A/N:Hi guys! This is my first RENT fic I've actually posted, so be nice. (: This chapter is a little short but they'll get longer, I pinky promise. It's rated 'T' because there's a lot of heavy subject matter in later chapters. And it all takes place around three months after RENT.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I own no part of RENT. That honor lies in the hands of the late genius, Mr. Jonathon Larson. ...Thank you.

"Please, please, please, please, please, Pookie? Please!" Maureen pouted, hovering over the stove with a metal spatula in her hand.

Joanne, who was making an attempt to work on some of her cases, was just hit with a bombshell. She ignored the pleading of her fiancée and continued shuffling through the papers of her briefcase. "Is something burning?" Her head perked up, resting her questioning dark eyes on Maureen.

A quiet, "Shit," surfaced from Maureen's mouth. The black grilled cheese burning in the pan in front of her would not help her case.

"Damn, Maureen!" She took action, nudging the diva, who didn't seem to be concerned at all, and grabbed the pan to dump the black charred square into the sink, extinguishing the small embers before they caught fire. "You can't make a grilled cheese and you expect me to say yes to having a baby?"

She grinned and fiercely nodded her head. "Why not? We can be good parents! I can be responsible!" Joanne snorted at the responsible comment. "I'm serious! How can I convince you?"

"No, Honeybear," she firmly stated, holding her index finger close to Maureen's face. As if she was disciplining a child. "No."

Maureen huffed and crossed her arms, plopping herself on the floor. She eyed Joanne through the dark curls that fell in front of her face. "What about foster care?" she chirped as she made the realization. "It's temporary!"

"I don't know." Joanne sighed heavily and leaned against the counter. "Foster kids have a lot of problems."

"Oh come on Pookie," she begged, pushing herself off of the floor and pressing her body into Joanne's. "How cute would it be to have mini Joanne's and Maureen's running around here? And they can grow up to be just like us!"

"God help the ones that take after you."

Maureen took a deep breath and filled her cheeks with air, raking her mind for a comeback. When she couldn't find one she quickly exhaled and gave Joanne a playful glare. "Fine, but don't come to me in two years when I'm old and fat and weigh two hundred pounds, complaining that we never had kids because you know what I'm going to say? I told you so!" she retorted.

"So you're planning on gaining eighty pounds in two years if I don't let you have children?"

"Eighty-five." Her glare turned a bit more sincere as she threw her hands in the air. "And no, but I will if I don't have little kids to run after when you're not home, leaving me here with myself!"

Joanne chuckled at her ridiculousness. "Listen, I'll schedule an orientation with the program. And if you still want to do it, we'll talk about it." she reasoned, but only to make Maureen happy.

It worked. Maureen squealed and jumped up and down. "Thank you Pookie!" She embraced her in a hug, rubbing Joanne's back. "So, wanna go into the bedroom and do it?"

A/N: So what did you think? I'd appreciate reviews and feedback. Whether they be nice or flames or suggestions even, I'll take 'em. ALSO, I'm looking for a beta, so if you're interested, you can PM me. 8D