Spoilers Alert: Chapter 574 of One Piece! Do not Read if you haven't read the chapter!


This must be a dream. There's no way it's real. We just spent all this time, worked so hard, got him away from those damn marines! And now… there's a hand through his chest. In a sudden rush, everyone is going after the guy that did it. AkaInu. Attacking. Trying to take the bastard down. I should be helping! I should –

Ace falls into my arms, finally unable to remain standing. "I'm sorry… Luffy," he said in a barely audible gasp. My hand on his back becomes warm and sticky and as I move it away, I can see why. Blood. Covering it. Pouring down his back, dripping on the floor around us.

Why the hell is he apologizing?! I'm the one who should be apologizing. He jumped in front of that man to protect me. A doctor. I need to get him a doctor!

"I'm sorry I couldn't let you save me properly," his words are coming through tired gasps now, "Forgive me!"

I'm suddenly swept with fury, "What are you talking about? Don't say stupid things like that!" Somewhere nearby, someone calls a doctor. The man comes running, but stops as Ace speaks again. What does he mean its no good? His time has come? His insides… burned… What do you mean you're not coming back?! Why are you saying this? Are you going to die?! No!

"You promised!" I remind him. He's my brother – he won't break a promise! He can't… His one regret… to not be able to see my dream come? When his is never going to get the opportunity? No, stop thinking like that! Ace isn't going to die!

You're not a good for nothing! Who cares about who your real father is? I came all this way to save you, I'm going to save you! His voice is getting so soft… so quiet.

"You guys still loved me…" He's crying now. I don't think I've ever seen Ace cry. He's the strong one, the tough one. The brother I could never beat. Of course I love you, idiot! "Thank you so much!"

His frown suddenly twists up into a smile and even with the support of my other arm, he falls. For a second, I can't do anything but stare. My teeth clench as I fight back the painful tension of a sob in my throat. Ace isn't dead. You're not dead!

But he's not moving. There's so much blood, and still more coming. Draining. Pooling around us. There's nothing I can do anymore. Ace. My brother. Gone? It can't be true. It must be a dream! I want to reach out, wake him up. Punch him for pretending to die on me. But something inside me knows that it's useless.

Someone is going to pay for this. For my brother's death. The pain and sorrow morphs into a flaming fury burning in my chest, rising up in my throat until I have no choice but to let it out.


A/N: I swear, part of me never wants to read another chapter of One Piece again. Ace is probably one of the best characters in the series, if NOT definitely. And Oda goes and kills him. SO this is pretty much my interpretation of what's going through Luffy's head. Not all the dialogue is there from the chapter – skipped a lot, but that's ok. Any places where I put 'You' instead of 'his' 'him', or 'Ace' without italics or quotations are intended. Hope you all enjoy this! Don't forget to leave your feedback!