Breaking The Truth

Chapter 4: Feelings

Hermione's eyes popped wide open. Her body seemed immobile. Just sit up and say yes! You wanted to tell him, now's your chance. Just say yes! she screamed at herself. But for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to do it. The seconds ticked by in a deep, awkward silence. Slowly, she sat up and looked at him, still not speaking. He was leaning against the door frame, his body relaxed, but his expression was far from it. She shrinked back under his piercing stare, suddenly feeling extremely worried for his reaction.

"Hermione?" Draco said, breaking the unbearable silence, his voice hard. But still, kicking herself mentally, she liked the way her name rolled off his tongue.

"Pssh, what makes you think that?" she asked, the shaking in her voice prominent.

He took a step into the room. "I'm not blind, ya know. Anyone with eyes would see it." He raised an eyebrow at her. She looked way.

"Alright, fine, yes, yes she's your's. But don't you dare go start making assumptions because, in my defense, I thought she was Ron's. Well, until recently. And I thought I'd been doing the right thing. I didn't want Rose to grow up being confused about who her real father is," she blurted out in a rush. He thought about what she said before speaking.

"So…if you never came here, you would've never told me about her? About the fact the we had a kid?!"

Okay, so maybe he would get mad. His cheeks flushed red. Guilt washed over Hermione. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to hide Rose from him.

"No, I would've told you! I was planning on it anyway…"

"And when were you planning to do it?" he sneered.

Hermione avoided meeting his eyes. She knew he saw right through her. "Eventually." What else could she say? She didn't know when she was planning to do it. Truth be told, it hadn't even crossed her mind. She thought about doing it, but not when. She didn't think it would happen so soon. She thought she'd have a bit more time to figure out exactly how to explain it to him. In a way that wouldn't have him freaking out.

"So, basically you were waiting for me to figure it out." It was more of a statement than a question. She didn't know how to respond. She'd hoped he wouldn't find out but, she didn't want to be the one to tell him if he had to know.

"I'm sorry," was all that came to mind. She knew that wouldn't even come close to covering it. He flushed redder than before. In a way, it reminded her of Ron.

"You're sorry?" he asked venomously. "That's the best you can do?"

Tears flooded the brims of her eyes. She looked away, not wanting Draco to see her break down. No matter how hard she tried to hold them back, traitor tears leaked out and raced down her cheeks to drip in her lap. She knew he had every right to be mad at her. She deserved it. She'd kept something so important, something that would change his life, a secret from him, from Ron, from everyone. But something inside her told her to shout at him, to get mad at him. It was the past.

Hermione wiped the tear tracks off her cheeks and faced Draco. "Look, I know you should be mad. I deserve it. I get it. Go ahead and yell at me. Tell me how stupid and unthoughtful I am. I kept your daughter from you! You should be screaming at me! But it's in the past! If I could, I'd go back and change it. I know now that as soon as I found out she was your's, I should've come straight to you. But I was afraid! Rose needed a father in her life and I was scared that you would've turned your back on her, on me. And then I would've had to tell Ron. And I know he will leave as soon as I do. Then I'd be left alone; she'd be left alone, without a father. I didn't want that!" Before she knew it, she was sobbing. "Rose means everything to me. She's my whole life. I want to raise her right."

Draco stepped forward, stretched out his arm and then pulled in back, deciding better of himself. He sat down beside her on the bed and stared at the wall in front. It was silent for a little bit. All that was heard was Hermione's sobs. Her face was in her hands and she was bent over, elbows resting on her knees. She felt completely vulnerable and did not like it. Him seeing her crying was the last thing she wanted. He'd always seen the tough side of her. She never let her guard down back in school. But she could tell he didn't like it either. His emotions were visible in his grey eyes. He was unsure of what to do.

The silence stretched on. It began to get uncomfortable. Hermione wiped her eyes and glanced at him. He was leaning forward, still staring at the wall. She wondered what was going on in his mind. When he finally spoke, his voice came out slowly, but determined.

"I'm not going to turn my back on you. Rose is my responsibility also. Hermione, I'm not the same person I was backing at Hogwarts. When I left there, I left that person too. But, you should know that I am mad. But not just at you. At myself also. We were incredibly careless that night and it should've never happened."

Hermione laughed dryly. "It's funny how one night of letting everything go can change the rest of your life."

Draco smiled at her. For a moment, she got an urge to feel his soft lips against hers again. Quickly, she pushed it away and smiled back.

"When are you planning to tell Weasley?" he asked quietly.

She shrugged and sighed. "I dunno. I know not now. I just couldn't handle it at the moment. I need time to think up what I'll say to him. It's not going to be easy. Ron has quite a temper." She sighed again and rubbed her already red eyes. "I'm so stressed out right now."

"What can I do to help?" he offered.

Hermione stared at him. "What's with all the sudden niceness?"

"Well, I figured we should try to get along for Rose. Though, it's just killing me to be nice to you," he said.

"I bet it is," she agreed, "just as it's killing me not to smack you again."

"Ha, ha very funny, Granger," Draco chuckled.

"You know it is, Malfoy," Hermione grinned.

"But, I'm completely serious. What can I do to help you?" he asked again. His eyes searched her face as she gazed back at him. Wonder appeared in them and she knew he was wondering about what was on her mind.

"I dunno, just be her father."

He nodded, stood up, and turned to go.

"Where are you going?" she blurted out. Her stomach twisted as he spun around to look at her.

"Mmm, shopping. I think I'm gonna buy Rose something," he decided.

"Oh, you don't have to do that…" Her voice trailed off.

"Ya, I do. I missed four of her birthdays. I think I deserve to get her something expensive."

Hermione shook her had, smiling, as she watched him exit her bedroom. After he disappeared, she sighed and replayed the conversation in her mind. So, it went better than she expected. Though, the whole crying part was definitely not part of her plan. She didn't do well when vulnerable. That's what got her into this situation in the first place.

But, now she could check Draco off her list of people to tell. Ron was next. That was a scary thought. Though she was happy she wouldn't have to tell Lucius and Narcissa. She knew she'd be terrified of them, even though Narcissa had been treating her with respect. Lucius, on the other hand, was still presenting his loathing for muggle-born. He did his best to hid it, none the less. That area was Draco's responsibility. She had to handle Ron and that was enough.


He needed a moment to think. What just happened? Did he and Hermione really agree to be civil to each other? Yes, yes they did. The thought was overwhelming. If he were back a few years, he never would've dreamed this day would come. But, he needed to see the bigger picture.

And that was Rose.

That little girl was they bigger picture. She was absolutely precious. As he skimmed through his memories and looked at them more in depth, he began to question whether or not he deserved to have such an angel as his daughter. He came to a conclusion. No. There was no way that he deserved her. He'd been a complete bastard to Hermione in school. Now that he thought about it, Hermione deserved to have been treated better ¾ for a Mudblood. He had to admit, she was a damn good witch.

Draco paced and paced back and forth in his bedroom. He stopped, turned, and banged his head into the wall. What was he thinking? This was Hermione Granger, he was thinking about! The Muggle-born witch who'd beat him in every class! He'd been jealous! Extremely. The way his father taunted and punished him for not getting better grades then her.

But, this was also Hermione Granger, the mother of his little girl, who, even when she wasn't trying, charmed every inch of him. And that started back in Hogwarts. He didn't like to admit it so he covered it up by teasing her. True, he didn't like her because she was a Mudblood, but he couldn't help feeling something more. Maybe that's why he made no effort to stop things from getting out of hand almost six years ago…

"Damn!" he cursed. "Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn you, Malfoy!" He slammed his forehead into the wall, spun around, and slid down to slump on the floor, his back supported by the wall. He felt something…something for her. Oh no. This is the worst possible thing that could happen to him. Not now. Not when he's so trying to fight his father, trying to keep himself from going back.

"Not now," he whined. "Oh Merlin, not now."

As he thought more about his problems, he realized it was probably not safe for Hermione and Rose to be here. Why the Ministry thought it would be was beyond him. Not with his father…thinking again. Maybe he could see if Hermione wanted to move into one of the estates closer to London with him… He shook his head. There's no doubt that she would say no and think he's completely mental. But…Rose. He couldn't have her here with his father. And even Scorpius; he need to take care of his son without his father's influence on the boy.

He would have to speak with his mother. He knew for a fact that she didn't want Lucius thinking again. Then, he would talk to Hermione. He wanted his little girl and boy safe more than anything. Nothing else mattered to him. They were the most important things in his life right now. Scorpius was all he lived for over the past few years.

Draco stepped out of his bedroom and found his mother sitting in the study. He entered and sat down across the desk from her.

"Is something on your mind, darling?" Narcissa asked, looking over her horn-rimmed glasses that she only wore while reading.

"Yeah, how would you feel if I ask Hermione and Rose to, you know, move into the estate closer to London…?" He said slowly. "You know with father and everything, I just don't think it's face for them and Scorpius."

"Sweetheart, if you want to, I'm not stopping you. That estate is in fine condition, preferably my favorite. If you would like to, go right ahead. I think that is a marvelous idea," she beamed. "It would be a great chance to get to know Hermione and Rose. And to let Scorpius bond with the two. Although, it seems as though he has taken a liking to Rose." She indicated out the window.

Draco stood, walked over to the glass, and stared out. Rose and Scorpius were running around, playing with Toby, the little beagle he'd gotten Scorpius at Christmas. He couldn't help but smile and then turned back to his mother.

"Okay, yeah, I really do want to. But I need to talk to Hermione first. I dunno if she would be okay with it… Maybe I'll wait a bit and then ask her," he decided.

"Alright, darling, whatever you want to do." Narcissa turned back to the book she was reading. Draco took that as he signal to leave.

A/N I'm so sorry for the long wait! Ugh It's just been so hard to get an idea! But, I did and I promise the next chapter will be better and hopefully longer. Anyway, review if you liked it!