You Cannot Run From Destiny

Spirits, Queen and Magic

"Are you going to battle, little Princess?"

"How could you have survived? I locked you away forever!"

"Everything you did was in vain and now your little son will pay the price!"

"I'll never let you touch him."

"But you see Princess you are a spirit and I have a body. I will have you're Prince before the time is through."

"WAIT...! Damn it! I have to stop him before he gets to my Prince."

He had elected himself to take watch for the beginning of the night, which no one disagreed with. Everyone was sleeping soundly around their camp. Wufei had noticed a few things about the seekers in the moments he had been guarding them. Prince Quatre had decided to sleep as close to Trowa as he could get without making Trowa feel uncomfortable. Trowa had not seemed to mind the Prince lying next to him and had quite quickly fallen into his dreamless sleep. Heero had wished to sleep as far away from the fire as possible, which was strange because it was quite cold – cold enough that Wufei had to sit right in front of the fire just to warm up. Duo on the other hand had just sprawled out where he had been sitting and had completely knocked himself out for the night – until the light snoring started.

Wufei even though finding these facts interesting and amusing had become bored of his guard duty not too long ago. The bone chilling night air warned Wufei of the spirits that lurked around, yet there seemed to be no animals which had surprised him quite a bit. At least the spirits would not disturb them. They seemed to have granted them one night's sanctuary in return from saving them from those Leo's that had appeared earlier. At least Wufei had one spirit around that he felt comfortable with.

"Nataku, tell me. How did you become a spirit?" Wufei asked softly as the wind blew around him. A slight laugh danced upon the wind. Wufei knew it to be Nataku's. A new wind danced around him, a warm, calming wind that came along with Nataku's voice.

"I was known as the Lady of Dragon's a long time ago," she whispered. "There was no Dragon that could out fight me. In one battle against a dragon I saved Princess Christine. Of course at the time she was not the Princess but a Seeker. I defeated the Altron Dragon only to be bonded with its soul." Wufei listened intently but could not see how this linked into Nataku becoming the spirit of the wind. In the Wind Kingdom it was a common custom to learn stories of Nataku, her legendary battle with Altron was not uncommon. "In the final battle, close to the end I begged Christine to do one thing. Just one thing..." Nataku paused for a moment. The moment seemed forever as Nataku's usual warm air turned cold and sent a chill down Wufei's spine. "I asked her to transform me in to a spirit..."

"Why?" Wufei asked as a frown creased his brow. "Why would you do that and not die an honourable death?" Nataku laughed. So likely for him to say that, she smiled softly and let her wind caress his skin. She used her power to warm the wind so she could protect Wufei from the harsh wind that surrounded them like a mother would her child.

"Wufei I was dying," she whispered. Wufei didn't miss the sadness in Nataku's voice. "I had a family Wufei. I had a baby boy waiting for me at home. He was my little son, and I was going to die and he would never know me." Wufei's eyes slightly widened. Just like his mother. She was murdered by a shadow soldier when he was nothing more than a toddler.

"How..?" Wufei breathed, asking a question that did not need to be complete. Nataku smiled and Wufei could feel it.

"Shadow poisoned me, my body was shutting down." She whispered once more. "I begged Christine to turn me into a spirit, but Altron would not let her. Instead Altron begged that I become a part of him."

"But that's not possible!" Wufei exclaimed. Wufei then shut his mouth and glanced around the camp. That had been too loud, but luckily no one was disturbed. "How is that possible?" Wufei asked softly.

"Altron is the Dragon of the skies. The King of all Dragons," Nataku explained. "He controls the skies and therefore controls the wind. Altron asked that I join with him to watch the skies, and to watch over my family and land."

"Why would you do that Nataku?" Wufei asked patiently. "You would spare yourself to living an eternal life to watch your family. Why?"

"Because my son became the next Seeker," she explained softly. "The Seeker's, the ones who saved the world from the shadows every 500 years, they were my family." She paused softly and caressed Wufei's skin once more. "Wufei, do you understand what that means?" Wufei did not answer. It couldn't be could it? He was... "You are my son Wufei," she spoke like a mother would to her child. "You are descended from me. You are my heir to the Lord of the Dragons."


Noin looked up from her documents laying all over her desk to see a young messenger crash into her once silent room. Noin frowned as she saw the young man out of breath. Noin placed her quill down and leaned back in the chair. She would wait until air was once again flowing steadily through the young man. Once he had caught his breath he saluted to her General of the Royal Guard before speaking.

"There has been a message from the Wind Kingdom." He proclaimed urgently. Noin clasped on to the edge of her uniform knowing that the utterance alone brought bad news. "The capital was attacked last night. None of our troops made it in time; however they did manage to capture someone fleeing from the Kingdom into our lands." The man then pulled a scroll from his bag. "Apart from personal belongings this was the only thing on the young woman." Noin frowned, a young woman? Noin motioned for the young messenger to bring the scroll to her. Slowly the young man walked towards her and placed the scroll into her open hand before taking a step away from the general. Noin cocked an eyebrow as she did not recognise the symbol on the scroll. She pulled the silver white ribbon from the scroll before opening the delicate piece of information. She glanced over the text but not until she reached the bottom on the scroll did she understand.

Master O¸ she thought. Noin's face darkened as she slammed her fists on the desk. The young messenger quivered in fear as if a lightning bolt bad just struck in front of him. The soldier coward as his eyes stared into hers.

"YOU IDIOT!" She exclaimed. She moved around her desk picking up her belt as she ran past the young man and out into the corridor. How could her men be so foolish? If this woman held something as important as this then obviously she was no threat to the kingdom but a messenger of the once proud kingdom.

Noin thundered through the corridors ignoring the adoring men who bowed or begged an audience with her. She had no time for such foolish men at a time like this. Servants stepped out of her way and bowed their heads low; they could tell when Noin was mad or annoyed. The young messenger chased the palace corridors after Captain Noin; something told him he was in for trouble. Noin slammed the door to the jail open and galloped down the spiral stair case. The messenger felt dizzy as e spun around the spiral staircase. Noin looked through the empty cells searching for the young unjustly imprisoned inmate. Noin's face frowned as she saw not a soul in the jail.

"GET OFF ME!" Noin's head snapped forward towards the end of the hall way. That cry was female! Noin took two steps before galloping towards the wooden door at the end of the corridor. Noin slammed the door against the wall and entered. Her presence startled the two soldiers holding the young woman. The young woman could not have been that much older than herself. Her honey hair fell over both her shoulders mattered and untidy. The sky blue eyes held nothing but fear. This woman feared this palace, this dungeon. Her eyes stared at Noin in fear and anticipation.

"Release her at once!" Noin demanded the soldiers at once. "You idiots! She is a messenger from the Wind Lands!" The guards released her at once and she fell to the floor. Immediately the young woman winced as her hands hit the ground. Noin slowly walked towards the young woman and knelt down in front of her. The young woman cowered away from Noin as she looked at her. The woman's eyes were a pale blue that held fear but there was something else in there too. Noin undid her belt that held her sword to her waist and threw it away from her. "I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Lucrezia Noin; I'm captain of the guard of the Sanc Palace." Noin stated. The young woman's eyes widened slightly as she saw Noin's sword discarded at the side. Noin held out her hand towards the girl and smiled gently. The poor thing was scared to death and Noin knew she was hesitant to be near any guards.

"I am Sally Po of the Wind Kingdom," the young girl spoke as she took Noin's hand. Noin nodded to her and helped the girl up taking her away from this pitiful excuse of a room.






"Quatre is there something wrong?" Duo asked as he turned back at the young Prince who seemed to have dazed off causing Trowa to hold the reins of the horse and steer it away from the oncoming tree. The group stopped as they all turned to the young Prince. Duo looked to see that Quatre's eyes glazed over with a strange mist blue. Duo's brow frowned. "What's wrong with him?"

Trowa held Quatre close to his body since it seemed that the young blonde had no awareness of his surroundings. It was strange to see Quatre like this. His skin was paler than usual and with those misty eyes it was too unreal. Wufei rode next to Trowa and waved his hand in front of Quatre's eyes.

"Nataku have you seen this before?" Wufei asked as the wind picked up around them. The wind circled Trowa and Quatre before resting besides Wufei and swirling around his body once again.

"I have." Nataku whispers on the wind. "It's called Spirit Trance."

"Spirit Trance?" Duo uttered with a confused tone. All of them where confused, none of them had ever heard of a Spirit Trance. It wasn't a common phrase to come upon on an everyday basis. Nataku's voice chuckled on the wind and she swirled the winds around all the Seekers.

"It's hard to explain…" Nataku stated and swirled around the Seekers. "Basically someone is calling for help and it has gotten through to the Prince first. It is merely like I talk to Wufei only it is a cry for help."

"But what about the eyes?" Heero asked as he watched Quatre's eyes turn from smoky sky blue to a dark clouded colour. The air around them changed and Nataku went silent. She had caused it. Duo shivered as he saw Nataku swirl around Wufei with a cold wind.

"We have to get him to the palace now!" Nataku's tone had changed from motherly to franticly impatient and anxious. All the boys begged her to tell them what was going on but all she could do was shout at them to get to the palace as soon as possible.

Quatre didn't understand where he was. Last he remembered he was riding back to the palace with the other seekers when he started to feel tired. Quatre had closed his eyes for two seconds and when he opened them he was somewhere completely different. Quatre looked around trying to find something that could explain to him where he was but all he could see was darkness and mist swirling around his feet. Quatre turned as a noise echoed in his ears but nothing was there. A shiver ran through Quatre causing him to hold himself however it didn't do much good for him.

A warm breath of air hit a sensitive spot on his neck and Quatre felt a little warmer. Quatre could feel arms wrapping around him and pulling him close. He felt a body behind him but he couldn't bring himself to look. Something was stopping him.

"Say you'll share with me our lives, our love." A voice whispered into Quatre's ear. The warm voice had a calm soothing tone to Quatre. His eyes slowly closed as he listened to that voice speak sweet words in his ears. "Speak to me. Tell me your heart desires and I shall give them to you." As Quatre heard this voice hold and comfort him he could feel a warm light in front of him; Getting closer and closer with each word spoken in his ear.


That voice caused Quatre's eyes to open. He had heard that voice before as well. But it was still a mystery to him. Quatre felt the body behind him cower away from the light; moving back into the shadow away from the boy's young body.

The light banished away all the darkness and mist to reveal a young woman standing before him. Quatre looked at the blonde woman standing before him. Her clothes were gleaming white and she stood there with silver jewellery all over her with sapphires embedded in her. Her skin was pale and her eyes where a smoky blue that reminded Quatre of his mother's eyes. Upon her head a crown sat with sapphires and emerald embedded. She was a Princess. She smiled and Quatre and came closer to him. She smiled like a mother would to her child. She kissed Quatre's head and hugged the young Prince.

"I am so glad you are safe my Prince," She uttered in melodious way. She hugged him again before letting him go. She stepped back and smiled. "You certainly are perfect young Prince but please don't give in to the darkness or his desirable words." She blew him a kiss and started to fade into the light. "Love you Prince."

Quatre's mind couldn't cop. What had just happened to him? Who was that woman? And what darkness could she mean? But who was that voice?

"Quatre…. Quatre…. Please wake up Quatre. Quatre!"

"How in Wing's name could you let this happen!" Relena exclaimed as she stood before the four seekers that winced at the pitch of her voice. Relena had been extremely angry from the moment that she had heard that Prince Quatre was injured by Spirit Trance. They were the Seekers and were supposed to know about all the dangers around them. How could they have possibly forgotten to take extra special care with the Light Seeker? "I cannot believe how incompetent you are. Do you realise how dangerous it was to try and wake Quatre up from Spirit Trance. You idiots!"

Wufei listened to the woman lecture them about the event which had almost paralysed the young Southern Prince. It was true that they all knew how dangerous Spirit Trance could be by Nataku's explanation on the way to the Palace. She had stated that once his eyes had changed from a dark colour to a brighter one they should try and help. That is what they did and even Nataku got a surprise when the young Prince did not wake up. Nataku had muttered in his ear how wrong it was for this to happen.

"I swear if we lose him it's not only the Shadows we'll have to watch out for!" She exclaimed before storming out with a grace intact.

All four sighed as they watched their superior walk away from them. Wufei shook his head before turning to the others. Wufei watched as Duo rubbed his ear, probably from all the yelling the Queen had done to them. Wufei noticed that before Heero could speak a small messenger boy ran up to them and bowed.

"I do apologies for the disturbance but I have a message for Chang Wufei," the young messenger said with his head bowed down. All the seekers looked from the boy to Wufei.

"That would be me," Wufei answered. The young boy handed him a scroll and bowed before running off. Wufei unfolded the scroll and could feel the burning gazes of his companions on him. Wufei tried to ignore them as he read the message given to him.

"What is it Wufei?" Duo asked folding his arms.

"A message," Wufei stated bluntly as he closed the scroll. Wufei placed the scroll in his sash before Duo could try and grab it.

"Oh come on Wufei," Duo said in an annoying tone. Duo threw his arm around Wufei's shoulders causing the Wind Seeker to growl. "Is it your steady girl?" Duo chuckled. Wufei growled once again before hitting Duo over the head and storming down the corridor to his room. Heero and Trowa only sighed as they watched the argument. They had a feeling there would be more to come.

Trowa sat up in bed as he listened to the owls hoot outside. Something about being in the palace had caused him to be restless and the calling of the night birds echoed in his mind, teasing him to come and be where he belonged. Trowa sighed and rubbed his head. He had not felt at his best since the interlude with Quatre and the Spirit Trance. Something had been bugging him about it. Slowly Trowa pushed the sheets off him and stood. He quickly walked to the window and looked out of it. The moon was out, shining brightly on this city. Trowa admitted that back home in the snowy plains of the Water Lands the night time was the best time for gazing. Trowa sighed again and looked towards the gardens below. Something caught his eye. A Wolf… What was a wolf doing in the middle of a palace garden, let alone being in a city?

Trowa pushed the window open and looked down at the wolf. The wolf had shinning blue eyes that seemed familiar to him. The wolf growled as he noticed Trowa staring at him. The jumped up the branches of an old giant tree and climbed to the balcony level. The wolf stared at Trowa before giving another growl. The wolf gazed to Trowa's left forcing the seeker to look as well. The balcony door's next to Trowa's room was open. That was Quatre's room where he lei defenceless and vulnerable. Trowa quickly turned back to the wolf to see it master a giant leap to Quatre's window. Trowa gasped as he watched the wolf dart into the room. Trowa's breath caught and his heart skipped a beat. Quickly Trowa climbed on to the banister of his balcony and made a swift jump to Quatre's. Trowa pulled the doors open more for him to entre. Trowa growled and went in to a fighting stance ready to attack the wolf if it was anywhere near the Southern Prince. There was only one problem with Trowa's plan… There was no wolf.

Trowa glanced around the room expecting to find the beast there but there was nothing. There were only three doors leading out of the room. The balcony door; which Trowa had followed the wolf through. There was the main door; which was guarded by Royal Guards. Then the wash room door but it was shut. Even Trowa knew that a wild wolf was not that clever, but to be safe Trowa checked. Trowa stepped quickly to the door and slowly opened it prepared to jump in to action if needed. Trowa quickly looked around the room to see nothing but the marble bath that was situated in the middle of the room. Trowa frowned. Still no wolf… Trowa closed the door and turned back to the room where Quatre lie. Had he made the whole thing up in his head? That wasn't possible, that was too out of character for Trowa.

Trowa made his way towards the bed and saw that Quatre was unfortunately still in the same place he had been when Trowa had placed him there. Trowa sighed with relief and disappointment. He was glad that nothing had changed from the Prince because that meant if he hadn't of dreamt the wolf the Prince was safe but also it meant that the Prince was still paralysed for Spirit Trance. Trowa shook his head and watched the sleeping Prince quietly. Trowa looked at the boys paler than usual face and pondered. His teacher had taught him to be a medic. It wasn't known by many that the Water Seeker had the Healing Gift. It was supposed to be a myth from long ago but Trowa knew better. Trowa pulled the sheet away from the boy's body. Trowa gazed at the Prince's smaller body. He was so small for his age and with so much youth to it.

Trowa raised his hand over the boy's body and took a deep breath. Trowa closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing. Trowa could feel the healing properties in his body start to grow and create a chain around his body. Soon the power began to move to his arms and then to his hands. When Trowa could feel the energy at his fingertips he knew it was time to perform his power. Trowa opened his emerald eyes which started to glow and began to chant the spell he was taught. The words flowed from his mouth in a language unknown to the world of humans. Trowa knew it as the Tongue of Heavyarms (his God). It was only known by the seekers and had been passed down from generation of seekers to the next. The words danced around him with the magic began to pour from his finger tips and wrap its way around the small boy. The magic wrapped Quatre in a cocoon of energy that would help to repair his system. Trowa continues to chant but stopped as he started to hear two heart beats echo in his ears. Trowa pulled his hand away as he saw the blue energy turn green. He was finished. Trowa stopped his controlled breathing and closed his hands, drawing them back to his side.

Trowa relaxed as he felt the power in him subdue. Trowa sat on the side of the bed and watched as the colour returned to the young Prince's face. Trowa pulled the covers back over the Prince and tucked the sheets around him to keep him warm. Trowa turned and looked at his balcony doors. He stood and closed the door to keep the wind from striking at the Prince's already cold skin. Trowa sighed as he wondered how on earth that wolf had brought him to Quatre's side to help him.


Trowa turned towards the bed and gazed at the ocean blue eyes gazing weakly at him. Trowa watches as the little boy smiles weakly at him. Trowa walked calmly towards the boy and watched as the boy slowly tried to sit up. Quatre however was too weak to move and forced himself to lei there.

"You should rest," Trowa stated and pulled the sheets over Quatre.

"What happened?" Quatre asked as he weakly struggled against Trowa's help. Trowa did not answer him and silently watched him. Quatre looked up at him with a pleading look. It was Quatre's way of begging.

"You were in Spirit Trance," Trowa stated as he looked out the window. "We tried to wake you up but it paralysed you and we couldn't stop it." Trowa turned back to him. He grabbed Quatre's arm and showed the small boy his skin. "The after effect of Spirit Trance is whitening of the skin." Trowa watched as Quatre stared at his hand as if it was the most puzzling thing he ever saw. "Nataku helped us discover what was wrong with you."

"Did you come in here to look after me?" Quatre asked letting his hand slip from Trowa's grasp. Quatre looked up in to Trowa's emerald eyes as he wondered what could have possibly possessed the Water Seeker to stay with him.

"You could say that," Trowa stated.

"Thank you."

Ok well that's it for this chapter. I'm sorry it took so long. I have been stressed out with college and work plus I have been focusing on "Pull upon a Thread" a lot. I will put a poll up so you can tell me what story you would like me to continue with over Christmas and which is your favourite.