
ME: "I am the owner of the Harry Potter Universe! Rowling is a fraud, she doesn't own a thing! HAHAHAHAHAHA"

Arkham Asylum Psychiatric: "Time for your medication Mr. Krypton."


Note:Luna is in her 1st year when Harry Potter is in his 2nd so this is Chamber of Secrets from her POV. Review!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1: The Letter From Hogwarts

By Darth Krypton the LUNAtic

Professor Albus Dumbledore sat in his office looking over the list Minerva had given him of the students that would be attending Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry for the first time that year, but he wasn't really paying attention. His thoughts were currently resting on his most prized student, Harry Potter. According to Hagrid he hadn't been replying to any of the letters that had been sent his way.

"Perhaps I should ask Minerva to go check on him" thought the old professor.

Just then he was pulled free form his thoughts as his twinkling eyes landed on the name of a certain student.

"Ahhh" said Albus as he stared at the list through his half-moon spectacles. "This will be a very odd year indeed.

And with that thought in his head the old Headmaster drifted of to sleep.


Several hours later in a very oddly decorated house outside of the village Ottery St. Catchpole a young blonde haired girl stirred from her very odd dreams of mythical creatures to glance at the clock on her bedside table.

This clock was shaped like an animal, but not just any animal. If a large group of the most accomplished magical zoologists the world had ever seen were brought into the room it would be a huge suprise if one of them could identify it. The rest of the room was decorated in a similar fashion, and the open minded would find there knowledge of what the called the universe would have doubled within ten seconds. Unfortunately these people are so few. But if the room could be considered unusual it was nothing to the eleven-year old witch who was at that very moment waking up.

This young lady would be considered beautiful by many, if not for her eccentric styles of clothing. She had a waist-length head of straggly, dirty blonde hair. She had pale silver eyes that were like full-moons shining in the night sky. They widened wide when she became curious, which seemed to happen quite often, and she barely ever blinked. Her name was Luna Lovegood.

After looking at the time (8:30), Luna began to change from her Crumple-Horned Snorcack covered pyjamas; she quickly changed into an outfit of extremely contrasted colours and headed down to kitchen to have some breakfast.

"Luna, pumpkin, your breakfast is getting cold", shouted up her father, Xenophilius Lovegood.

"Coming Daddy", replied Luna. She and her father were the only two residents of the extremely bizarre home. Luna's mother had died two years previous, when Luna was only nine. Selena Lovegood had been working on a new spell for a top-secret project for the Department of Mysteries when the brilliant woman had made a slight miscalculation which had cost her life. And Luna had seen. It took a long time to get over the event, but her father had eventually brought Luna back with a string of fascinating adventures to locate proof of the creatures found within the pages of the Quibbler, as well as letting Luna work as a junior reporter for the unusual but uncorrupted magazine. She still missed her mother though.

When Luna arrived downstairs for breakfast she found not just her father waiting for her but also a large, tawny owl with a letter in its beak.

"Luna, LOOK!!" Her father cried excitedly as he pointed towards the tawny owl. "Your Hogwarts letter has arrived!!!"

One look at Xenophilius Lovegood would tell anyone the apple does not fall far from the tree. The middle-aged editor of the wizarding tabloid the Quibbler has the rare quality of believing absolutely anything-even the most impossible-until such a thing had been proven completely and absolutely false. The word impossible cannot be found within the Lovegood family dictionary. But I am wandering. Please forgive me and allow me to return to the telling of the tale at hand.

Luna instantly became just as excited as her father, if not more so. She had been looking forward to receiving the letter since her eleventh birthday had come and her father had told her (as she blew out the candles to a Snorcack shaped cake while fairy lights fluttered around her) that this would be the year she would begin her magical education at Hogwarts, the place her mother had always talked about with delight and a twinkle in her eyes.

The eccentric young girl quickly ran over and ripped the letter out of the beak of the large owl with such speed and carelessness that the large owl would have left immediately, if not for the quick thinking of Xenophilius Lovegood.

"Open it", he cried as he desperately attempted to bring the owl back down to Earth, while it desperately attempted a daring escape.

Luna stared down widely with her silvery eyes at the letters address.

Miss L. Lovegood

The 2nd Bedroom

Lovegood Manor

Ottery St. Catchpole

Luna quickly (maybe a bit too quickly) broke the seal on the back of the envelope and stared at her letter. For some reason, although she didn't know why, Luna felt very nervous at that moment. But why should she be?

"Well read it out then", said her father, a smile of delight and pride on his face.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss Lovegood,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on the 1st of September. We await your owl by no later than 31st of July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"I can't wait" cried Luna as she gave a rare squeal of delight.

Philius (his regular name takes to long to type) smiled happily down at his daughter and said, "We better get to writing that reply or they'll begin to worry they won't be receiving such a bright student.

Luna blushed at her fathers compliment and ran out of the room soon returning with a piece of parchment, a feathered quill, and a bottle full of vibrant multicoloured ink, screaming "I'll write it". And so she got to work, occasionally asking her father for help while both of their breakfasts lay on the table forgotten. The hungry tawny owl did not bother pointing this out to them.


After a quick staff meeting to discuss the lesson plans of each of the teachers, Albus Dumbledore headed back to his office for a quick nightcap and a well deserved rest.

"Lemon Drops" he whispered to the great gargoyle statue that guarded his office.

It quickly jumped aside and allowed the Headmaster to pass.

When he opened his office door the old headmaster discovered one of the school owls there, waiting with a letter in its talons and a piece of bacon sticking out of its mouth. Obviously one of the new students had wanted to reply as soon as they had received there letter. They were what muggles would have called 'eager beavers'.

Albus quickly took the burden from the owl, who hooted in thanks before taking off for the owlery, and read it over quickly.

"Yes", Albus chuckled as he finished the letter. "This will most certainly be an odd year indeed".


Authors Notes: For all of you who didn't like me talking about Luna's mothers death, it needed to be done. I couldn't just ignore the fact and her work may actually become an important plot point in part 2. Also, for those of you who thought Luna was acting a bit, well, squealy in this chap it was only her reaction to the letter.

Contests: I will be holding a contest! You see, I am not very good at writing songs but the Sorting Hat needs to sing his song for the sorting ceremony. The person to come up with the Sorting Hat's Song will receive a place in my story. The sorting hats song must describe the qualities of the four houses. Just PM me a description of your character along with your song. Good luck!!!!