Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, or its characters with which I am using. Inspiration for the story and title comes from Green Day's song "Extraordinary Girl".

A/N: This story might not have the Digimon in it, but I have not decided if I want to bring them in yet, so far it will just be a story about the Tamers of Season 3. CANON PAIRINGS: mainly Ryo/Ruki, with portions of Jeri/Takato, and Henry/Alice.

This story is no longer a one-shot, yay!

**Dedicated to my fellow author and friend, Dolce Saito. This story is still for her! I hope that it does justice. :)

~Eb [AKA Digi_Chick]

Ruki's POV

Finally, summer had arrived. Graduation was over for us; we're the Digimon Tamers. We are all relieved for the warm weather, as well as school being out. That will only last until fall when we will have to register for college, but for now we will enjoy the freedom of summer vacation!

This excluded the eldest member of our little group, however, who was already enrolled and was finishing up his freshman year of college at the University of Shinjuku.

I am Ruki Makino, and I am busy currently aiding my mother Rumiko as a substitute for some of the models at the agency where she works. My friend, Jeri Katou, appeared through the front doors dragging another resistant friend of mine, Alice McCoy, into the room where I am filling in for a sick model, decked out for the stand in photo shoot.

Jeri, bubbly as ever, waited impatiently until the photographer took his last shot and released me from what I like to call my own personal hell.

Alice stepped over to me before Jeri could get past the setting. "Hey, Jeri has signed us up to be counselors for the camp Suzi is attending this summer. Be cool." She informed me.

I glowered, a frown sinking deep in my features. I am not thrilled about Jeri's impulsive happy-go-luck decisions that involved dragging me along.

I stepped down off of the platform I had been perched on for the shoot. "You signed us up to be counselors?" I spat accusingly. "What the hell? I'm not qualified to counsel anyone, let alone children."

Jeri shrunk back at my accusation as she normally would, the tone alone scared her shitless. She shook her head at Alice. "You just couldn't wait for me to tell her, could you, Alice?" She muttered, but shrugged it off quickly thanks to her animated personality. "Don't be mad, Ruki."

I rubbed my temple to soothe the pounding headache that was beginning to settle itself right down into the depths of my skull.

"Look Jer… Volunteer work is great and all, I'm aware that you are trying to boost your resume with anything and everything you can get your hands on, but…" I paused desperately trying not to lose my temper. "I am already a self-proclaimed volunteer here by sheer force thanks to my mother's constant nagging."

Jeri gazed at my stubbornness from being a red-head. My words were cutting deep into her little by little. She sighed.

"That's not why I signed us up…" The shorter girl with caramel colored hair, pinned neatly up to the side, spoke in an almost defeated tone. She would have to lay it on thick to get her way with me. It was almost predictable now.

Alice stepped up to my side, feeling guilty for provoking this fiery girl in the first place. Even though, my reaction was simply inevitable. I am hot headed, after all.

"What was the reason, Jeri?" Alice was the one to ask.

I had relented. Jeri was one of the only people that could effectively guilt trip me with little ease. I am fairly attentive to its coming.

"Wait for it…"I thought with sourness, "Three, Two, One…Theatrics!" And I was right.

A moment later Jeri burst into tears, covering her face dramatically. "It was a way for us to spend the summer together, all of us, before college courses start next semester!" She wailed skillfully.

Alice glanced at me—and I didn't look a bit phased—finally catching on. I nodded in annoyance, but the knock-down-drag-out-fight was not worth it this time. I didn't want to drag it out. It would just be a waste of breath.

Somehow, some way the three of us would end up as counselors at this summer camp together. Jeri was mystical that way. She probably talked her boyfriend, Takato, into signing the guys and him up also. Especially since it was a camp Suzi is attending, Henry will be there automatically.

With a snort, I put up a hand in mock surrender as Jeri peered through her spread fingers to peek at me.

"Enough or I will have to hit you." I said, letting acid fill my tone just enough for Jeri to know how serious I was. "Alice and I are in."

Before Jeri could clamp onto me with a death grip embrace I ducked into the dressing room to change. I heard a grumble escape Alice, who was not nearly so lucky. It made me laugh.

That is how Alice, Jeri, and I ended up on the bus with Suzi and her friends on our way to the camp site.

It was a co-ed camp, I observed as I looked around the bus mixed with boys and girls of different ages. And we were smack dab in the middle of the overly packed bus. Not my idea of a fun time, but I was here and willing to see what happened.

"This is going to be a summer of hell."I mused, nonchalantly sitting back and attempting to relax.

Takato Matsuki, Henry Wong, Hirokazu Shioda and Kenta Kitagawa were joining us as male counselors—for obvious reasons, just like I had assumed. Yeah, I am good.

The bus was loud… No wait, the children were loud and the cramped space made it louder. It was giving me a headache. I pushed the ear buds of my iPod into my ears and cranked it up, hoping to drown out the voices of the kids.

Alice was currently typing away contently on her laptop, probably hacking someone's precious website for the hell of it.

That was something I was grateful for—Alice's quiet nature. Unless I went to her, she never poked or prodded me with questions. We had a silent but mutual agreement and were very close because of it.

I smiled to herself, pushing a button on Alice's computer in an attempt to distract her. I laughed as my hand was curtly slapped away. "Hey!" I protested half-heartedly.

Alice sent a gentle glare me way. "You know the rules, Ruk."

I snickered, turning my attention back around the bus. I just couldn't concentrate on my music with all the noise. It was such a pain. I was listening to a great song from a great band.

Jeri was gushing—seriously head over heels—to Takato. She was always so mushy with him. He obviously didn't mind; other than the occasional flush that filled his cheeks, he liked the attention. The couple had been together for a few years now.

Henry was concentrating fiercely on his palm pilot. He was the perfect match for Alice, both of them happy little nerd/geeks. They had also been dating for over a good year and a half.

"Screw the perfect match." I thought bitterly, moving on from the couples. I would never admit that the subject made me wretch internally… out of jealousy. Not because my friends were happy mind you… Just that, well, I am not. Not the same kind of happy. In my mind, there was no such thing as a perfect match for me.

I diverted my attention to the last people of our Tamer crew: the jokers, also known as Kazu and Kenta. They were kidding around, playing cards, and probably planning on pranking the kids they would be counseling.

I rolled my eyes at them. Mentally, I sighed. I was sort of the "odd man out" so to speak, but I preferred things that way. Or at least that is what I tell myself.

I have grown up practically alone. The closest person in my life was my grandmother, Seiko Hata. That's what I am used to.

My thoughts drifted as I watched my friends interact. They had given me something new. None of them judged me… even if I had been the one to judge them in the beginning. They had accepted me for who I am. It was the first time in my life that I had real friendships. I am very grateful for them in my life.

To me it was the oddest feeling to have, a sense of assurance that these people would not abandon me—even through my hardest trials. I was still getting used to that, after all the years we have known each other.

As my gaze swept the bus over again, a particular person stood out in the crowd. It was a man, sitting with the other leaders of the camp at the front of the vehicle.

His back was to me, but for some reason I felt some kind of a connection to him… Well, recognition really… Like I knew him somehow.

From what I could see, the man had dark brown hair that he spiked in the perfect way. That reminded me of somebody I am familiar with. His skin was tan as well and he appeared to be tall and lean, but still muscular.

"It can't be him…"I thought with my brows knit tight in dissatisfaction. "He wouldn't be here. He's off at his hoity-toity college living the life of a popular frat boy."

I continued to stare at the man hoping that he would eventually turn so that his identity would be unfolded, which frankly unnerved me. Why am I trying to figure this out? I was sure of my thoughts being correct. And it's not like I actually cared, anyway.

Nevertheless, it took a few painstakingly long minutes before the man turned his face to acknowledge the kids talking to him from behind. His chuckle filled the air as he did so. The man's face was absurdly clear and facing me at that moment.

I gasped at the sight, my lavender eyes widened in a panic. I had been right about him all along…

*Ryo's POV*

I turned in my seat, laughing at the absurdly stupid jokes the junior higher kids behind me were telling—putting on my best game face. Some of the jokes were funny but others… the kids were just trying too hard.

My roommate was obsessed with filling his resume with wonderful volunteer opportunities or charity, and when this came up he jumped right in drowning me with him immediately.

Don't get me wrong, I love kids and all… and volunteering is fine and dandy, but this was NOT what I had planned for my summer vacation. I had been hoping to drive into town and see my old friends. They had just graduated; sadly, I was taking finals that day and had to miss the ceremony.

Instead, my roommate had insisted if we did this and got the leaders of the camp to sign our paperwork that we would not only get the volunteer hours but that it would also go towards our credits. That meant one or two less classes that I had to take to get my degree.

After weighing my pros and cons list, I caved in for the long haul. There had only been one major reason that I had wanted to head back to my old town… a fiery red-head. My roommate hadn't seen that as a good enough reason to throw this opportunity out the door.

So here I was surrounded by bratty teenage boys with raging hormones and whiney teenage girls who were emotionally deprived… and staring at me, which took me off guard.

A proverbial gasp caught my hearing out of the blue… not so much the gasp, more of the woman who possessed said beautiful gust of air. I averted my gaze toward the back of the bus.

The sight before me was not something that I had been expecting to see during this trip. Though, it is one that I have dreamt and thought about often. Yes, I will freely admit it.

Anyway, as I gawked at the woman of my dreams sitting snuggly between our friends at the back of the bus, our eyes locked. Cobalt met lavender… Gosh I've missed those eyes so bad.

She tore her gaze from mine glaring; the ice had apparently dug its way back into her soul. I sighed, wanting to stand and retreat to the hind end of the vehicle, but that would not be setting an example. I would have to wait until we arrived at the camp site.

She's an Extraordinary Girl

In an ordinary world

And she can't seem to get away

It was a good three hours before the bus came to a stop, right in the front of the massive camp site. I felt numb from the apprehension of waiting. I knew that from the face Ruki shot me, that she was upset that I was here… I just don't know why.

That must have been what Jeri meant by a surprise when she called me earlier. Little bitch… Sorry, everyone sees her as sweet and innocent, but the girl is conniving. She had to have dragged Ruki here by force.

I shuffled my way off the bus, glad to be standing. My legs had started to cramp and I was sore as the blood rushed back to my lower limbs. I stretched as my roommate gave me a quizzical look, seeing as I had stopped outside the open doors.

"I saw some people I know; I just want to wait for them." I said before he could ask the unspoken question. "You can go on ahead. I'll meet you in our cabin. Don't worry I'll find it one way or another."

He nodded needing no further prompting, thank god. His name is Patrick… and for the most part, best I can describe him was like a male Jeri. He could be cool at times, but other than that he just got under my skin.

I leaned casually against the side of the vehicle, counting slowly in my head so I wouldn't go insane until I saw the Tamer group exit the bus. I pushed myself away and grabbed Ruki by the arm.

She whirled around in self-defense, ready to knock out whomever it was touching her, but at seeing me she dropped her hands. Another glare… wonderful.

"Akiyama." Ruki greeted me coldly. I winced at the tone. What the hell had I done to deserve this? Normally she only used this on me when I purposely annoyed her. She was really quite adorable when she got flustered.

I nodded, dropping her arm from my grasp. "Hey Pumpkin," I retorted. Why not give her a reason? She was already mad at me.

He lacks the courage in his mind

Like a child left behind

Like a pet left in the rain

The others had seen me, shouting their greeting which I acknowledged with another nod and a smile. They were already making their way to the camp ground towards the counselor cabins.

Ruki's eyes narrowed at my nickname for her. "What are you doing here?" She finally replied, glancing after our friends.

"I'm here to have a good time making memories with children," I stated sarcastically using her tactic on her. "I'm volunteering, Ruki. What does it look like?"

She frowned, but simply nodded her head. Her spiky ponytail was all messy as usual, forcing her bangs over her beautiful eyes. I tilted her head up to make her look at me. For the first time, she didn't fight me.

But she did, however, evade my question. "So how's college life?" She asked indifferently.

I shrugged. "Slightly less dramatic than high school with a bigger campus, but pretty boring all the same." I responded, picking up my duffel bag as well as hers and started walking. I knew if I did that, she would follow me in protest.

Which she did. Ruki caught up with ease, trying to pry her bag from my grip. "Ryo Akiyama, stop it. Give me my luggage right now." She demanded.

I chuckled and let go of it. I have missed this screwy relationship more than anything else in the world. There was no other woman on the face of the earth that irritated me and yet made me adore her at the same time, the way she did.

I saw a faint trace of a smile on her face but she quickly diverted her attention away so I couldn't tell. I had tried in previous years to ask her out, with no such luck. She constantly turned me down.

I honestly knew why. Ruki and I had been close enough for her to confide in me that she was afraid of relationships of any kind. The relationship with her mom, friends, she even put me in a different category… which I wasn't sure where that left me.

She truly did want what our other friends had, like Takato and Jeri; she wanted to be in a meaningful relationship with someone. She just wouldn't come to terms with that person being me.

Maybe she was afraid that I would leave her, maybe she thought I was too cocky… maybe I give off the wrong impression. Whatever it is, whatever is keeping her from being mine—I have to get to the bottom of it.

She's all alone again

Wiping the tears from her eyes

Some days he feels like dying

She gets so sick of crying

I'm determined by the end of this summer, that I will get Ruki to be my girl. I fingered the velvet box in my pant pocket. Hopefully I will get to give her this gift before we leave.

Ruki had gone quiet as I walked her to the female counselor cabin. It was fairly dark since it had taken so long to arrive at the site itself. I perched one foot on the bottom step as she ascended the rest. She turned to me.

"I bet you've met a bunch of girls there at the university, huh?" She asked. Her voice held a tone I hardly recognized to be hers. "Got a girlfriend yet?"

I smiled internally. Awe Ruki is jealous? Now that is a cute emotion on her. I shook my head at her comments.

"Nah, still a bachelor. I've got my eye on a girl off campus actually; it's just convincing her of my affection that is the final task." I made my way down the hill to my own cabin before she could register my words, "Goodnight Wildcat." I called.

I heard a faint "Night Ryo." as I arrived to my cabin and jogged up the few stairs. I opened the door to find none other than my old friends, as well as my roommate, talking amiably with one another.

I grinned as I tossed my bag on the floor by the lower bunk Patrick had assigned me to and laid out my sleeping bag over the mattress. Today hadn't proven to be as shitty as I had expected.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I zoned out, completely bypassing my friends shot fire questionings.

She sees the mirror of herself

An image she wants to sell

To anyone willing to buy

The next few weeks flew by pretty quickly. We had learned that this was an eight-week camp and we would be staying an extra week to clean everything up. We were paired off into groups of four: two male and two female counselors to an assigned group of kids.

I was grouped with Kazu, Ruki and some other girl that we didn't know named Alana. Our group of kids were tweens—seventh graders that would be starting junior high the next school year. They were a pretty rambunctious crowd but it was nothing we couldn't handle.

Ruki and I had taken on the major authority, letting Kazu be the go-to man for complaints and when they wanted to get out of trouble. Alana was the gossip girl; all the little tween girls had taken to her like a big sister.

Personally I didn't mind. I was the eldest of us all and I got to work with Ruki. She had come out of her shell again, every day a little bit more. I had gotten her to smile frequently for me as we played games and taught activities to our group.

Somehow even Kazu and Alana had hit things off pretty well. I caught them making out behind a great oak yesterday and his hands were nowhere near an appropriate place for 'just friends'.

I sighed as I jogged to the patio, where our group met, at the thought. If Kazu—the least charming guy on the planet, next to his alter ego Kenta—could get a really attractive and ditzy blonde to go out with him… what was I doing wrong with Ruki?

I laughed at myself… "Comparing Ruki and my relationship to Kazu, that's what's wrong." I thought incredulously.

Ruki was settled on the railing of the patio, chewing on a granola bar as I approached. This was the most serene I had ever seen her look. I smiled as I hopped onto the rail beside her.

"Afternoon, Ruki." I said cheerfully, deciding not to ruin her mood with a name call.

She glanced at me with an eyebrow raised. "What no 'Wildcat' or 'Pumpkin' today there Akiyama?"

I flashed my signature grin to her, chuckling as I stole a piece of her granola bar and tossed it in my mouth.

"I guess I deserved that." I replied sheepishly, "Do I really call you those that often? I haven't really paid attention. They just come out."

Ruki smiled a little at my confession. "You do, as a matter of fact; I've learned fighting you over it is a losing battle Mr. Digimon King." She whacked my hand away from her food the second time I tried to take more of her snack. "Stop it, god didn't you just eat a full meal. You're a pig."

I shook my hand to make the sting go away. "Hey, are you calling me fat?" I retorted playfully. I loved this side of my Ruki… Damn that sounds so good.

"I could, but you're not. You're just a garbage disposal." Ruki shot back. She was being coy. I could get used to this.

He steals the image in her kiss

From her heart's apocalypse

From the one called whatshername

Too bad the mood was utterly ruined as Kazu and his little ho of a girlfriend walked over sucking face. It wasn't a real relationship; the girl was way too fake for Kazu's taste. But he was enjoying the attention… and the action he was getting despite the fact that she would probably dump him once the summer was over.

Ruki snorted in annoyance to get their attention. I rolled my eyes, jokingly covering hers as Alana reluctantly pushed Kazu away. He was dazed, and absolutely turned on… there are just some things I don't need to know about my friends.

"You know this camp is rated G, Alana." Ruki spat acidly. The whore had been trying her patience the past few days.

Alana just flipped her hair and plopped down on Kazu's lap where he sat on the picnic bench across from us, sending us an apologetic expression. Her tiny shorts were riding up her thigh… and they didn't have much room to go. "What's up your ass Red?" Alana side-stepped Ruki's statement, obliviously.

I placed my hand on the small of Ruki's back, soothing her tense muscles. "Alana, stop calling her 'Red' if you don't want the title of 'Bimbo' for the remainder of the summer. And another thing, get off Kazu's lap. Our group is coming and they don't need to see you grinding against him. Frankly nobody does."

Three pairs of eyes were staring at me; Ruki's looking to be the most confused of them all. Alana did apologize to Ruki and did comply with my threat, sliding onto the seat next to Kazu.

I avoided the confrontation with Ruki though. I wasn't ready to be chided for defending her when she didn't need my help. That was always her excuse. Just because she was strong-willed and had the ability to protect herself, did not mean that she wasn't allowed to let another person to take care of her.

Our group had arrived and I automatically started the day's activities for them. Ruki was at my side, silent as the grave as I conducted the game.

Kazu and Alana had seemingly shrugged off my attack on them, both cheerfully helping out the kids. They were being respectful though, that made me glad.

I sat back on a bench, just wanting to supervise for today. Ruki followed my lead. She kept her face down where I couldn't see her expression. I reached over, taking her hand gently.

"Hey…" I said, bringing her attention to me finally. Her eyes were holding back emotions that I have never seen before. Not in her. I knew she was forcing them back, not wanting to show her vulnerability.

Ruki just nodded for me to continue. She wasn't ready to talk yet. I wouldn't let her down. I had made it this far, no turning back. This is what I have been waiting for the last nearly five years.

"Listen, I know you can fight your own battles… But if you fight everything alone Wildcat," I stroked her cheek lightly and spoke with my voice low. "Somewhere along the line you will get hurt. I can't let you do that anymore… I've sat back and watched for too long."

She's all alone again

Wiping the tears from her eyes

Some days he feels like dying

Some days it's not worth trying

Now that they both are finding

She gets so sick of crying

Ruki stared at me, biting her lip anxiously. "What… are you saying Ryo?" She asked her voice almost inaudible and strained.

"It's now or never."I reflected internally and took a deep breath. My hand slid into my pocket, wrapping around the little black box.

"Ruki from the moment I met you, I was awed by how iron-willed you can be. You have strength and determination that very few people can match. I have admired that in you from the beginning, but I have wanted to see you believe in yourself and open up. And you finally have. You have no idea how proud I am and honored to be your friend," I paused hoping that I wasn't overwhelming her. I don't have a back-up plan if this goes south… and this isn't exactly planned out so here goes. "But I want to be so much more than that if you'll allow me to be. I know we haven't dated, since you weren't ready and I have waited for the opportunity. We've known each other for five years… and I really hope you'll agree to take this step with me. Ruki Makino, will you marry me?"

I knelt in front of her, pulling out the velvet box and popping it open exposing the simple diamond ring I had bought for her.

Ruki's eyes shot open as wide as they would go in shock. Her mouth gaped as her hand involuntarily went to touch the ring.

"Are you serious?" She croaked out after a few moments of silence. I nodded my head, anxiety pricking at my brain.

Before I could blink again Ruki threw herself at me, locking her arms around my neck. The force knocked me down to the dirt as I clutched the ring in one hand and automatically snaked my arm around her waist with the other. I was a little stunned at her actions.

"Is that a yes?" I asked, searching her eyes.

Ruki stared me straight in the eye, her lavender orbs filling to the brim with tears that she had held in for so long. A smile was in place of her usual frown. It was the most beautiful sight I have seen yet. She nodded, her voice failing her.

I pulled her tight in my embrace, capturing her lips with my own. I think I was as overwhelmed with the emotion as she was. She was finally mine. I slid the ring on her finger.

"It's about time Pumpkin." I whispered into the auburn locks of her hair. She was sobbing silently into my chest. All the pent up emotions were being released.

Ruki pushed herself up, propping her elbows against my chest as she looked into my face. The tear stained cheeks, lit up with a hint of a blush. I smiled up at her.

"I can't believe you waited…" She said nearly dumbfounded. Her voice still filled with wonder. "I was such a jerk to you. I pushed you away, I turned you down… I… But it didn't stop you."

I reached up wiping away the remnants of her tears and brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "There was nothing you could have done to keep me away. The day I met you, I fell in love." I kissed her for the second time today… the second time ever.

She went rigid at the contact, but slowly melted into the kiss. I can't wait to marry my Wildcat. There isn't a doubt in my mind that we have been the perfect match since day one.

"I love you, too, Ryo Akiyama." She whispered.

She's an Extraordinary Girl

An Extraordinary Girl

An Extraordinary Girl!

Our friends sounded off behind us suddenly, bringing us both back down to reality. I had just proposed to Ruki and she said yes. Our friends wanted to celebrate with us… I smiled as I pushed us off the floor.

I watched as Jeri and Alice grasped Ruki in a firm and excited hug. None of us had expected things to go down like this… Five years ago we had been mere acquaintances fighting to save the lives of our friends and each other.

Five years ago, Ruki had been a cold "Ice Queen". Five years ago she had punched me when I asked her out and kicked me in the gut when I had tried to kiss her. And now, she still had traces of the former Ice Queen—that's just who she was, and I would never change that, but she had a heart. She was open to me, hesitantly allowing me to guide her.

Ruki Makino, my fiancée, was truly the most extraordinary girl I know. Why you ask? Because deep down Ruki has had the hardest life of us all and came out triumphant. She'll probably never know the full extent of my love, I'm not sure if it's possible to show someone that. But as her future husband I am going to do my best.

And she'll kick my ass if I don't. Can't wait to see what she plans for our wedding.

(Revised edition)

A/N: Phew… That was harder to come up with that I thought it was going to be! Finally done! I am actually very proud of this piece.

It has been a long time since I watched the show in fact, but this is my favorite season that was made (aside from the original which I mean come on, can you blame me? lol. Who doesn't love the original?). So please forgive me if any of the information about them is wrong or tweaked. I tried my best to get it correct.

Ryo and Ruki (or Rika, but I prefer the first) is my favorite coupling of them all. Plus, I love Green Day so all in all I love this one-shot.

As I stated in the beginning, this was a dedication toDolce Saito. I hope she loves it and I hope everyone who reads it enjoys. I know it was mostly fluff with a little first base at the end but it was supposed to be angst with a happy ending.

But all in all there it is! Let me know what you think! Please, please review!

Thank you and much loves,
