Hey! This is Sorrowsweet Chiaki Hayashi! This is my first ever story on FanFiction! Alright this is a Spiritshipping and DarkSpiritshippingstory. Maybe other pairings later on. I'm really not that great of a writer so constructive criticism would be great! Story is AU an characters may be OOC. With genderbender Judai and Jaden (who are twin sisters in this fic. FYI Johan and Jesse are twins too)

"blah" = talking

'blah' = personal thoughts

Line = Point of view

Judai = Good Jaden

Jaden = Surpreme King (Queen) or Haou

Johan = Good Jesse

Jesse = Possessed Jesse/Joha or Jehu

Lady Ayukawa =Ms. Fontaine

Warnings: Genderbender, Language, Possible OOCness and Possible OCs

Disclaimer: I don't Yu-Gi-Oh GX, but I will twist it's plot and characters to my own desires.

"Come on Judai! We shouldn't be in here!"

"Well, technically Rei, this garden isn't off-limits…"

"I don't care! We can get in some serious trouble if we're caught in here!"

"Oh, like what?"

"I don't know. How about killed?!"

"If we're caught – which isn't likely as long as I'm here – we at least we have a good excuse. If the village wasn't so poor, we wouldn't have to be stealing the fruit in here! And if wasn't for those Andersons our village wouldn't be hungry! They're total tyrants! And– "

"Hush up! I hear someone coming this way!"

Hey, my name's Judai. Judai Yuki.

I'm from a small island you couldn't even find on a map. I'm also one of its two kingdom's princess… Well, I was. Actually, I would be a royal queen now, along with my twin sister Jaden. "Large and in charge," as they say. Not that Anderson family. You see, for years our two families have been rivals. My family ruled in the northern, eastern, and western part of the island, and the Anderson family in the southern area. The Andersons we're always invading our peaceful little kingdom. Last time, unfortunately, they succeeded. My father was killed in battle and my mother was captured. Then – after insuring Jaden and my own safety first – killed herself. My sister and I were forced to flee into hiding along with my mother's closest lady named Emi Ayuawa (Jaden and I call her Lady Ayuawa). After settling in a small ignored village I met two of my best friends: Rei and Asuka. They're the only ones in the whole village that know about Jaden's, Lady Ayuawa's, my past. Lady Ayuawa doesn't know that though. And she doesn't need to. But what she doesn't know won't hurt her. It may hurt me but I'm willing to trust them with my life. I have kind russet colored eyes and short, brown hair with a patch of orange on top. Jaden looks just like me, except for her eyes. They're a bright, bone-chilling gold. Her personality isn't the friendliest either.

That was about fifteen years ago. So here I am – age eight-teen – trying to help my small poor village. My home and the home of my family and friends.

Damn them. That tyrant king. That snobby queen. And those two twins: Jesse and Johan. Just if you're curious, Jesse is older than Johan by nearly two minutes is what I've heard. I've also heard they have to completely different personalities. Johan is supposed to be the sweet one. The less hasty one. And the not as horny one. Jesse – to say at least – is just like his dear old dad: ruthless, cruel, cold, perverted, and has an attitude problem. I hate to admit it but he's a bit like my sister. But she knows where to cross the line on all the above and she's not perverted. No matter what Asuka says. Don't listen to her. She hasn't even had her first kiss yet. Neither have I. Unlike those Andersons, my sister and Ihave a heart and show respect for anyone younger or less fortunate than us. I don't know which Anderson twin is which though. They're not identical because one has golden eyes and the other has green. Also the golden eyed one has darker teal hair. I just forget which one is Johan and which one is Jesse. I've never seen them personally. Not that I know of, anyway.

"Hide!" The brunette whispered to Blaire. Said girl jumped behind a tall rose bush. Judai skidded behind a big, solid oak tree. Both poor village girls held their breath.

With Johan

A certain green eyed blunette and his wealthy high class friend Jim were walking through the Anderson family's garden on their horses.

The blunette, otherwise known as Prince Johan, was dressed in a fine silk suit with a teal coloring that evenly matched against his own blue spiky mane. Golden buttons lined down the shirt. His white boots were nearly spotless. On the end of his sleeves were small frills. The Prince was currently sited on a white stallion of the highest value named "Sapphire."

Jim, one of Jesse's closest friends, was in a brown and black suit with a white blouse underneath partly showing. His left eye was covered bandage after bandage and a brown hat covered his short, jet black hair.

"Your Majesty?"

"You can just call me Johan. What?" the young man answered.

"Are you really going to try and dance with every young woman in your entire kingdom tonight at you and Prince Jesse's 19th birthday celebration? Your dad seemed serious when he said you and your brother would do so." Jim asked. Johan merry chuckled at his tone of voice that told him he was mostly joking.


Johan laughed, "What? No way! There are hundreds of young women in the kingdom. Hundreds. Dad's only joking! I think. Besides, he's just trying to find us both a lady. He said both my insane twin brother and I were going to inherit the throne to his kingdom one day and we have to be married. Like he cares though." Johan stiffed a snicker,

"Jesse would probably have me thrown into the dungeons the second he gets the power to!" Johan continued, laughing. Johan was only joking, but with Jesse… That was something to keep in mind. Jim opened his mouth to continue the little conversation when the prince heard a twig snap to the left side of him. The blunette snapped his head around.

Judai and Rei could see who was coming now. There were two of them, side by side on horseback. Judai recognized one of them (from the information she heard) immediately.

'An Anderson twin. Dammit.'

This was her first time to see one of them personally but she would know him a mile away. Blue spikish hair and green eyes. Which twin is this one though? Johan or Jesse? Either way she hated him. Despised him. Curse him in her sleep. He was wearing blue silk clothes with a golden lining and buttons. On the ends of his sleeves where small frills. The Prince was riding a white horse.

As they very slowly came into sight, two brown eyes stared at the two and her ears started eavesdropping on their conversation.

'Birthday celebration? Tonight? What? This is the first I hear of it! NOTHING get's in or out of my village without me knowing about it. Nothing. '

As Judai started thinking about it, it came back. She knew about this. It's just been awhile since she had heard any news about it. Hopefully Lady Ayukawa forgot about it. When she had found out about it she said at first Judai and Jaden couldn't go. Not that she would've wasted her damn time on such a stupid event. Plus, she and her sister hated formal things. This would be one of them. But as Lady Ayukawa thought about it she said the brown haired rebel should probably go. She's too old for it and said if soldiers came by looking for young ladies who didn't go the three of them would be in trouble. Judai and Jaden for not going, and Lady Ayukawa for not making them go. But of course Jaden would have done whatever she had wanted, decree or no decree.

As Judai silently prayed her guardian had forgotten about this formal nightmare of a time waster, a small garden snake slithered down a branch from the tree the young girl was hiding behind. Judai is not afraid of snakes. Normally. It just… snuck up on her.

The bruenette let out a silent gasp and took a step back – right onto a twig.


"Dammit!" she quietly cursed. It wasn't loud enough for Rei to hear – who was hiding right next to her tree – but that Anderson twin caught it.

His head jerked in Judai's direction.

"Whose there?!" he yelled forcefully.

When he was talking to his friend, Judai thought he seemed nice enough, but maybe he's not as nice as she thought. But he is an Anderson. Judai mused that she'd be mad too if she had caught an unknown visitor trying to hide from her in her family's private garden. It wasn't a law not to be in this garden. It was a known fact.


Alright, if you haven't figured it out yet I'm not exactly the luckiest person on the face of the earth. Ever since the Andersons took over. I trip. I hurt myself. I'm unlucky. No, not clumsy. Just unlucky. I'm graceful at any sort of game or wrestling. Yah, I like to brawl with people a lot. I'm as skilled as a ninja. Just not as quiet obviously. But I'm very respected in my village. Like I said before, there isn't anything that comes in or out of that village that I don't know about. I know about every rumor, every secret, every organization of rebellion, everything. I even overlook the trading of goods, plants, medicines, and food. I'm not the governor or anything just an eight-teen year old girl. I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty important to the village. I know everyone and everyone knows me. They may not all like me, but they all know me. But back to my point: I'm unlucky. Jaden's a whole different story. She's calm and cleaver and graceful at whatever she does. I'm kind of jealous.

Rei was frozen. Judai suddenly wished Rei was Asuka. The older girl was usually who came with judai to get extra food from this garden but today she had a fever. So Rei went with the rebellious brunette instead. And Rei doesn't know what to do if they get caught, which was why she we being so cautious at first.

Judai quickly picked up a rock about the size of her fist and threw it at the tree a couple meters away from where her and Rei were. The green eyed twin and his companion's attention were suddenly on the tree. Judai passed Rei the fruit in her bag and started running towards the secret entrance she, Rei , and Asuka dug. The Anderson's companion looked our way and jumped onto his horse.

"Follow them Shirley!"

The Twin quickly followed suit jumping onto his horse.

"Let's go Sapphire!"

Tell me. Have you ever tried to out-run a horse? Don't. No one's that fast. Not even Jaden who's the fastest person I know! If Rei and I hadn't taken a different route they would have caught us. The path was incept and filled with roots and weeds covering it. The roots are what stopped the horses. The two following us had to jump off and chase us by foot. After about 3 minutes of them chasing and yelling at Rei and I to stop in the name of the blah, blah, blah… We were way ahead of them. Maybe the wish of wanting to keep Rei and me alive kept me running. I'll never know. Anyway, so yah, after about 3 minutes of them chasing and yelling at us we stopped at a fork in the path. I, being as clever as I am, already knew this path. The path on the left was the one that led to the secret entrance. Now that I thought about it, the entrance was so small they would ketch us by the time one of us got out with the food.

I knew what I had to do.

As much as Judai hated the Andersons she cared for Rei more. She started to push her towards the left signaling for her to go. Rei opened who mouth to protest when the boys stared catching up to the girls again.

"Go Rei! I'll catch up with you!" Judai pushed one of her best friends to the left and then took off down the right passage.

The right passage would take the despite brunette in a big circle and Judai was already out of breath. She knew one of them would probably catch her around the circle but she kept running to give Rei more time. As she predicted, they split up as her and Rei did. The Anderson Twin ran right after the Yuki Twin, and his buddy took off after Rei.





With Johan

"Who's there?!" The bluenette yelled forcefully.

'It was probably an animal…'

'But then again, animals don't curse.'

Suddenly, the twin saw a tree a couple meters from where he heard the twig break. He and Jim quickly walked over. When Johan thought he saw nothing was there, Jim turned around and ran over to his horse named Shirley. Then the green eyed Anderson saw why: behind the tree near where he had heard the curse, a young woman with pretty, short, brown hair started running. Johan say that she looked about his age of eighteen. He didn't get to see her face. In front of her was an even younger girl maybe around the age of fifteen.

By the time Johan was done with his observations of the two, he was already on Sapphire, his loyal horse.

"Let' go Sapphire!" Johan commanded him. He and Jim could have easily stopped them if the brunette girl hadn't led them to an older path.

'This must not have been their first time in this garden…'

"Crap." Jim said.

Johan inwardly cursed. Crap was right. The roots were too entangled for thier horses to get through.

"Guess we run from here." The twin hopped of Sapphire, as Jim did the same with Shirley.

The two friends took off after the young girls. They chased them for what felt like five minutes. Both girls were incredibly fast. For some reason Johan couldn't keep his green eyes off the brown haired one. It was obvious that she was the leader in this twosome fruit stealing spree.

Johan strained his eyes and saw that the path came to a fork. The girls stopped.

'Good. Now we have some time to catch up to them.'

The leader started to push the younger one to the left.

'That bitch. The path on the right was probably the way out. She was going to leave her here as bait so she can escape. That scum! Well, I'm not falling for her treachery!'

"I'll get the leader. You get the younger one Jim!" Johan half yelled to his best friend. The two boys sprinted after the thieves.

With Judai

Judai ran for nearly ten whole minutes in this big circle. That blue haired, green eyed, asshole kept running right behind her. Blood was pounding in her ears. she needed just a short break…

"I… need…" Judai inhaled, "…to……take..a break.."

After a little while more of running the tired girl looked back. No one. Had he given up? Was he just taking a break?

'Who knows? But as much as I need to get out of here I may pass out if I don't stop and rest.'

With Johan

Man that girl can run. I could tell she was getting tired though because she started slowing down. But I couldn't take it anymore. If I kept running I might have passed out. So I stopped. And I rested for about a minute and just as I stood up to continue chasing her again Jim stumbled out of some bushes.

With Jim

As Jim chased the young girl, she looked back a couple times. Her eyes were brown and filled with fear.

"Hey! Stop! Halt! Quit Running!" Jim spared a few breaths to call out his command.

The path was straight with only a few turns. It then connected to another path. The young girl kept on running. At the end of the path Jim saw a tall, long hedge that looked like it endlessly ran left to right. A little way to the right he saw a small opening that went half through the hedge and half through the ground.

Jim was confused. "What is..?"

She sled through it easily and sprinted through the woods beyond the garden. As Jim approached it soundlessly, he realized it was even smaller up close.


The opening was just big enough for a young lady to get in but too small for a man the same age to get through. And on the other side he could see a small bolder that the girls probably would have rolled in the way of the hole so dogs or other small animals couldn't get out.

"So they have been here before." Jim told himself.

Jim looked up to see rain clouds coming from over the hedge, so by the time some tracking dogs could get here to track her, the rain would have washed the scent away.

'I need to report this to Prince Johan'

Jim took off sprinting through the garden where there were no paths. He stumbled out of bushes to revel Prince Johan right in front of him.

With Johan

After Jim stumbled out of the bushes he explained to the tired twin about the opening in the hedge.

"… so the hole was too small for me to fallow after her. And we can't get a dog to track her sent 'cause the rain will wash it away, Mate.

'So, that girl… She wasn't abandoning her comrade! She wasn't being selfish! She was helping her! She must be loyal to risk losing her own life for her friend. Wow. I'm touched. Being around Johan, Mom, and Dad so much, I don't see that too much. I guess I judged her to quickly…'

"Jim, go to the castle and tell my dad. Come back with a few soldiers to make sure there isn't anyone else, got it? Johan finished.

Johan inhaled a big breath and started running after that brave, brown haired girl again.

So, whad' ya think? Good? Bad? Terrible? Confused? Let me hear what you have to say! I'l update soon if I get at least 5 reviews saying it's okay and I should continue. REMEMBER: CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS WELCOME!

~Sorrowsweet Chiaki Hayashi~