Here it is, the final part. Honestly, I was only planning on having two parts, but you know how these things go. Anyways, I'm very glad to have gotten this story up, and I'm happy with it.

But what I think doesn't matter, it's up to you people. So leave a review, and be sure to check out the Fire Emblem Club's Valentine's Day Fanfiction Contest on DeviantArt.

And I will now finish He Smiles for Her; I promise.


Hah, I lied. Bad me. I'm actually going to do one more chapter after this, but it'll bump the rating up to M. Just because I like writing smut =fails=.


Everything is… white.

Like blinding lights are shinning into my eyes, but I don't need to wince. I look for something, anything that forms a solid shape, but there's nothin- no… wait. Lines… shapes… they're forming in my line of sight. Slowly the world around me turns 3D, and I push myself up. Is this heaven? If it is, then it's very cliché. Then again, maybe things are only cliché because they're true.

The world around me is nothing but clouds. Not a straight line in sight. As I look down I realize there are holes, and I can see the world below. My finger reaches out, touching one of the holes, and the air there ripples; the image within changing and focusing in on a specific area.

It's… surreal. A lot of things have been surreal lately; but this one takes the cake. I can see Sheeda; tears pouring down her cheeks as she clutches my bloodied body.

My body.

It's like watching my own death; only I'm already dead. Regardless, it's all too much, and I turn away from the scene. Perhaps I should look around a bit, I can't see anyone; where's mother and father? I push myself to my feet; strange, I have a body, yet I don't at the same time; and I begin to walk around.



Oh Marth, I truly wish I could give you the strength you've been asking for; but all I can do is watch. Watch as you lose precious blood, fighting against the terror that I faced myself only 100 years ago. I know you can do it, Marth. I know you're strong, maybe even stronger than I was back then. You just need to focus! Come on Marth!

My breath is hitched as I watch him plunge again, I can see where he's aiming; Medeus' heart. So close, just a little father… NO! WATCH OUT! MARTH!

But it's too late; I let out a cry as the pointed claw of Medeus' thumb rips through the prince; red blood staining his royal blues. No… no! Damit Marth! You should have been able to see that coming! Even as Medues falls, the breath of life leaving him, I feel nothing but sorrow.

No! This wasn't supposed to happen! MARTH! But the boy was falling, hitting the ground; as blood gushed from this lithe frame. I feel agony tearing a hole through me, as if I am the one dying, not him. Sheeda, the woman who loves him as I do, pulls Marth from the wreckage that was once the mighty earth dragon, holding him in her arms and crying out his name.

I do the same, even though he can't hear me like he can her.

Damnit Marth, don't die. Please, don't die. I want to watch you, for years to come. I want to watch you grow up, get married, have children. Death was so cruel, it would separate us forever. Damnit Marth, I love you!

But none of my cries do any good; I watch as the life leaves my prince, and I know it's over. Goodbye Marth. I'll miss you, more than you could ever know. You were the best prince a country could have asked for, and you've set the bar for the future heirs of Altea. Goodbye…

I find myself crying, tears running down my cheeks. Strange; I didn't know I was still capable of such things. I didn't know many things before Marth. And with his death, I feel a part of me dying, it's writhing away and I can do nothing to stop it. Oh Marth. I bury my face in my hands.

Oh Marth.



I stumble through the clouds in search of any other form of life. It's very strange. After all, if you think about all the people who have ever died; heaven should be packed. Yet I'm so alone, the only one, it seems. Sounds like a lonely existence to me.

My senses are slowly returning to me, I've realized I'm naked, for one. I guess that makes sense, we weren't born with clothes. Still, it's rather unsettling; so I tried to wrap some cloud around myself. When that didn't work, I tried to make clothes appear on my body; still nothing. Oh well, perhaps this is natural for people here. I guess it'll just take some getting used to.

It's sort of strange to be in a place with no sound. I can hear every shift in my body perfectly, every time my hair moves as I walk, every step that I take. It's almost as if my hearing has increased exponentially; and then I hear something new. Crying? Sheeda? No, Sheeda wouldn't be here… right? Fear suddenly grips me; I knew that Sheeda loved me, but there was no way she would have tried following me, right?

Suddenly panic fills me; and I run towards the source of the sound. Finally the person comes into view. Long blue hair… Sheeda!

No… not Sheeda. I can only see them from behind, but those muscles, that body… this was not the princess of Tallis. This person was bigger, taller, and very much a man. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks, realizing he was naked too; but that only lasted a few seconds until the figure let out a shuddered sob. He faced away from me, couldn't see me, his hands cradling his face. I felt so bad for him, but who was he? He looked… familiar; like someone long forgotten.

I approached him carefully, barely making a sound. I doubt he would have noticed anyways. My fingers touched the bare skin of his shoulder and he jumped; spinning to look at me with wide blue eyes. That face… it was so much like mine, yet… older, more manly. His jaw was more squared than my youthful curved one, his cheekbones prominent on his features; and his eyes were strong, even red and full of tears. "What's wrong?" I voiced tenderly.



My grief was cut short by a touch on my shoulder. I jumped in shock, having not received any kind of contact for a hundred years. My eyes widened on the person standing there; Marth. Marth. This was impossible; no, improbable. I was going insane, truly. Then he spoke, and I answered, "…You're dead." What a stupid answer; but the one I spat out none the less.

The prince only smiled warmly, oh God that smile, and kneeled down next to me, his hands limply laced in his lap. He was beautiful. I'd seen Marth naked before; but he was so much more beautiful here, in front of me. Every curve of his body was so smooth and symmetrical, as if it was carved by an artist. His skin, pale and flawless, even though I knew it should have been scarred from years of battle. And his eyes; those perfect pools of cyan blue. In his gaze I felt warm, safe, loved…

But a part of me rebuked it, refusing to believe in the dream.

"I know I am," Marth answered my statement. How in the heavens did he say that with such a warm smile? "But it's okay, I wasn't afraid of death."

"I know you weren't," I sighed, and he gave me a puzzled look. "I've been watching you for your entire life; I'm sorry I couldn't give you the strength you asked for."

A moment of silence passed before realization suddenly dawned on the boy. "Anri-sama?" I nod, and he beams even brighter. Suddenly his weight is on top of me, hugging me fiercely. Who knew something so small could have such a grip, I think, and suddenly find myself laughing.

"Oh Marth… why here? Why did you come here?" There's a hint of sadness to my voice, even as I laugh the words out.

"Here?" he pulls back, puzzled, "Isn't this where people come when they die? I mean, you're here, and-"

"No." I interrupt. "This is the watcher's post; this isn't heaven. There is no one else here. Only me." Now the frown is visible on his face, "You… won't be able to see your family, or anyone you love."

Marth's face falls, but it only remains so for a moment, "I didn't choose to come here, Anri-sama. I just… woke up."

"Ah, I'm sorry." Poor thing, forced into an eternity without those he thought he'd see in the afterlife.



My eyes wash over Anri, "Don't be sorry," I say. "Anri-sama, don't be sorry. I wanted to see you, and now I'm here. But… haven't you been lonely?"

I can see the question pains him, and I almost withdraw it, but he speaks, "It was the task entrusted unto me; lonely or not. It never bothered me, until…"

"Until?" My head tilts ever-so-slightly to the left.

"Until you were born. Everything started changing from then. I wanted to talk to you, to be with you, to meet you. But that was impossible; because even when you died you would pass on to heaven with the others."

My heart suddenly seems to be pounding out of my chest, Anri-sama thought those things of me? "Demo… ima imasu, ne?" I said, lapsing back into the old Altean language. Few spoke it these days; only the royal family members and the scholars. I quickly repeated myself in the modern language, unsure if Anri knew the old tongue. "But… Now I'm here, right?"

Anri nodded softly, "It's not the life I would have chosen for you."

"Why not? I'm not upset. Maybe I was sent here so that you wouldn't be alone. I won't be alone either, with Anri-sama."

"You don't have to call me that," he said suddenly, and my brows furrowed in question. "The… sama thing."

I nod in understanding, "Anri. Anri won't be alone either." My face rests on his bare shoulder, eyes admiring the toned muscles of his body. He looks so strong; it sends shivers running down my spine. I feel his hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair, and I look up.

"Marth… you have to know… I love you."

My cheeks are red instantly, "N-nani?" There's that old language again, it's harder to control when I was caught off guard so suddenly. "W-what?"

"I know; it's insane. You're my descendant, and I shouldn't have such crude thoughts about you. I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, but I needed yo-!!"



I'm silenced in the middle of trying to explain myself to Marth when he pushes his lips against mine. It's an inexperienced kiss; but I feel myself melt under it, giving into desire and wrapping my arms around his lithe body as I kiss back with passion. It's not long before the young prince has to pull back, gasping for air. We stare into each other's eyes, neither saying a word. There's almost a greater connection we seem to have mentally, like a silent conversation through our minds.

It may have been seconds that we stayed like that, or it may have been days. Time is so hard to keep track of in the heavens. Suddenly Marth speaks. "I want to stay with Anri-sa... You. I want to stay with you."

I laugh dryly, "You don't have a choice." But he only smiles, fingers placed gingerly on my bare chest as he leans into the warmth of my embrace.
