Title: Harry Potter and the Witch of Albion

Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it probably does not belong to me. Everything else is mine.

Chapter 1: Justus Phencer

"Did you hear? They say that one has been killed." A hushed voice disturbs the heavy air of the book-filled room. Several wide-eyed stares are cast in the direction of the speaker. More than one patron relinquishes their hold on leather-bound tomes before inching towards large double doors.

"Not so loud." A diminutive man mutters. His round, balding head shines with sweat under the dim glow of the orbs. "It does not do to speak of him."

"Don't be so timid." The first man speaks again, his voice dripping with disdain. "Don't tell me you fear him? I told you. He's been killed. At last."

Frowning, the shorter man edges closer to his companion. "How can they be sure this time? He is a witch after all."

A quiet chuckle draws more nervous looks in their direction. "They say it was his affection for Lord Potter that did him in."

"We're not supposed to talk of that."

The first man shrugs in annoyance. "Not speaking of it does not make it any less true. Everyone knows they were friends. Until he was discovered as a witch."

"You are a fool." The shorter man begins edging away from his companion. "This talk will bring nothing but trouble."

"I am disappointed. I thought you had more courage than that." The first man sneers in contempt. He waits a moment for a reply. When his companion continues his nervous back stepping, he narrows his eyes angrily and stalks off.

Brushing past several wary patrons, the man pushes open the doors of the library and steps out into the soft yellow light of late afternoon. Without hesitation he begins strolling casually down the busy street. The deep black of his clothing and the dangerous gleam in his eyes causes those he passes to make way before him. Street merchants pause in extolling the virtues of their wares until he is well beyond them.

The man frowns when he notices a handful of men dressed similarly to him scattered throughout the crowd. His eyes flicker over each one briefly as he moves past them. A couple of them meet his gaze and give a nod of recognition. He returns the gesture but makes no move to engage them.

Winding his way down several smaller streets, the man quickens his pace almost imperceptibly. He spares no attention to the ever increasing size and pomposity of the residences to either side of him. Nor does he deem it notable that the crowd of people has thinned considerably.

At last, he halts before a large gate wide enough for two carriages to ride through side by side. Looming brick walls spread out to either side of the gate. Two guards stand at attention and the man walks boldly up to the one on his right.

"Justus Phencer, returning from leave." He states quietly. The guard looks him up and down for a long moment before nodding. Without a word, the two guards open the gate just enough for Justus to slip through.

A long road stretches out before him disappearing under the dark shadows of a small forest. It is impossible to see the residence that rests somewhere on the property and Justus makes no attempt to do so. Instead, he makes his way swiftly down the dirt road, ignoring everything around him. His feet know the path well and he does little to guide them.

Justus finds himself slightly winded as he at last rounds a corner and steps out from under the canopy of trees. A grand house sprawls before him in indolent splendor. The soft grey of its bricks is accented by dark roof tiles and beautiful stained glass windows. The entrance to the mansion is marked by two enormous doors made of blood wood. Against the backdrop of grey and black, the deep red of the doors draws the eyes like a magnet. Justus smirks as he glances at them. Blood wood is a favorite for witch burning.

Turning from his perusal of the mansion, Justus walks around the side of the mansion. From the press of many feet, a small path has been carved through the grass. Following the path, Justus soon reaches the back of the mansion where several medium sized buildings dwell.

The one nearest him is the one he seeks and he ducks inside the open door. A bevy of familiar smells assaults his senses. Almost imperceptibly, Justus relaxes letting the tension in his muscles ease.

"Justus!" A large, muscular man is sitting behind a desk just inside. He smiles at Justus revealing several missing teeth. "The Captain is in his office."

"Thank you, Cameron. I will report to him right away."Justus nods at the larger man. A friendly wave is the only response and Justus moves deeper into the Guard House. He walks down a dark corridor and up a narrow flight of stairs. There are several doors to either side of the stairs and Justus turns to one on his left. Resolutely, he steps up to it and knocks carefully three times.

"Enter." A muffled voice commands. Taking a deep breath, Justus turns the knob and pushes the door inward.

A medium-sized man reclines tiredly behind a large desk. Lines of age and weariness crease his face making him look older than his years. Short, brown hair flecked with grey lies limply around his face. With a short gesture of his hand, he indicates to Justus that he is to approach.

"Ah, Justus Phencer. Returned from leave I see. I trust you had a pleasant time?" The Captain asks.

Stopping directly before the desk, Justus nods. "Yes, Captain Lupin. Thank you."

"Good, good." The Captain murmurs quietly before sighing. "I trust you have heard the rumors?"

"Pertaining to the witch?" Justus inquires and the Captain nods. "Only that he has been killed at last."

A sad look crosses over the Captains face. "We don't have all the details at this time. The Witch Hunters are the ones who caught him. They will tell us nothing of what occurred only that he was killed soon after."

"That is good news then, sir." Justus states firmly. "We can rest easy knowing Lord Potter is safe from the witch."

The Captain looks away from Justus, a frown twisting his lips. "Good news? I wonder."

"Sir?" Justus asks, confused.

"Nothing." The Captain shakes himself before turning his grey eyes on Justus once more. "I have a new assignment for you. One which I want you to attend to with the utmost care."

Justus clasps a hand to his heart and bows slightly. "Command me, Captain."

"You are to be assigned to Lord Potter's personal guard. I have already made the necessary arrangements. Your duties begin at once. The servants can tell you where to find him. Although he is most likely in the library."

Justus starts at the pronouncement. "Sir, I wasn't aware that Lord Potter had decided to regroup a personal guard."

The Captain smiles for the first time since Justus had entered his office. "You are the first in his guard. He has asked for you personally."

"I am honored, sir." Justus replies faintly.

"You will do nothing to bring dishonor to your new position." The Captain warns him quietly.

"As you command, Captain Lupin." Justus bows deeper this time before straightening.


With renewed purpose, Justus exits the room letting the door close quietly behind him. He walks slowly back down the stairs, nodding to Cameron before ducking back out into the late afternoon light. Heading towards the back of the mansion, he sees several servants near the kitchens. Changing direction minutely, he heads directly towards them.

"Good afternoon, ladies." Justus says quietly as he nears them. The three women turn towards him, their arms laden with food from the storehouses.

"Where can I find Lord Potter?" He asks them.

They stare at him with varying expressions of irritation. Finally, one of them snorts in disgust. "And why should I be tellin' the likes of you?"

"Captain Lupin has commanded it." Justus says simply.

The woman who spoke sniffs disdainfully. "As if I care." And with that, the three servants disappear into the mansion leaving Justus standing alone.

Sighing, he turns back in the direction he had originally started looking for the other entrance into the mansion. He finds the small door and ducks quickly inside. Although his previous duties did not normally require entering the mansion, Justus is still familiar with its layout. The library is on the first floor, just past the music room. With determination, he starts in the direction he recalls it to be.

When he reaches it, the doors to the library are partially opened allowing a small sliver of light to escape into the shadowy hallway. Leaning forward, Justus peers around the edge of the doors. He sees a dark figure slumped over in a small, overstuffed chair. Stealthily, he slinks into the library taking great care to avoid making noise.

Halting before the man in the chair Justus kneels carefully and bows his head, waiting. He does not have long to wait.

"Justus Phencer?" The voice is low–pitched and scratchy.

"At your service, Lord Potter." Justus replies, keeping his voice soft. He watches Lord Potter shifting lethargically from the corner of his eye.

"Please, there is no need to kneel." Lord Potter says quietly.

Looking up into the face of the lord, Justus sees blood-shot eyes with dark shadows underneath. There is a weariness there more pronounced than what he has seen in the Captain. The man's lips are drawn down in a frown and Justus quickly does as he was asked. Standing now before Lord Potter, Justus shifts uncomfortably under the continued silence.

"Better." Lord Potter says at last. "Now, it is time for dinner I believe. You will join me."

"Of course, Lord Potter." Justus agrees easily.

Lord Potter pushes awkwardly against the arms of the chair in an attempt to rise. With a pained groan, he falls back into the cushions in defeat. Justus blinks in surprise for a moment before holding out his hand.

"Please, my Lord, allow me." He offers gently. Lord Potter sighs loudly but places a slender hand in Justus's grasp. With ease, Justus pulls the young Lord to his feet, steadying him as he sways unsteadily.

"Justus." There is amusement lurking in that weary voice that makes him smile.

"Yes Lord Potter?" He asks quietly.

"Please. Call me Harry."