There was so much I didn't know about the Teen Titans when I first joined them.

I never thought I would grow to like them.

I never thought I would stay with them long.

I never thought I would fall in love with one of them.

Where are visions of the future when you really need them?

"Do you have an ace of spades?" Beastboy asked Cyborg. The robot man grumbled and handed Beastboy his card.

"Do you have a queen of hearts?" Cyborg asked slyly.

"Hey! I thought that we agreed you wouldn't use your x-ray vision?" Beastboy exclaimed, handing over his three cards. Cyborg shrugged.

"Didn't. You're just terrible at Go Fish."

"I am not! I won that one round… a couple weeks ago… last year."

"Just face it Beastboy. You have never, and will never, win a round of Go Fish." Raven growled, tilting her book up a little more. She glared at Beastboy from her place on the couch.

"Ouch." he said, stung. "That was a little harsh."

"The truth hurts. A lot."

"Where are Robin and Starfire?" Beastboy asked, turning his back to Raven. Cyborg gave her a peculiar look before turning back to the game. She glared back at him before setting her book down on the table and walking towards the kitchen.

"Out celebrating their two week anniversary. I'm guessing Starfire learned that from some movie or something." Cyborg replied after she left. "I'm pretty sure people don't literally celebrate every second they're together."

"Somebody should tell her before we go insane. Do you have a two of diamonds?"

"Go fish. Robin will mention it eventually. You have a six of clubs?"

"Go fish. I bet he won't. I bet he'll make one of us do it. Do you have a ten of hearts?"

"Go fish. I'm not doing it. You have a two of diamonds?"

"That's so not fair!" Beastboy said, jumping up and scattering cards everywhere. "You cheated! You said you didn't have one!"

Cyborg smirked. "Nope. Just got it from the pile."

"What? URGH!"

Beastboy cried out in frustration, sweeping the table free of cards. His hand tipped Raven's mug of tea onto her new book.

There was deadly silence. Cyborg turned his head and saw Raven glaring at them from the kitchen.

"You are going to pay for that." Raven intoned. Black magic engulfed the playing cards and flung themselves at the two Titans like ninja throwing stars. Cyborg threw himself down and pulled Beastboy down with him. The cards imbedded themselves into the opposite wall and stuck.

Raven summoned her sodden book and swept out of the living room. The coffee table cracked in half as she passed. Her door slammed shut, the sound echoing throughout the empty tower. Beastboy and Cyborg exchanged apprehensive looks.

The sound of laughter came from the front door. Robin and Starfire burst into the living room, holding each other's hands. They stopped short, their wide eyes taking in the cards stuck in the wall and the broken table. Cyborg got up and dusted himself off.

"Hey ya'll. How was the two week anniversary?" he asked casually. Robin gave him a look.

"Fine. Great actually. What happened here?" he said cautiously. Beastboy scrambled up to stand next to Cyborg.

"Hey dudes, have you noticed that Raven has been getting more irritable since the trip to Tokyo?" Cyborg asked. He sat down on the couch and gestured grandly at the splintered mess of the table.

"The plan is almost ready master." the girl reported. Slade waved a hand nonchalantly at her.

"Excellent my dear. Have you reviewed everything Rose?" he said, staring intently at the screen. The girl named Rose scowled at his back before her expression smoothed out.

"Of course."

"Good. You know what to do?"

Rose suppressed a sigh. This had to be the fiftieth time she's done this. "Use Cinderblock to distract the Titans at their tower. Capture the boy, the one with the red uniform and mask. Capture the alien with red hair and green eyes too. Bring them back here." she recited smoothly. Slade turned to her sharply.

"What about the rest of the Titans?" he snapped. His eye narrowed in his bronze and black mask.

"I had no instructions for the rest of the Titans."

Slade laughed. "Kill them. Kill them all."

Rose smiled fiercely. "Yes master."

So yeah… I ran out of evil people who worked for Slade, since I'm still going with the fact that Terra forgot her past and everything. So I had to fall back on the comics…sorry!