-Chapter Two-

Kaname smiled softly as he caught his breath. Zero hadn't been kidding. As soon as Zero had made sure no one else was in the house he'd taken Kaname to one of the empty studies and practically attacked the older boy with passionate kisses and touches. Zero had seen fit to make another use of the large desk in this particular study and Kaname had spent about an hour sprawled out on top it while his lover took him repeatedly. Zero glanced meaningfully down at Kaname wondering how much longer they could keep this up. While Kaname had the advantage of fully resting on the desk, Zero was standing at the very edge of it between Kaname's long legs. Speaking of legs his own were getting tired but he'd made a promise to himself that he wasn't about to break.

"So," Zero asked in a husky voice, "are you numb yet?" Kaname considered it seriously and wiggled around slightly.

"Nope," he finally answered honestly. Zero's still hardened length inside him was only proving to be more exciting than anything.

"Hmm that's a shame," Zero muttered to himself then decided it was time for him to adjust positions. He put both his knees on the edge of the desk and his hands by Kaname's head so he was looming over the pureblood. Not that Kaname minded of course. Why would he mind his whole field of vision being filled with aspects of Zero? He loved Zero more than anything. Zero was his life and he belonged to the silver haired hunter in more ways than most people imagined.

Zero leaned down and brought Kaname from his thoughts with a brief but sweet kiss leaving the older vampire wanting more. If there was one thing Zero had learned well about his lover, it was that Kaname was insatiable. He wanted everything when he wanted it, and in that moment he wanted all of Zero. The hunter didn't even have to do anything to get the pureblood all hot and bothered, but the intense way those lilac eyes were burning into his, it robbed Kaname of his breath. He'd come to realize that that was what Zero wanted from him; he wanted Kaname to be weak and helpless because of his love for Zero. The hunter never wanted fear from the pureblood that just wasn't his goal in this relationship.

"Zero please," Kaname whispered.

"What?" Zero asked doing a very good job of faking innocence.

"Move," Kaname moaned pushing his hips up against Zero's. The ex-human had taken the pureblood many times already but his slowly softening erection had just hardened once again inside Kaname due to that single movement alone.

Zero had to refrain from shaking his head. It really wasn't fair how much of an effect the pureblood had on him. Yet if Kaname wasn't annoying, cute, and suggestive at the same time then he would stop being Kaname.

Zero gently pushed his hips foreword deciding to take it slow this time. Why should he rush when they had all the time in the world? The friction was almost unbearable and Zero had a feeling he would have been in pain if he started thrusting any faster.

"Oh Zero," Kaname sighed as his lover brushed against his prostate. He'd been doing it before, but with the new angle Zero was at while he was on the table it seemed as if the tip of his hard length was hitting that spot only. The pleasure felt so sweet and soft it made Kaname want to cry.

Usually their love making was hurried and lustful but this…this was just Zero taking his sweet old time letting them experience every sensation fully. Kaname made a new resolve to let Zero start topping more often because this was beyond words.

A warm tongue started licking at the brunette's neck searching for the places that would make Kaname scream. When Zero found one Kaname wrapped his arms tightly around the hunter's neck.

"Zero you feel so good," he mumbled incoherently.

Zero laughed breathlessly and said, "So do you."

Zero gently took Kaname's shaft in his hand and started pumping in time with his thrusts. Kaname's heart was about to pound out of his chest, and there were tears stinging the backs of his eyes. He knew Zero loved him but this gentle way of making love to him, the gentle caresses and touches were driving him mad. Zero was so sweet to him and half the time he thought he didn't deserve it. Zero noticed that his lover's eyes were shining with tears and he stopped all his movements.

"Baby what's wrong?" he asked concerned.

Kaname looked at him earnestly and said, "I love you Zero."

"I know that," the silver haired boy replied with a smile.

"No I don't think you do," Kaname said his voice starting to shake, "I'm so in love with you it hurts right now."

Zero sighed softly and took heed of the constant thumping of Kaname's heart in his ears. His lover's heart rate was a mile a minute and Zero had an idea it was from something else other than the certain activity they were engaged in. He put a hand over Kaname's heart gently and asked, "Is this because of me?"

Kaname nodded his head slowly. Zero smiled kindly down at a very confused looking Kaname. He put their foreheads together and said, "There's a reason why I said I wanted you to know what it feels like to not be able to breathe around me Kaname. Because what you're feeling right now is how I feel every time you look at me or touch me. I wanted you to know who painful yet blissful it is to be completely drowning in my presence, because this is how I feel around you. When you said you love me so much it hurts that's how I feel every moment I'm with you. Now try to imagine how I feel every time you leave me alone…" Zero accentuated his words by running his lips softly across Kaname's.

The pureblood could only stare wide eyed at the hunter. They had been lovers a little over a year and the hunter had never said anything like this. Then again Kaname remembered that Zero wouldn't say anything until he was at breaking point. He hadn't known he'd made Zero feel like this.

"I'm sorry," he said finally.

Zero laid himself against Kaname so they were completely skin to skin and said, "I don't want you to be sorry. I just don't want you to go."

Kaname saw a vulnerability in Zero's eyes he hadn't expected and he took the hunter's face in his hands. "I'm not going anywhere," he said sternly, "I promise."

Zero grinned and gave Kaname a chaste kiss before continuing moving his hips. He laughed when the pureblood let out a surprised gasp. They'd gone from no stimulation whatever to full body contact. Kaname glared at Zero who laughed even louder and quickened his pace.

"You know what," Kaname said teasingly, "if you interrupt me again I won't leave you alone but I won't have sex with you for a month."

"Alright fine," Zero rolled his eyes.

"But I do need to leave sometimes Zero. I have to deal with the Senate just like you deal with the Hunters Association," Kaname said. He would have been fine and dandy not having to go to anymore meetings, but they were a necessity to keep both parties safe.
"Take me with you," Zero said trying not to loose himself in Kaname's heat.


"Take me with you to the council meetings," Zero compromised.

"You're joking," Kaname said sounding as disbelieving as he could given the circumstances.

"I could pass off as a servant of yours or something," Zero wheezed out, "I'll be good I promise."

Kaname laughed and said, "We'll see how it works out. What about you and your work?"

Zero groaned deeply suddenly and said huskily, "Kaname too much talking not enough sex."

Before the brunette could reply Zero kissed him soundly letting their tongues dance while he moved his hips faster. Because of their talking they'd almost ignored the heat building up in their groins. The fact they even could have a conversation while making love was surprising let alone get anywhere with it. Kaname moaned as the friction on his length increased due to the sweat covering their bellies. The boys' bodies were in perfect sync their pleasure building off the others, and it wasn't very long at all before the fire reached critical levels.

Kaname fell first holding onto Zero as tightly as he could while Zero came soon after letting out a low groan. Kaname nuzzled his face into the side of Zero's neck feeling so lucky to have him while, Zero felt Kaname's heart eventually slow down.

In time they moved to a more comfortable position with Zero laying his head against his lover's stomach. He occasionally licked and nibbled at the soft skin pleased to hear little giggles escape the other boy's lips.

"I wasn't serious you know," Zero said groggily after a while.

"About what?" Kaname asked confused.

"I mean you don't have to take me with you everywhere you go I'm not that clingy," Zero chuckled turning his lilac eyes up to Kaname, he leaned up and said, " what I really meant was…well I don't want you to fall in love with someone else."

Kaname widened his eyes for a moment, then sighed and wiggled his finger beckoning Zero to him. When they were at eye level the pureblood locked his lips on Zero's in a chaste kiss. When he pulled back he said, "Bullshit."


"I know you really meant what you said Zero. And I know you're not a clingy person. What you said was really sweet, and if you want to come with me then I want you everywhere I am. Okay?" Kaname smiled. Any trace of hesitancy left Zero features and he grinned widely at him.

"I love you Kaname-…sempai," he teased with a drawling tone.

Kaname rolled his eyes exaggeratedly and replied, "I love you too…Kiryu-kun."

He was rewarded with a warm kiss on the cheek and Zero returning his head to its resting place on Kaname's abdomen. The pureblood cautiously sniffed the air and hoped they could quickly gather the motivation to take a shower. Kaname shifted his legs and noticed something that made him want to smack his forehead or hit Zero on the head.
"Hey Zero," he called out.

"What is it babe?" Zero asked wrapping his arms around Kaname's waist.

"I'm actually numb now," Kaname said slightly peeved and the only thing he bothered to listen to after that was the sound of Zero's musical laughter.

The End.