In That Moment

Summary: Set during season four episode three: Minimal Loss. What did J.J think about the situation Emily got into?

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Criminal Minds.

"I can take it."

"Listen to her." Rossi says.

"I can take it."

"She is antagonizing him." Morgan said.

"No, she is talking to us. She doesn't want us to go in." Hotch says. With a grim look on his face.

No one noticed J.J sitting in the room and no one knew she had been listening to the whole conversation. Then again no one would really think otherwise about no one knows about their relationship. Well no one except for Garcia. No one knew that three days ago Emily and J.J had just bought a house and moved in. No one knew that they were planning on having a baby. No one knew that Emily had proposed a month ago.


"Hey babe what are you doing?" Emily asked as she watched J.J move about her office.

"Nothing but, be careful when you call me that. I mean if you are still planning on keeping this a secret." J.J said with a smirk on her face. She didn't want Emily to think she was serious. She wants to tell her friends but she understand that Emily needs some time.

"Yes, I am still planning on keeping us a secret but I knew if anyone was around. But I wanted to ask you something?" Emily said hoping that she can do this without J.J getting suspicious.

"Ok, what did you need to ask?" J.J asked.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Emily asked getting a little nervous. She knows she has to get this over with or she is going to faint.

"No, why?" J.J asked with a smile on her face.

"Well, I don't think you feel like going out but do you want to come over and I will order take out and we could watch a movie. You could stay the night just bring your ready bag." Emily asked hoping she wasn't being to forward.

"That sounds absolutely perfect honey. I will meet you right after work." J.J said grateful that Emily knew her well enough to know she didn't want to go out.

"Ok that is great do you want Thai?" Emily asked so she could go ahead and order the food before she gets there.

"That sounds perfect. Thanks babe." J.J said as Emily walked out.


"Hey babe I am here…" J.J trailed off as she looked around. Emily had light candles and there was a dozen roses on the coffee table.

"Hey honey." Emily said as she came in. "What is it?" Emily asked as she tried to give J.J a kiss but she was too distracted.

"Em you didn't have to do this." J.J said as she looked around.

"I know but I wanted to do something nice for you I know you've had a rough couple of weeks." Emily said as she led J.J to the couch so she could show her the box.

J.J was moved to the couch by Emily and didn't notice the box till she sat down, the flowers were blocking them. J.J gasped as she reached for it.

"Jennifer I've wanted to ask you this for about a week now but nothing seemed to be working in my favor. This has been burning a hole in my pocket. I know that we have only been together for like six months but I don't care I love you with my whole being. You have had my heart and soul since the day that I meet you. I have never seen an angel like you till you showed me around the FBI building. So I am asking you Jennifer Jareau will you be my wife. Please." Emily asked with a hopeful look on her face.

There was silence for a while. Emily couldn't breathe and J.J well she sat there just staring at the box. Emily took it from her hands gingerly and opened it. J.J gasped it was the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen. It was a princess cut diamond and the band was a twine of white gold and yellow gold. There were also two diamonds next to the major diamond made it kind of looked like the branched off from the vines.

"Please, J.J say something you are scaring me." Emily pleaded.

"UH…Yes of course yes. I would love to marry you." J.J said with tears in her eyes.


On the flight home J.J just stared out the window while Emily slept the pain killers were taking their toll. All J.J could think about is the fact that she almost lost her today and no one would have known that she even cared. She can't do this anymore and she needs to talk about this with Emily.

When they finally touched down J.J drove Emily home. Emily just dozed in the passenger seat the whole time. The whole time J.J is thinking about what she could have lost and what she wants out of this relationship. She doesn't want to hide from her friends anymore and Emily needs to know that.

"Em you need to wake up we are home." J.J says trying to wake up Emily as easily as she could.

"Ok babe I'm awake. Are you ok?" Emily asked seeing the face of J.J.

"Yea we can talk about when we get inside if you're up for it. I am good." J.J said helping Emily out of the car.

"Ok babe I am ok now that I have rested some." Emily said as she limped into the house.

Emily went straight to the couch and J.J followed.

"What is wrong honey?" Emily asks as she reaches out to her.

"I want to tell the team about us. I want them to know that we are together and that we are going to have a baby. I want them to know that today I could have lost the most important thing in my life. I don't want to have to explain to them why it hurts me so bad if you die or get hurt like now." J.J said with tears in her eyes.

"Oh baby is that what has had you thinking so hard lately. I wasn't going to tell you this till tomorrow but I planned on inviting the team over for dinner in a couple days to announce the engagement. I know what you want J.J and I am going to give it to you what sort of fiancé would I be if I didn't." Emily said as she pulled J.J into a hug. "Honey I knew I could take it or I wouldn't have said all that stuff. I would have let Hotch come in and get me. I didn't think about you listening but I was thinking about you the whole time I promise. You were the only thing on my mind and the future that we should have together." Then Emily stopped abruptly. She had a weird look on her face.

"What is it honey?" J.J asked not knowing what was going to Emily's mind.

"You said that we are going to have a baby. Do you mean now or in the future?" Emily asked she had almost forgotten that they had gone to the doctor a couple of weeks ago to get J.J inseminated.

"I mean we are in like ten months honey. I was going to tell you tonight but then all this happened." J.J said with a smile on her face.

"We're pregnant. I can't believe it I love you so so so much." Emily said with the biggest grin that J.J had ever seen on her face.

"I love you to but we need to go to bed you need your rest babe." J.J said as she helped Em up.

"Ok babe but I will call everyone tomorrow and we will have dinner tomorrow they all need to know about this great news." Emily said as they walked up the stairs to their bedroom.

A/N: Ok so what will happen next? How will everyone take the news? And does this mean that J.J and Emily will live Happily Ever After find out next time on…Criminal Minds!