Rogue, so in this story he is way older than her, but only by about 7 years. So please don't hate me! Just that I am a big ROMY fan (Rogue and Remy) and I do have some funny moments planned with them. (5)

I have used Kayla Silverfox in this story, but only by mention, Emma Frost is actually meant to be her sister (in Xmen Origins, Emma is played by Tahyna Tozzi the girl in the story who has the 'unique skin') but Emma hadn't seen her sister in years and had no contact with Kayla for awhile, plus she never saw the interaction between Kayla and Logan, so she doesn't know about their relationship. (6)

Jean, Scott and Xavier are still dead, they are mentioned later on but only in one chapter, I love that chapter, and I will not bring anyone back from the dead. (7)

Sabertooth is Logan's brother (he is mentioned later on in the story) he never died or nothing, also the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are mentioned later on as well (Magneto's son and daughter...he didn't know about them till they were teens, and that is actually in the comic books) (8)

Mystique is closer to her comic book character (she comes back later on in the story) so if you want a preview on what she could be up to, go on Wiki and read about her character. She is still an insane bitch, but she has calmed down a bit. And I only mean a bit. (9)

And number 10, I am keeping the characters as close to their characters as possible in the movieverse, so there will be no Lovey Dovey moments of Ororo and Logan (eg 'I always loved you' 'I always loved you too!' run across the room and kiss) cause that just sucks, there will be tender moments, but Logan will still be awkward about it, cause let's face it, it's Logan and Ororo (I'm sorry to say) is just a little bit cold, not like she will give the cold shoulder to everyone, but she is not really one for public affection (also, I didn't like her with her new hair cut, so just think of her with the cool black tips but with slightly longer hair)

So those are just a few notes, review and subscribe and make a little girl in Australia happy