For Everything You Give Me

A Valentine's Day Story

Chapter 1- The Invitation

Izuru was up to something. Every night for the last week, as soon as the blond fukutaichou finished work, Kira would leave Third Division compound and not return until the next morning. The first night that this had happened Ichimaru had not been overly concerned. His lil' pet was known for his inability to hold his sake. It was on the third night, when Ichimaru had pressed up against his 'Zuru as they had been closing the office for the night and offered to take Kira back to his quarters and been oh so politely rejected, that the older man got serious about finding out what exactly Izuru was doing.

Ichimaru had found out through careful inquiry that Kira had not been out drinking with his little friends earlier that week. The little blond had refused their company as he had his taichou's. So if he wasn't spending his time with his friends or his insatiable taichou, what or who was Kira doing? Ichimaru was sure that Kira wasn't seeing someone on the side. He knew a lot of people thought his pet was depressed but the argent haired man was fairly sure Izuru was not suicidal. Reasonably sure. Best to find out.

The Taichou of Third division decided the easiest way to discover where his pet was disappearing all night, every night to, was to follow him. After all, if he needed his fukutaichou due to an emergency, he would need to know where to send the butterfly.

What the vulpine man found disappointed him. Kira had been going home. Not to his quarters but to his small family manor. What at first glance had looked like intrigue had turned out to be rather pedestrian. Izuru hadn't even been meeting anyone. How boring but the upside was that Kira would get to live.

Ichimaru decided to let his pet have his secrets as long as he knew about them. He just didn't know why Kira was giving the house a spring cleaning at the beginning of February. Spring cleaning normally occurred in, well, Spring. But what did he know or care about home ownership?

At the end of the week, the silver haired man had his answer. It was getting late in the afternoon and Kira had already finished the last of the paperwork. The thin blond sat at his desk toying with a folded letter sealed with a piece of red ribbon and with wax. Kira ran his fingers over the fine paper, tracing the inked lines that made up his taichou's name. This was a stupid idea. He needed to stop listening to Hinamori and Matsumoto when they talked about the Transient World.

The older man slid the door of his office open and sauntered up behind Kira. Ichimaru practically leered at the preoccupied blond sitting at his work desk. "What does 'Zuru have there?"

Kira gave a jump in his chair. The sealed letter fell from his fingertips to drop at his taichou's feet. The younger man looked down at the letter then up at Ichimaru blushing a fiery red. Kira reached frantically for the small packet of paper desperately. Ichimaru easily scooped up the letter first.

Kira looked up at the taller man with huge blue eyes, biting his lip. "Please, Taichou, may I have my letter back?" Ichimaru held the little packet out of the blond's reach. Izuru could be so entertaining sometimes. After a brief mental debate, the older man decided that a game of keep away was too undignified for the office, so instead he decided to investigate what it was about this particular letter that would cause this specific reaction. When he flipped the letter over he couldn't help grinning even more than usual.

"Izuru must be mistaken. It seems to be ma letter." Ichimaru tapped one long finger on the name beautifully inked on the cover. "I would have thought 'Zuru would know this 'cause it is in his writin'." Kira groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. No use trying to get it back now. Anything that taichou decided to claim…well that was that… and Kira had been so foolish as to put Ichimaru's name on it.

Curiosity won over the desire to watch Kira twist in the wind. With a flick of his thumb, the older man broke the wax seal to unfold the thick, expensive paper. Inside was a lovely piece of calligraphy that the young blond had obviously spent considerable time and effort on.

Kira Izuru humbly begs the appearance of

Ichimaru Taichou of Third Division

At Kira Manor for the weekend of St. Valentine's Day

An invitation for him. Ichimaru widened his eyes so they were nearly half open to really look at it. No one ever invited him anywhere, let alone went to the trouble of making a formal invitation. He had been order to plenty of events, meetings, parties for Taichous and such, never anything like this.

Ichimaru ran his finger back and forth over the each lovely character. "Izuru, what is this Valentines Day? Never heard of it." The taller silver haired man gave Kira an inquiring smile. The blond gave a little sound in the back of his throat that captured Ichimaru's attention. Kira usually only made that particular noise when his taichou was having fun torturing his pet. The vulpine man's smile flattened at the edges for a heartbeat. He wasn't trying to hurt the blond at the moment.

"Forget about it…It was a stupid idea!" Kira tried to snatch the invitation from Ichimaru's hand. Ichimaru grabbed the blond's wrist and applied exquisite pressure to the fine bones.

"I said it was mine. " The taller man's tone was flat even as his lips curled into a cruel smile. "Why don't 'Zuru tell me what it is insteada pissin' me off." Kira trembled in Ichimaru's boney grasp.

The blond swallowed and looked at the floor, his voice when he spoke was small and tight," It's a day to celebrate," he took a deep breath before whispering, "lovers."

Ichimaru was fascinated by the concept of Valentine's Day and his pet's behavior. Who would have ever thought anyone would set aside a day to celebrate sex. If ever there was something worth celebrating, that was it, one of the few things that made existing worth while. Well, that and persimmons. Persimmons…MMmmmm. But then again sex was available year round at least in theory. What really got the vulpine man's attention was Kira wanted to celebrate such a holiday with him.

"A day to celebrate fuckin'," Ichimaru grinned in salacious delight. "Sounds like a festival we should 'ave here." Kira made that sound in throat again, that almost whimpering sound. The little blond tried to pull his hand free of his taichou's hold. Ichimaru started to frown; Kira never tried to get away from him.

"It was a stupid idea," Kira tried to pull away from the argent haired man again. Ichimaru eased his hold but didn't let go, even when blond raised sad tortured eyes to his. Ichimaru felt his heart give a squeeze.

"What's wrong?" He knew he didn't react the way other people did, that was one of the reasons he loved to people watch. Others seemed to have a whole range of feelings he never felt. Rarely did this difference bother him; usually he merely found people's reactions entertaining. But Ichimaru didn't like the blank hurt lurking in Kira's eyes; he got the feeling this was one wound that if it was left alone wouldn't heal in a day or so.

"I-it isn't a day to celebrate…fucking," Kira's voice trailed off to a whisper at the crude word. He dropped his blue eyes to look at the floor. "It's a day to celebrate…l-love." The blond seemed to trip over the last word.

Ichimaru dropped Kira's wrist. The younger man clutched his hand to his chest feeling completely rejected. The blond swallowed hard and blinked several times to prevent tears from sliding down his cheeks.

"When should I be there?" Ichimaru's casual question cut through Kira's self doubt. The tall man smirked at the happy but confused expression that quickly replaces the lost look on his pet's face.

"You're going to come?" The tentative hope in Kira's voice was so cute Ichimaru just had to kiss him. The vulpine man took a step closed to the little blond, tilting his chin so Kira was gazing up at veiled eyes. The older man slowly lowered his head to run his tongue over Kira's lips. The blond sighed, parting his lips silently asking for more. Ichimaru slid his tongue past parted lips to fully taste his pet. Kira tasted almost as good as persimmons. The blond wrapped his arms around his taichou pulling him even closer moaning quietly as Ichimaru's tongue slid over his. Ok…maybe he tasted just as good as persimmons. When the silver haired man pulled back to lick his lips, Kira pressed his flushed cheeks to his taichou's chest.

"Sa when is dis thing?" The question came out huskier than Ichimaru intended. Kira rubbed his cheek against the older man's chest before pressing a kiss to the skin exposed by the V of his kodose.

"Valentine's Day is Feb. 14th but the invitation is for the whole weekend." Kira smiled up at Ichimaru. The normally somber blond was so relieved his taichou had said he would come and Ichimaru hadn't made him jump through hoops to get him to agree. "Just you and me alone in a big house and no neighbors."

"Taichou?" Kira's tentative question captured Ichimaru's attention. The vulpine man gave the slender blond an inquiring smile. The younger man gave a shy smile in return, a delicate blush staining his cheeks. "Taichou, may I ask a boon of you?" Kira raised hopeful eyes up to look at his taichou before embarrassment caused him to bury his face in the material covering Ichimaru chest.

"Hmm an' what might 'Zuru be wantin' sa much he'd be callin' it a boon?" The argent haired man shook his head. Who but the noble born used words like that anymore? What ever this boon was, it was going to be interesting to see what he could get out of it.

"A night," Kira's response was slightly muffled by the fabric of his taichou's kodose. The blond bit his lip waiting to see how Ichimaru was going to react to his request. When the older man didn't say anything after a minute, Kira peeked from his hiding place only to be dazzled by the genuine amusement stretching Ichimaru's lips.

"I thought ma pet just said this was a weeken'. Doesn' that usually mean more den one night?" Ichimaru hummed to himself enjoying the how flustered Kira was getting. He would have thought that it would take more than a weekend alone to shake his pet up.

The blond's cheeks turned a bright red as thought about how to explain his request. Kira twisted the fabric of his taichou's hoari in his hands stalling for time. "The invitation is for the whole weekend."

The young man took a deep breath before continuing. "I was hoping I might have the first night…to plan anything I want."

Ichimaru's eyes parted enough for ruby eyes to peer down at Kira in suspicion. Amused lips flattened as the possibilities raced through the vulpine man's mind. "What exactly does anything mean?"

Kira's eyes widened with alarm at the look on his taichou's face. "Dinner! Dinner and then I was thinking a massage…" The blond over come with embarrassment again buried his face against his superior's chest. "…then other stuff." The last part of the sentence was practically whispered.

Ichimaru considered everything he had just heard. He was glad to hear that his original assessment of this Valentine's Day thing wasn't as far off as he had thought. So his 'Zuru wanted a night to do his "other stuff". Gods only knew what that means. The argent haired man decided to give his lil' blond what he wanted; Kira was just going to have to work for it first.

The silver haired man rubbed his cheek against Kira's blond locks thoughtfully. "If Izuru gets a "night", whats do I get?" Ichimaru hummed to himself again at the delightfully baffled look his pet shot him. Kira was blinking up at him in complete confusion. He really was so fuckably cute.

"Umm, what do you want?" Confusion still colored Kira's question but it was also laced with a good amount of wariness.

Ichimaru had always known that his pet was a bright boy. His lips curled into a sly smile. "Well, if ma 'Zuru gets a night for his "other stuff", I thinks I oughta get the rest of the weekend for ma "other stuff". " Ichimaru licked his lips in anticipation of all the delightful prospects a remote location could offer.

Kira's blue eyes were huge as they stared up at his taichou. He bit his bottom lip nervously as he considered what Ichimaru wanted. The idea of his taichou free of any kind of restraint filled him with more than a little trepidation but as always that fear was mixed with a heady dose of excitement. He trembled at the thought.

Kira gave a slow nod. His voice was soft and husky as he whispered his response. "Alright. One night for me…and the rest of the weekend is yours…do what ever you want."

Ichimaru leaned down to brush his lips against Kira's. The vulpine man whispered against the blond's mouth, "Anythin'?" He reached down and tugged the knot on his subordinate's uniform loose. "Anythin' I wants to do ta ya?" He ran a hand down the blond's chest to trace the line where hakama and warm ivory skin met. "Anythin' at all?"

The younger man breathlessly nodded. Taichou was so close Kira could almost taste what he was saying. The slender blond swallowed before licking his lips. As his tongue slid over his lips, it also traced the edge of his taichou. So close…so very close. Kira was almost unaware of his softly breathed, "Anything…anything for you."

The argent haired man covered Kira's mouth with his own, darting his tongue in to fully savor his pet. Long cold fingers made quick work of the ties holding the black hakama about the blond's waist. Kira moaned into his taichou's mouth as his hakama pooled on the floor. Ichimaru backed the younger man up against the wall. Kira's eyes widened with alarm as he stumbled over the fabric around his feet, his wiry arms tightened around his taichou dragging the taller man off balance as well. Both men hit the wall with a loud thump.

Kira caught the startled look that quickly passed over Ichimaru's face when they lost their balance. The blond pressed his forehead to the vulpine man's chest, a faint snicker escaped him. Kira kicked the lurking hakama out of his way as he tried to quell his amusement.

"Oh, Izuru thinks dats funny does he?" Ichimaru's voice for once matched the sunny smile that graced his lips. Kira snickered again when he remembered the look on his superior's face. The blond shook his head in denial. Well, yes, he did find it funny but he knew laughing at his taichou may not be the best course of action.

Ichimaru tilted Kira's chin up with a finger. The irreverent amusement dancing in his blue eyes made the taller man catch his breath. The vulpine man took the half step needed to bring the two of them into full body contact. Ichimaru smirked at he watched as humor was quickly replaced with heat on the younger man's face.

The silver haired man lowered his head to press a kiss to Kira's neck. The slender blond sighed then tilted his head to the side so his taichou had better access. The younger man reached for the obi holding Ichimaru's uniform together. The vulpine man caught Kira's questing fingers pushing his hands back against the wall.

"Yah knows what I think is funny?" Ichimaru spoke against the blond's throat. He nipped his way down the side of the warm column. Kira's eyes slid shut as he moaned quietly. Ichimaru bit harder just above the delicate arch of a collar bone. Kira moaned louder; his hands fluttered under the argent haired man's restraining grip. The blond wanted to pull the taller man closer.

"The look on 'Zuru's face when he realizes dat he didn' lock the door ta the office 'afore all dis started." A satisfied smirk could be heard with each word Ichimaru crooned to his pet. The older man rocked his hips against the barely clothed man pressed against the wall. He hummed in delight as he watched blue eyes blink rapidly as Kira tried to comprehend what Ichimaru was saying. The blond's eyes darted to the office door in growing horror. Kira made that tortured whimpering sound in the back of his throat before raising panicked eyes up at his taichou. Ichimaru savored the sound. His pet was so very fun to play with.

"'Zuru might wanna be real quiet so nobody comes in ta see who is makin' all dose delicious noises he usually makes." Ichimaru let Kira's hands go to stroke the ropey lengths of the blond's thighs. The younger man clutched at his kodose, pulling it closed, his eyes jumping back and forth from the door to Ichimaru.

"Taichou?" Kira's voice was almost a squeak. The vulpine man hummed in appreciation of the sound. This afternoon just kept getting better and better. Ichimaru slid his hands up the inside of Kira's thighs to brush against the thin fabric of his fondushi

"Why does my pet wear these things?" Ichimaru ignored the question from the blond to run his fingers along the length of Kira's erection, cover by the fondushi. "I don' think I am gonna let him wear anythin' for Valentine's." Kira's attention was jerked from the office door to focus on what his taichou was saying. The blond's lips mouthed the sentence silently. After a moment, understanding filtered passed the alarm and the need.

Kira turned bright red at the thought. Taichou couldn't be serious. He wouldn't. Oh Gods, he would. The idea of traipsing around with those rarely seen ruby eyes watching everything he did was…disconcerting. Disconcerting and so…The younger man swallowed hard and tried to breathe. He raised a hand to his lips to stifle a moan he couldn't prevent at the thought.

Ichimaru grinned to himself as he felt the blond's cock strain against the fabric covering it. The vulpine tugged at the fabric loosening it slowly, letting it slide back and forth across the sensitive organ. "I see dat Izuru likes dat idea. Who knew he was such a bad boy?" Kira trembled as his taichou stroked him. The argent haired man pulled the fabric free to drop it to the floor.

Long cool fingers firmly grasped the hard length begging for attention. Ichimaru stroked the entire thick length before rubbing his thumb back and forth across the head, spreading the pre-cum over darkening skin. Kira's hips rolled in a shameless bid for more. The silver haired man tightened his grip to reward his pet's wanton behavior. Kira arced into the rough caress a throaty keening noise escaped him

"Did you hear that?" a rumbling bass voice could be heard from the other side of the office window. The slender blond froze in his taichou's grasp, his eyes absolutely huge with his hand cupped over his mouth in horror.

An indifferent baritone replied," Sounded like a cat, maybe it's mating season." Kira made an indignant sound at the comparison. Ichimaru bent his head to snicker in his subordinate's ear.

There was a pause from the bass before he replied. "Guess so, seems a little early for something like that."

Ichimaru licked the blond's ear before whispering,"It's never ta early for matin' season." The blond glared at his taichou, trying to push him away but his taichou wasn't in the mood to indulge Izuru's little snit. "I told ya ta be quiet."

The baritone responded with a bored voice, "Do you really care that much about some noisy cat or do you want to go get some sake?"

There was a short pause before the bass replied with a decisive, "Sake!"

The baritone's grumbling, "I thought so," faded as the two men continued on their way.

The argent haired man's shoulders shook with suppressed laughter as he pressed a kiss to the blond's throat. Ichimaru pushed Kira's hand away from his mouth to stroke the blond's lips with his thumb.

The younger man frowned against Ichimaru's finger. Kira's furiously whispered, "This is not funny!" from the way his taichou was silently laughing, he obviously disagreed.

Ichimaru covered Kira's scowling lips with his own in a long kiss. The argent haired man's tongue pushed past lips coated with Kira's essence, Ichimaru hummed against his subordinate's mouth. Kira resistance slowly melted with the kiss. He had never been able to resist this tall vulpine man for long. The blond wrapped his wiry arms around his taichou, under his hoari, pulling him close. Kira slid his hands around to the front of his superior's hakama cupping the evidence of the pale man's desire. Ichimaru's pleased hum dipped lower into a low growl.

The younger man eagerly pulled the obi loose tossing it to the office floor. As soon as Ichimaru's kodose fell open Kira pushed the fabric away to slide his hands over the cool skin of his taichou's chest. He loved the feel of the hard muscles moving under the marble pale skin.

Ichimaru plundered the mouth of his sweet lil armful. He stroked his hands down Kira's back to settle on the hard muscles of the blond's ass. He pushed the smaller man up against the wall grinding against the warm body in his arms as his calloused fingers slid between taut cheeks, stroking over the blond's tight quivering entrance.

Kira moaned brazenly into the hot mouth covering his. His fingers trembled as he yanked at the familiar ties holding his taichou's hakama up. Finally, the dark fabric fell to the office floor to join the small pile of discarded uniforms. When Kira's questing fingers found only warm skin instead of the expected loincloth, he pulled away from the hungry mouth covering his to look at Ichimaru. Hot blue eyes stared up at the vulpine face, flushed with passion, in open mouthed shock and desire. Oh gods, Ichimaru was serious about his plans for Valentine's.

The tall argent haired man smirked as he read his pet like a book. It amazed him that after all these years with him that his Izuru could still be such a prude about some things.

Kira spread his legs wider to rub his hard aching cock against his taichou's. How much longer was taichou going to make him wait? He looked up at the taller man through hooded blue eyes, imploring him, begging him for more.

"Always sah impatien' pet," Ichimaru smirked as him. The silver haired man trailed his fingers down the center of the petit man's chest, the blond leaned his head back against the wall offering himself up to the man toying with him. The lean vulpine man slid his fingers lower to lightly brush along the younger man's hard length. Kira bit his lip to stop a low moan of frustration. Ichimaru wrapped long fingers around both men's cocks, squeezing the two together, before sliding his firm grip up and down. His low hiss of pleasure was drowned out by the muffled moan of the younger man.

Ichimaru's head fell forward to growl into the blond's ear, "I can smell 'Zuru…how excited he is." His tight hold on their clasped fleshed pumped, "I don' wanna just smell it…I wanna feel how much ma pet wants me." The tall vulpine man slid his mouth over his subordinate's racing pulse, biting the delicate skin. He tilted his head to trail the tip of his nose across sweat dewed skin, his tongue snaking out to taste the slightly salty skin. "Izuru does wan' me, doesn' he…"

"You know I do…," Kira gasped his response to his taichou's questions. He shivered at the feel of a wet tongue tasting him. Why did taichou always start asking questions when he couldn't think anymore? The blond struggled to form words," I-I want you more than I want anything."

The argent haired man tangled his free hand in pale gold locks, holding the shorter man still, his mouth covered Kira's a bruising kiss. He released his hold on hard cocks, slicked with mingled pre-cum, to brace himself against the wall. The blond made a moue of disappointment in the back of his throat. When the two men parted, their panting breathes filled the air. Ichimaru gave his lil armful a quick kiss before using his hold in damp hair to push the shorter man to his knees.

Kira slid down the wall to rest on his knees, completely compliant to the grip in his hair. He brushed his flushed cheeks across the straining cock that bobbed in front of him. He darted his tongue out to taste the heavy sac swaying beneath the proud erect flesh. The younger man ran his hands up the braced legs before him; he could feel the fine tremors running unseen through the steely muscles. Kira tilted his head to give his taichou a tiny knowing smile half shielded by long blond hair.

He cupped the twin weight of Ichimaru's balls, rolling them gently but firmly. He brushed them with his thin lips still set in a smile before giving his taichou one last hot look. His lips parted to slip one warm weight into his mouth. He sucked on the mass, savoring the taste of this argent man. He flitted his tongue over his treat before pulling away with a wet slurping sound. He snuck a peek up at the taller man; Ichimaru had his forehead pressed against the wall, his ruby eyes squeezed shut, his usually grinning lips parted as he gasped. Kira moved to his second treat. He easily took the firm testicle into his wet mouth, rolling it on his tongue. He gave a hum of satisfaction at the sound his normal quiet taichou made. He could feel the twitch of the cock above him, then the drops of pre-cum splatter on his cheek.

Ichimaru's voice was a husky growl, "'Zuru…" He fisted his hand in the pale hair, tugging on the kneeling man's head. Kira reluctantly abandoned his taichou's balls to lick his way up the swollen erection weeping for his attention. He slid his tongue over swollen veins standing in stark contrast to the pale perfection of the rest of Ichimaru's skin.

Kira loved how he could see just how much his taichou wanted him. Ichimaru kept such a tight hold on his self control and was usually so silent in his passion, sometimes Kira doubted if the older man could possibly want him as much Kira needed his taichou. Ichimaru roughly pulled on the blond hair in his grip, losing patience with the younger man's failure to address the situation the way he wanted.

The blond gasped as his hair was yanked, the broad purple head of an eager cock pressed against his lips. Kira swallowed the thick erection, stroking it with his tongue. He pressed down, taking as much of the length as he could. His efforts were rewarded with a husky moan above him and a rolling thrust forcing the jutting organ deeper into his throat. He swallowed convulsively when it hit the back of his throat.

Ichimaru's fingers clenched in need. "'Zuru…so good…such a good boy." Kira's head bobbed as he moved over the invading thrust of his taichou's cock. The blond moaned around the hardness filling his mouth at the praise; there was no other place he would rather be. Ichimaru hissed at the feel of the blond moaning against his most sensitive skin.

Kira looked up at his taichou with the a tiniest of smirks, he flicked his tongue across the slit a small string of combined spit and pre-cum his lips to object of his attention. His licked his lips enjoying the taste. The blond found himself unceremoniously dragged from his kneeling position, his lips covered in a hot carnal kiss. Hard fingers slid down his creamy skin leaving trails of heat behind. Strong hands gripped the hard muscles of Kira's ass, lifting his toes off the ground.

"Put yar legs 'round ma hips." Ichimaru's voice was a low rough growl, so different from his usual lilting speech. The slender blond eagerly wrapped his legs around the small of vulpine man's back; he looped his arms around his taichou's neck.

"Holds on tight," Ichimaru wrapped one sinewy arm under the blond, using the wall to help support the slight man's weight. With nimble fingers, the older man parted ivory cheeks. Kira trembled as he felt the slick length of his taichou's cock stroked back and forth between his cheeks, sliding back and forth across his entrance coating it in a thin layer of lube. The blond dropped his head to Ichimaru's shoulder, moaning loudly. Ichimaru pressed the blond tight to the wall as he pushed a finger into his pet. Kira moaned as he pushed back against the questing finger. Soon the first finger was joined by a second, the familiar discomfort a welcomed preamble to the waiting pleasure.

Kira tightened his arms around Ichimaru; he raised his head to plead in his taichou's ear, "," he panted as his felt the forceful slide of fingers into him, "I want you…please!"

Ichimaru grunted in response as he shifted under the blond. Kira felt the slender lengths of older man's fingers be replaced with the thickness of his cock. Kira pressed his lips to the sweat dewed column of Ichimaru's throat to stifle the noise he made as his taichou thrust hard into him. The vulpine man held the trembling body close to him, breathing in the smell of Kira's skin, Ichimaru gritted his teeth at the delicious feel of the younger man clenching around him. Eventually, the blond relaxed around the intrusion that filled him.

"Izuru feels sah good," Ichimaru's praise was punctuated by a slow withdrawal and a rolling thrust. Kira clung to the slick body sliding in and out of him with such glorious friction; he pressed his hand to his mouth trying to mask the escalating sounds he was unable to prevent. "I can' wait 'til we are all 'lone," Ichimaru's husky whisper filled the blond's ear. "I wanna hear ma pet beggin' and pleadin' sah pretty." The argent haired man thrust hard into the hot depths of the younger man in his arms.

The blond gasped, his legs flexing to press himself more firmly on the hardness invading him. Kira's long neglected erection slid over the hot sweaty skin of the vulpine man's ripping abs, the slender man pressed himself shamelessly against the man holding him. He shuddered as Ichimaru pressed him flat to the wall before rubbing every slick inch of marble skin against him.

Ichimaru shifted his grip sliding his hands along wiry thighs to hook his elbows under his pet's knees. Kira reluctantly loosened his legs from around the waist of his taichou. The argent haired man pulled the younger man's legs wider; Kira's eyes widened as he felt the taller man slip even further inside him.

The vulpine man pulled out only to slide hard and deep into his subordinate. The thrust hit everything just the way it was supposed to. Kira pressed his mouth to the shoulder on the man holding him and keened his pleasure.

The blond tightened his hold, turning his head to kiss Ichimaru's throat. Kira gasped against the older man's ear, "Oh, Gin…I want…Gin…Please!" There was always something about the way the younger man said Ichimaru's name that pushed need to a whole new level in the vulpine man. The blond used it as a goad and a reward for when his taichou was making his toes curl with ecstasy.

Ichimaru's thrust became harder and more erratic as he plowed the slender man with primal force. Gin's voice was low and harsh in the room," Come for me, pet…I wanna feel ya come on me sah hard…" The taller man turned his head to bite the shoulder of the man he held against the wall. The sharp little pain was enough to push Kira over the edge, his cock bucked between sweat slick chests, spurting thick ropes on to tightening muscles.

The taller man grunted as he was clenched hard and deep inside the body trembling over him. He thrust once, then twice more before following the blond into the hot bliss. Kira moaned loudly as he felt his taichou pulsing inside him and the hot fullness of Ichimaru's filling him.

Ichimaru pressed Kira against the wall trying to catch his breath as wave of fatigue mingled with the pleasure still chasing over his skin. The vulpine man licked the bite mark marring Kira's creamy skin before slowly pulling free of the warm body with a low moan. Ichimaru shifted his hold on the blond's thighs until Kira could stand on shaky legs. The two men held each other as they leaned on the wall not wanting to let go and not trusting their legs to support them. Soon enough, the real world would intrude and they would have to think of baths and getting dressed, but for now it was enough just to be here.