A/N: Welcome to my second story. Valentine's Day is almost here and I thought I would make this one a Valentine's Day special. Many of you who have seen the weather channel also know about how bad snow is hitting the Northeast. I know this because I live in the Northeast. So…if you take a snowy day and add a bit of Valentine romance you get one awesome Teen Titan Valentine's Day story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans so don't bug me about it please.

Chapter 1: Rush Hour

Valentine's Day had approached fast on Jump City. The streets were crowded with people rushing to the store to get their gifts for their admirers before the big blizzard hit this afternoon. For days, local weather channels had been predicting the storm, advising people to be prepared as snow could accumulate to around 20-30 inches of snow. Like everyone else in Jump City the titans were preparing themselves for both the blizzard and Valentine's Day.

Starfire and Robin where setting up all the decorations with Cyborg cooking up all the meals and desserts. Beast Boy had left to get more groceries before the stores would close so they wouldn't run out when the storm hit. Raven, on the other hand, was in her room meditating. She needed the extra meditation from all the restless nights she spent this week. She knew Valentine's Day was tomorrow and it was beginning to bother her. Just recently, she had accepted her feelings for her masked leader. Now she was trying to decide on how she would tell him or maybe what to get him.

Just as she had finally began to focus into her meditation a loud knock came to her door. She groaned as she pulled her hood over her head and began to walk towards the door. The door slid open to reveal Cyborg's cheery face. Raven's brow twitched as she asked, "What?"

Cyborg jerked a little but recomposed himself smiling brighter.

"Well I was wondering if you would like to go with me to get some Valentine's Day cards and stuff like that. Rob and Star are almost done with decorations and BB is getting more food for the storm so I wanted to know if you'd like to go with me." Cyborg smiled hopefully.

Seeing as she wouldn't be getting any meditation done she decided to tag along.

"Sure why not." Just as her door slid open Cyborg anxiously grabbed Raven's arm not waiting for her to protest and sped towards the T-car.

When they got into the garage Cyborg had by now let go of her arm looking around the room for his keys while Raven was leaning up against his car waiting impatiently for him to hurry up. It was then when she heard a loud clang, which startled her. She saw that many of Cyborg's wrenches had dropped on the floor with two of the garbage cans knocked over and emptying out all of it's trash all over the cement of the garage. Cyborg who had finally found his keys dropped them again at the sound of the clanging.

Raven walked over to the now empty trashcans and saw Robin with his hand on his head mumbling to himself about his clutzyness. Raven forced herself not to laugh as Robin slowly rose to his feet noticing Raven standing right infront of him.

"Hey there boy blunder clumsy much?" Raven smiled.

Robin blushed a little but composed himself.

"Yeah sorry, I need to get more red and white steamers for Star she's having a conniption about it so I need to hurry." Robin rushed to where his helmet was and began to place it on his head.

"You can come with us we were gonna get some stuff at the store anyway." Offered Cyborg as he walked to where Raven was standing twirling the keys around his finger.

Robin shook his head, "No thanks it'll just be quick I need to hurry." With that he hopped on his motorcycle and sped out of the garage.

Raven and Cyborg gave eachother confused glances as they began to climb into the car and head to the store.

Half an hour later Raven and Cyborg arrived back at the tower carrying brown bags into the tower. As they walked into the room they saw that Starfire had finished with the decorations. This had made them confused.

"I thought they ran out of red and white steamers." Raven shrugged as she set the bags on the counter. Starfire flew into the room smiling wide seeing her friends surveying her accomplishment.

"Friends what do you think about the colorful decorations I have constructed." Starfire beamed.

"Um Star I thought you ran out of the red and white streamers?" Cyborg questioned.

"What do you mean." Starfire cocked her head to the side as she raised an eyebrow.

"Robin told us that you guys needed more streamers which speaking of Robin, where is he?" Raven looked around the room for him.

"I do not know the location of friend Robin at the moment." Starfire said quizzically.

"Star I need some help carrying the groceries can you give me a hand?" A voice easily recognized as Beast Boy's shouted.

"Coming friend." Starfire walked out the door heading towards the garage to lend Beast Boy a hand.

"So if Rob wasn't going to get more streamers-" Cyborg rubbed his chin.

"-then where did he go?" Raven inquired.

A/N: There you have it. I thought it turned out pretty good for the first chapter. More chapters coming. So until then all you people in the Northeast hang on to your hot chocolate, throw some logs in the fireplace, and stay tuned for Winter Romance chapter 2.