Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly, and as much as I wish I did, I'm no Dan Schneider …:(

Would you like to dance?

Carly's POV

Dear Diary.

The dance is two days, and I can't wait! Almost everybody would be there; the only person not coming was one girl by the name of Sam Puckett, my best friend, and known ham-lover. I've have tried time and time again to convince her to come to the dance, but every time I ask, beg, or even plead, she comes up with a, for some reason, reasonable excuse for missing it. I want Sam to be there at the dance. I needed her to be there. I want to dance with her by my side, and then dance with her, and let her I'm gay, and that I'm in love with her. In two days, if only she weren't too stubborn to go, I'd be able to dance with the love of my life.

"Carly!! Come down for spaghetti taco's!" Spencer yelled.

"Okay! Coming down in a second!"

Okay, that's all for now, but I promise to keep bugging Sam, and I will write updates (:

Love Carly.


"Ya, ya. I'm coming I'm coming," I muttered. God, even Spencer could be as impatient as Sam when it came to food sometimes. I walk over to my bed from my desk, and kneel down to open the hidden floorboard. I gently lift the box out of the hole, and open the top. It's filled with all my sacred things; concert ticket stubs, a second iCarly T-shirt, a picture of Sam and I the day we met, and a silver bracelet with three charms on it. I put all my favourite possessions in here.

I put the new diary on top, close the box, and gently put it back. Just as I'm putting the carpet the hides the floorboard back in place, I hear a creak behind me. I freeze. I turn around slowly, and relax as soon as I realize that it's just Freddie.

"Hey Carls, you coming down for dinner now?"

"Ya Freddie, sorry. I just lost something under my bed, and I think I'll have to get a broom and get it tomorrow. Let's go have taco's," I said, going a little over board on the enthusiasm for dinner. He gave a weird look, but seemed to understand that I didn't want to talk about it.

After dinner, and a depressingly Sam-free evening, I turned down Freddie twice, took a shower, and watched 3 re-runs of Girlie Cow, and it was only 9 o'clock! I still had at least 2 more hours before I was even able to think about sleeping. Sometimes I hate my mind. I always need to be doing something, or else I always get to thinking about her, which isn't a bad thing, but thinking about her on my couch when there's a chance she could walk in and see something in my face? Not something that I'd be willing to risk. If Sam found out how I really felt about her, then everything could go to hell, and not in a good way. Maybe if I just closed my eyes for a second, then I'll be okay. SLAM! I open my eyes to see Sam walk in with an angry look on her face. "Sam? Are you okay?" I asked, worried that I would up set her more. "No Carly, I'm not okay. I'm not okay with the dork telling me that you're his and no other guy is going to have you, just because he's in love with you," she yelled, putting air quotes around the word love.

"Sam, you know he's just messing around with you, right? He knows that there's nothing he can do about whom ever I want to date," I said, trying to calm her down. Sam collapses on the other end of the couch, and I schooch over to sit next to, and start rubbing her back, making small circling with my hand.

"Hey Carly? Can I ask you a favour? You know, girl to girl?" she asks.

"Sure thing Sam, anything for you," I said, not thinking about my words.

"Could you give me a massage? You're really good at it, and my back is killing me. What about it?" she asked. I was so confused. Sam, asking me to massage her back…me?

"Sure, do you want like a real, full out thing, or just a 'lay over my knees and I'll get the knots out thing," I say, getting a little nervous. A full out massage meant her getting naked lying on the massage table Spencer bought a few years ago. It also involves the lights turned down or off, with romantic like candles.

"Umm, how about a full out one? I can't remember the last time you gave me a full out massage Carls," she said with a smile on her face. She seemed completely oblivious to what she was going along with. "Okay, but you have to help me get the board out of the closet."

After about ten minutes, we had all the candles set up, with the lights turned down, and I had handed Sam a robe, and told her to go change in the bathroom.

When she came back, I got so nervous.

"One second Sam, I forgot my lotion up stairs. I'll be right back," I said while running up the stairs. When I got to my room, I closed the door and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I ran over to my desk, and looked for something resembling lotion. I found it, and slowly made my way down stairs. When I got to the bottom, I saw Sam sitting on the board, still in the robe. I shivered, but held my head together.

"Okay Sam, I'll turn around, and you get underneath the blanket facedown, okay?" I asked, as she nodded. I turned around and looked at the stairs. I didn't know that there were 18 in total, and they were about 4 inches high. "Okay Carly, I'm covered," I hear, and I turn around. I smile. Sam is under the blanket, but it's up to her neck.

"Sam? How am I supposed to massage you if there's a blanket covering you?" I say, and fold the sheet back to just above her hips.

"Ready Sam?" I asked.

"Ready as a ham for Christmas."

I turn on the radio, and turn it down, so that it's just in the background. I pick up my bottle of lotion from my room, and put about a dollop of it in my hand. "This will be a little cold," I say as I put the cream on her back. She shivered under my touch.

"A little more warning would have been nice Carls," she said.


I massage the lotion into her back first, and then I kneaded the areas in her back that I thought would have the greatest strain. I started at the top of her back, and made my way down from there. I knew that it was a good spot when I felt her shiver, or even relax a bit, but when I reached the area just about her lower back, she moaned. I froze, my hands still on her back, thinking I had done something wrong. "Sam? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I ask, hoping she was all right.

"Carly, it's really good, it's just—that was a… sore spot, that's all. Do you think you could just work on my shoulder a little more," she asked. "Sure t-thing Sam, what ever you say," I stuttered out. GOD! I know Sam better than anyone. Why didn't I know she hurt her back? Mental note to self, figure out what Sam does for the few hours I don't see her. Check.

I finished up Sam's back, and was just putting more lotion on her shoulders, when I thought it would be best if I brought up the dance topic while, you know, she could get up and run away.

"So… Sam. Do you have plans next weekend?" I asked, feigning curiosity, hoping she would say no.

"Umm, I don't think so Carls, why? Do you want to have an iCarly rehearsal? Ooo! What about a movie night! The Resident Evil series would be good…"

"That's not what I meant Sam," I stated. I should bring it up gently; give her time to think about it… ah hell. Who was I kidding? Sam? Think about something for a certain amount of time? Ya right.

"What did you mean Carls?" she asked, looking at me over her shoulder. God she was so cute when she was curious.

"Well, what about the dance? I no you didn't want to go, but it's a masquerade! You could end up dancing with someone you really want to dance with! And chances are that they wouldn't know about it, unless they knew what you were wearing of course," I said, thinking about my costume.

"Carly? How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not going to that dance, no matter what you—"

"Would you do it for free ham forever, plus 2 free fat-free fat cakes a week?" I asked, resorting to bargaining.

"Really Cupcake? You know I already get all the free ham I want, plus the money I get from Fredweirdo pays for Mama's fat cakes," she said with a smug smile on her face.

"I didn't know Freddie gave you money for fat cakes?" I said.

She smirked at me. "Neither does he."


By now I had re-rubbed lotion into her shoulders and was finished, unfortunately.

"Okay Sam, all done. Umm… the robes at the end of the bed, and I'm just going to turn around and look over here…" I said, trying, once again, not to think about the beautiful naked body behind me. But still, her back is so smooth. I'll bet that the rest of her body is as smooth as her back. All the way down to her toes, and on the front, moving down from her head, and then her neck, and then her…

I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I turned to see a fully robed Sam, much to my dismay, and she had a piece of ham in her hand. I pointed at the ham, and then back to her. She shrugged. Not a good sign.

Sam went to go and change, and snuck a look at the clock. 10:30… wow time really does fly when you are rubbing down the love of you life.

I sat down on a chair, and I realized how tired I was. "Sam!" I yelled.

"Yeah Carls?"

"You staying over?"

"When do I not?"

"Good point. I'm going upstairs to change, and then I'm off to bed, okay? You coming now, or what?"

"Can I borrow a T-shirt and short?"


"Yeah, yeah. I know. Just look in the drawer labeled 'Sam's staying over clothes' and I'll find something. And yes, I'll be up in a second," she said, sounding… nervous? Sam never sounds nervous. Weird.

"Okay, see you upstairs then!" I called, and made my way up to my room.

I loved my room. I was the colour of the Seattle sky when it wasn't raining, so a beautiful light blue colour. It had silver spirals all over it, and had pink butterflies and green and yellow flowers on it. It was very girly, but it suited me. Spencer painted it for me when we moved in here. I admired the skill it took to paint it, because I must have taken a while.

When I finished changing, I jumped into bed, and pulled the covers up to my chin. My room was always so cold at night, and I was always freezing, except when Sam stayed over. The body heat from her body heated me up, in more than one way.

I lay there shivering for not even one minute before I heard Sam open up my door and sneak in.

"Carly? You still awake?" she asked, fake-groping out for my bed.

"Yeah S-s-sam, I'm s-s-still a-awake," I said, trying to unsuccessfully stop my teeth from chattering while smiling.

"Carly? Are you okay?" she asked as she got to the bed, and pulled back the covers.

"Yeah S-s-sam, I'm f-fine. J-just c-cold, I g-guess," I shivered.

Her silhouette put her hands on her hips, and her head tilted in a Sam-like fashion.

"Well we can't have that, no can we Cupcake?" she asked, calling me her pet name. I gave her a confused look, and she sighed.

"Roll on your side Carls," she said. I did as she said, and I felt the bed dip behind me. My breath caught when I felt surprisingly warm hands on my waist, pulling me closer to her, her front to my back. She wrapped her arms around my middle, and had her head resting on my shoulder. "Better Cupcake?" she said with a smile.

"Perfect, Princess Puckett," I teased, "but who's going to turn the light out?"

"Ahh…easy. Clap your hands twice for me Carls," she said.

I did as she asked, and clapped twice, when my light went out.

"Sam, don't freak out, but I think the power went out. I have to go check the circuit breaker—"

"Carly, relax. I got the clapper thing installed in your lights," she said, shrugging, which made me shiver more, and she pulled me closer.

"Sam, I'm too tired to say anything right now. How about I tell you how bad it was to do that without my permission in the morning? Sound good?" I asked, my eyes half closed.

"Sure thing Cupcake," she said.

That's when she started humming. It was a Puckett Shay sleepover tradition. Sam's Dad used to hum her to sleep every night before he left, and now Sam hums herself, and me, to sleep like that every night. I never knew the tune, but it was catchy in a way that made you drowsy thinking about it.


Those were the last sounds I heard before I drifted off to sleep, warm in my loved arms, thinking about ways to get her to go to that dance.

Heyy everybody! So kinda a long start, but it will probably be a little short in chapter's to come. Forgive my date mess up. I thought Valentines day was in two weeks, not one, it's actually in two days from now, and not one week like I originally thought. I definitely won't have the entire thing done by then, but what can you do, right? READ AND REVIEW PLEASE!!! Make my Valentines day(:
