Disclaimer: I do not own Naurto, it's characters and story respectfully.

A/N: Hello! My first Naruto story, and hopefully an interesting one to you guys! This story is changed from before the Uchiha Massacre, where Itachi changes his path from a criminal. But let's not forget the 'cool Sasuke' and the 'Knuckle headed ninja, Naruto'. Will there be violence? Yes. Will there be love? Hopefully. Will there be lemon? Er, not sure. As pairings...are up in the air at the moment. Those who wish to vote what pairing they would like, their will be a poll on my account soon. So without further ado, let's begin!

Chapter 1: An Old Man's Request

It happened again. They, and when I mean they, I mean the same people. Day in, and day out. Those people who glare and scorn the poor blonde, whilst the poor boy could just only ask himself why, and pull a fake smile to hide it all. It wasn't a topic he entirely understood, and probably never will. He sat miserably on top of the head of Fourth Hokage, that was carved onto the village's mountain. The only place he would come and release all his emotions.

"Why?" he sniffed as he looked down at the village below him. "Why do they hate me?".

The poor boy was only seven. He had no mother, nor father. No one cared for him really. The only one who spoke to the lonely boy, was the Third Hokage himself. Usually he would ask him how he was, and if there was any troubles. About in every time he asked that question he got the same answer, everything is okay. But it wasn't, the boy named Naruto just kept it to himself.

The sun soon was starting to set. And Naruto got to his feet to make his way back to his apartment to rest, and maybe endure another day of unexplained hatred towards him. As he walked through the streets, remaining members of the village stared and whispered things that he couldn't make out, other than the words, 'monster' and 'demon'.

"They call me a monster, a demon...why? I don't look like one...do I?". Those words stuck with him as he entered his apartment, and would linger overnight.

The poor blonde boy entered the park not in the most of highest hopes. He instantly got the stares and whispers from other children and their parents. And like always, there was no one in the school who would rather speak to him. Even the loneliest of kids would approach him. Looking around he saw the made-shift swing by the large tree, where he found comfort and security.

Sitting on it, he watched in solemn of the other children playing and enjoying each other's company. He saw a cherry blossom haired and light blonde girl playing with one another, discussing what topics they would discuss. And she her eyes melt on a particular boy who entered the park alone. Like Naruto, he didn't get much of a warm reception. The girls around the park who saw him coed, feeling their hearts melt, with an exception of a dark blue haired girl in a hime-cut style. She was looking at Naruto, with a questioning and shy look. He just thought that she was weird.

"Hey! YOU!! Get off the swing!" demanded a boy similar to Naruto's age. He looked like he had the appearance of a dog. He pupils were like black slits, and he bears canine like teeth. "Move it!".

Naruto meekly removed himself from the swing, and having no where to go now, he manoeuvred himself to the centre of the park to find sanctuary. But to his dismay, he found none. As he passed the dark haired boy which looked at him, strangely, as to wonder who he was. Although he never asked him, he knew that he wasn't welcome by everyone else's eyes. But did that really bother him. He looked weak by his pained expression.

"Hey! Freak! How dare you walk past Sasuke and not address him!" screamed the pink haired girl.

Naruto though that the girl was beautiful, and strong, but this attitude towards him didn't exactly help. He hadn't got a clue on what she was talking about.

"The great Sasuke Uchiha was standing there!!".

Naruto just looked at the person called Sasuke, which looking at his expression showed that he really couldn't care less if Naruto did acknowledge him or not.

"Baka!" called out the pink haired girl as she was starting to get irritated by his quietness.

Before anything else could be mentioned, all the kid's attention was drawn to a new boy to the park. No one had ever seen him before, he was just a complete stranger to them. But what gained the children's attention was their parent's eyeing a man with him. He looked rather old to be his father, a grandfather perhaps? But he didn't look like your ordinary old man. He had bandages wrapped around his right arm and eye. He looked tired from his one eye but strong from his appearance. And some of the parents even gaze at him with slight fear.

Naruto looked at the boy, who's appearance was, strange to say at least. He wore a black shirt, and black shorts with black sandals. He had longish light blue hair that went down to the end of his cheeks at the sides, with the back of his hair reached down to his shoulders. But his eyes, his eyes were piercing and dark that mixed within his crimson orbs. He looked incredibly tired as well, as if something was keeping him awake or draining him.

He looked around, taking in his surroundings but dismissing the children almost immediately. The old man nudged the boy forward, which he dragged his feet across the dirt in anger. It clearly seemed that the boy and old man didn't get on. The boy approached the small group that formed in the centre. He looked at everyone again and groaned for no reason. But when he looked at the blonde...he was interested. The strange new comer had no idea why, but he sensed that their was an aura in the blonde that was bloodthirsty. Shoving past Sasuke, he stood in front of Naruto with lazy eyes.

"What the hell is your name?" asked the boy, sounding if most like demanding it.

Naruto looked at him scarred and puzzled. He didn't know who he was? Was this kid outside of town? Whoever he was, he was asking for his name! "Um, Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki...".

"Hmm, Naruto huh?" pondered the strange boy. He pointed to himself and said "Kira", with no emotion.

Naruto assumed that this was his greeting.

"Hey! Who do you think you are?" demanded the blonde friend to the cherry blossom. "You push past Sasuke and want to talk to this demon?".

The boy looked at the blonde girl, which he then shifted his gaze to the Uchiha. Although he didn't seem bothered by it, he was just slightly annoyed that he did barge past him.

"Yeah. So what? You his girlfriend?" snapped Kira.

The blonde girl blushed heavily, but then Sasuke snorted and turned away. "As if" he growled, which the blonde looked defeated.

Leaving the conversion as it was, he turned back to Naruto. "So, your the demon kid that everyone is talking about huh? To be honest you look really harmless to be something that would destroy anything in it's path...".

"I...I wouldn't kill anyone!" snapped Naruto.

"Of course you wouldn't. That's why I said you look like you're harmless" retorted the boy. "So. You want to fight?" asked the kid out loud bluntly.

Naruto, including everyone else around including a few adults, heard the boy which he then stood back and pulled his fists up ready to engage him in battle. "W-what?! Are you mad?! I haven't done anything to you!".

"Of course you haven't! It's just a sparring match! You know, to test one's abilities! C'mon! It'll be fun! I bet you had all those name callings, glares and hate buried deep down in you! Wouldn't be great to let it all out?".

Naruto looked into his eyes to see that the red orbs were dying for blood lust. It is like he had thought of fighting someone in park before he got here.

"Are you going to make your move?" questioned Kira, but Naruto just looked still fazed by his words. "Fine!". Kira moved first and landed a punch onto his face, knocking Naruto to the floor holding his nose. Blood dripped from his nose as he looked back at Kira. Kira looked unamused by Naruto's lack of self-defence. He moved in again and punched his cheek, knocking him back to the floor.

Cheers rang round the two as fight went on without Naruto's agreement. Kira lifted Naruto up and head butted him to make the poor battered blonde to step back. As then Naruto received a kick to his stomach, which he landed back on his spine where he then gained more kicks from Kira as he was on the floor. Naruto could do nothing but accept what punishment he was receiving from this kid.

Expecting another kick, which never came, he opened his tear filled eyes to see Kira standing above him, with a disappointed look. "Why are you not fighting back?" he questioned him. Naruto could only stare in puzzlement. Kira moved his right arm forward where Naruto went to shield himself, but then looked at the hand gestured to him. "Come on. Get up" he ordered. Which Naruto took his assistance and got to his feet. "Look. If someone is attacking you, what is the most logical answer?".

"To defend myself?".

"Well, yes. But are you just going to defend all the time?". He waited for Naruto's answer, which he got a blank expression.

"You fight back you dope!" growled Sasuke at the clueless Naruto.

"Correct" stated Kira looking at Naruto. "Now, why don't you come at me with all that rage?" suggested Kira.

Whatever Kira was saying, he somehow knew that Naruto had bottled his anger and rage, and he wanted to let it all out.

"C'mon! Just think of me as all those all nasty people that treated you for most of your life! And then attack me! Rage is such a good thing!".

Naruto was completely puzzled by this kid's objective here, was he here to beat the living crap out of Naruto, or did he want Naruto to beat the crap out of him? It was all confusing for Naruto, not to mention everyone else. Naruto looked at Kira, then thought back to all the times, when he was kicked, name called, ignored, glared and bullied. That raw emotion of rage started to burn in his stomach, and grow to other parts of his body rapidly. But as he allowed anger to pass through him, there was, something else emitting himself, strong, powerful, and not to mention bloodthirsty. It boiled him, his blood with rage and fury! He heard whispers in his mind, a menacing whisper..."Kill, kill, kill, KILL!".

Kira looks at Naruto, and sees a noticeable change in him. His eyes, once blue were starting to change colour, to a slight lavender colour. 'So, it's true...he's a Jinchuriki' thought Kira as he looked at Naruto with interest. Then his whiskers started to grow wider. The children could feel the air stir in dark and menacing blood lust. It was starting to scare the living crap out of them. The parents realised that the blonde was being provoked into this, this strange boy, wanted the demon to surface. Watching with amusement, Kira saw Naruto's fangs grow bigger and achieve long nails, that assumed claws.

The children were bewildered to what was happening to him, maybe they thought it was some kind of transformation jutsu.

"Now that you're raging, how about another duel!" laughed Kira.

Naruto charged in with speed that the other children have never seen. They looked at Kira to see that he was tackled into sand pit, then punched in the face. Withdrawing his hand, Naruto went to punch the blue haired stranger again in the face, but was disappointed when he shifted his head to the right and then retaliated with his own punch. Naruto shifted his head back to evade the counter-attack. But then resumed his earlier attack on this strange kid, by landing another punch on his face.

Parents screamed in horror as the boy was attacked by the demon possessed blonde. Parents ran to their young children to remove them from the fight scene. The old man who brought Kira to the park went in and grabbed Naruto by his shirt collar, lifting him off Kira as his face was battered and bruised.

"You disgusting demon child! How dare you attack my apprentice! You shall pay for this slowly!" growled the old man, raising his hand to the boy, but was stopped by a hand gripping his wrist.

"I think that your apprentice caused this in the first place Danzo", said another old man who looked at the man called Danzo. "Let go of Naruto".

"Sarutobi. What are you doing here?".

"I was simply on a simple walk, a small break from my duties behind the desk. That was the case until I heard screams from the park, and came to investigate".

"This isn't your concern" snapped Danzo.

"It is when your harming a member of the village" replied Sarutobi, with the same angered tone.

"Fine" growled Danzo, grilled by Sarutobi defending the demon possessed child. He let go of Naruto, which the blonde landed hard on his backside. Growling in defeat, Danzo picked up Kira by his arm, and dragged him to his feet. "Move it boy! We're leaving!".

"Yes Master Danzo" muttered Kira, who started to follow his old master. As he walked past Naruto, he turned to him and smiled cheerfully. "Thank you Naruto".

Naruto looked shocked and confused by the strange boy's expression and thanks. Why did he thank him? Did he wanted to be attacked? The blonde soon felt that sudden raging power seep from his body, making slump to the ground, with the world going dark.

"So. The boy named Naruto Uzumaki was attacked by this strange boy, that you haven't seen before?" asked the older Uchiha as he walked back home with Sasuke.

"Yeah big brother. It was strange, but he actually thanked the dope for beating him up. It was right strange" replied Sasuke thinking back to the event. "Everyone left it as well. The only person to intervene was a old guy in bandages".

"Did you say, an old person in bandages? Did you catch his name?" asked Itachi sternly, as if it was of great importance.

Sasuke looked at his older brother with concern and confusion. Why was Itachi suddenly interested in this old guy? And why should it bother him? "Um, I heard the Third Hokage call him Danzo".

Itachi looked away, with anger filled eyes. 'Danzo. Have you been taking kids like the strange rumours?' questioned the prodigy Uchiha.

"Why ask brother? Does it bother you?".

Itachi quickly composed himself, and turned to smile at his little brother. "No. Not really. Just interested. Anyway, I think it's time to head back to home. Mother would probably be worried".

Sasuke nodded and started to run off, but not to much of a speed that Itachi couldn't keep up in fast walking pace. Suddenly, Itachi stopped and thought about the next step. "Actually, Sasuke. Tell mother and father I'll be home soon. I got something to take care of".

Sasuke blinked twice at Itachi, clearly he was confused by his brother's sudden change in decision. Normally Itachi was always two steps ahead in decisions, but having to change his mind and go and take care of something? Was abnormal. "Um, alright brother...see you back home!". Sasuke sprinted back home, which Itachi waited till he couldn't see his brother in the distance, then made his way towards the one place he thought he would never thought of going. Especially during these growing dark times.

Sarutobi was busy finishing signing documents, and requests when his secretary knocked twice on the door. Sarutobi knew it was secretary as he no other clan elders would visit him at this time, even in emergencies, his secretary would knock on the door as by passing on the message. "Come in" called out the old Hokage before taking puff from his pipe. And indeed, his secertary appeared, a young male shinobi who was stuck behind a desk from a recently failed mission. Some would say it was some sort of punishment. "Yes? What is it?" asked Sarutobi tiredly, placing the pipe back in his mouth.

"Lord Hokage, Itachi Uchiha is here to speak to you. He says it's urgent" explained the aide, if with little effort to his voice. Being the secretary was boring.

Sarutobi almost spat out his pipe as in shock, but like every great Hokage, they hid their shock from their enemies. He was nevertheless the same. "Very well. Send him in". The aide bowed and allowed the teen Uchiha to enter. "Itachi. How can I help you?".

"Lord Hokage. As you know, my clan has been planning a coup against the village. And as passing information from meetings to you. I ask one favour of you great sir".

Sarutobi smiled at Itachi's request. After all the times that the old man needed to know what was going on in the Uchiha complex, it was Itachi that provided the information. And without him, this suspicious coup would have gone unnoticed. Sarutobi thought it was only logical to repay the Uchiha for his services.

"Of course Itachi. And what would you ask of me?".

Itachi thought hard, another sight very rare to see on this young man's face. "I wish for myself...to leave the village. Until this matter is completely resolved".

Sarutobi just couldn't believe his ears, had he actually started to loss his hearing? "You're sure about this Itachi?" asked the Hokage hearing what he heard was true.

"Yes. And I wish to take someone with me also".

"And who?".

"Sasuke. He has no right to perish in this selfish coup of my clan's. Please my lord" bowed Itachi, which his voice sounded more like a plea.

Sarutobi sighed. Although letting Itachi go would be insane, but was a pacifist by heart, and his services was grateful, he considered letting the teenager go, but taking Sasuke with him...despite securing a young and innocent child, not to mention a greater success of restoring the Uchiha clan after if this coup occurs. If Sasuke survives, also the possibility of his older brother teaching him the true path they should take. It was a registered approval, if only that simple. The council elders weren't so, thoughtful. If Sarutobi would let them go, he needed Itachi to do him a favour, if not the village's through their eyes.

"Alright, Itachi, I will allow it. On one condition". The teenager smiled at the Hokage's approval, despite this condition. "I want you to do two things, one train your brother your views on how this world should be guided through, also, I want you to take another person".

Itachi looked confused, if not a little questioning to why and who.

"There's a boy that I wish for you take and train with your brother, he along with your brother, will the greatest assets of this village in the future".

"And may I ask who he is lord Hokage?" asked Itachi, a little curious if not interested.

Suddenly the room's occupants heard complaints with yelling and laughing.

"Your question is currently outside the door" replied Sarutobi smiling.

Curious, Itachi approached the door and opened it to see, a grinning blonde boy doing circles round the secretary. Itachi looked in bewilderment. "Um, Lord Hokage, is it...this boy? Naruto Uzamaki?".

"Why yes it is. You see...". The old man stood up from his chair, and walked round hi desk towards Itachi. "Naruto as you know, is hated because of his past. And because of that, I wish you to care for him, and train him to control that power, that is stored within him".

Itachi thought that this was crazy. Naruto Uzamaki, was well know for his loneliness and pranks he pulled on people. He was always secluded from other children, and with no parents, made the Uchiha feel sorry for the boy. "If that is your wish sir, than I accept. I just hope he doesn't prove to be too much trouble".

Itachi didn't get a reply, more like a sigh, which didn't boast Itachi's confidence at all.

"Um, excuse me. Mr. Uchiha. Where are you taking me with some of my belongings?" asked Naruto for the hundredth time, and again, Itachi thought he was already going to lose his rag over this guy, which also rarely happens for Itachi.

The Uchiha sighed angrily. "We're going to leave the village Naruto. But first I want to get my little brother, so I need you to be quite, alright?" asked Itachi holding his breath.

"Okay. Wait, leave the village?!".

Itachi hushed him, and nodded. "By orders of the Hokage. To train you".

"Oh, okay!" he whispered cheerfully.

Itachi blinked twice at Naruto's quick understanding, or was it that Naruto was bored asking questions? He didn't know. But what he did know, he needed to get his brother out of here. It was late now, the moon hung high in the sky, and time was drawing to a close. Itachi knew that the Uchiha clan would be attacked soon, so knew the best way of entrance and escape. They approached the western side of the compound. Itachi, knowing the area's secret entry from the west, he approached a lone large rock on the ground. Performing high speed hand signs, the rock moved suddenly, elegantly.

"Naruto, stay here. And don't make a noise, understand?".

Naruto nodded his head and smiled at the Uchiha.

"I do wonder..." muttered Itachi to himself before walking into the hidden passage.

The dug out passageway was lit dimly, it was mainly used for an emergency escape. So it wasn't patrolled and it isn't something that most of the Uchiha shinobi were aware of. Taking the first left, and then taking a right shortly after lead him to one place, his family's estate. And it is where he would sneak out Sasuke and escape from the village. As he approached the ladder to the estate's garden, he knew he had to be cautious. His sneaking around would alert suspicion, and he needed to make this a walk and out procedure.

Climbing the ladder, and slightly lifting the panel to the garden. He looked around, but decided to activate his Sharingan, and looked carefully. The area was clear, which swiftly and silently, he climbed out and closed the panel down. Quickly making his way to his little brother's room, keeping close to the wall, Itachi made it without any complications. Opening the door slightly, he saw Sasuke working on homework from the shinobi academy. He looked slightly puzzled, tapping the pencil on his forehead, thinking hard.

Itachi entered the room, quietly, then approached Sasuke which he was still entrenched with his homework. He placed his hand on his little brother's shoulder and over his mouth. Startled, Sasuke looked behind him to see his brother. He sighed through the gap that his brother made in his hand. But he wondered why Itachi sneaked up on him.

"Sasuke. Don't say a word. Get what you think is worth taking, and hurry. We're leaving the village".

"Big...big brother? Why?".

Itachi, was not a fan to lying. It never helped anyone. "Sasuke. Our clan, is about to be attacked. I need to get you out of here".

"Our...clan is going to be attacked? Then stand and fight big!-".

Itachi covered his mouth again. His brother was being too loud, and time was running out. Danzo, is coming with whatever weapons he has at his disposal. "Sasuke, we can't win this. And I got special permission to leave the village. We need to leave now, before-".

"Big brother, why are you being a coward! We need to warn mother and father! Why?!-".

Before Sasuke could say another word, Itachi looked angrily at his brother. The young Uchiha flinched, never had he'd seen Itachi glare at him, never. "Sasuke. I know what is best. And I know, that if this is the way our clan continues, it would be destroyed one way, or another".

Sasuke wondered why he heard his brother put more emphasis on the word another. But what was more important, what should he do? Should he listen to his brother, or tell his father?

"Sasuke. Believe me on this" Itachi muttered, with utmost seriousness.

Sasuke growled quietly. He knew his brother cared the most for him, but to abandon his clan. There had to be a reason for it. His brother was the most gifted of the clan, and he always knew best of the situation, he wasn't an ANBU captain for nothing. 'If...Itachi knows best...then I guess...I should go with him'. Although his stomach turned at the thought of leaving his clan behind. "Only take what's worth taking?".

Itachi nodded.

"Okay". Sasuke pulled his rucksack out from underneath his bed, and started to place items he thought would be useful. Kunai knives, shuriken, the lot, but as he walked towards his desk, he saw the picture, that he prized above all else. Shoving it into his bag, he turned to Itachi and nodded. "Let's go...brother".

Naruto sat impatiently next to the rock that he saw the Uchiha go underneath. "This is stupid. It's getting late, and for some reason the old man wanted me to tag along with this guy...which he looks strangely like that guy in the park...what was his name...". Suddenly the rock shifted, making the blonde boy jump in shock and look to see Itachi step out with boy, who he suddenly remembered his name. "Sasuke?!".

"Y-you!" sputtered Sasuke.

"Shhh! You want us to be caught?" hissed Itachi which both boys looked worriedly at the older male. 'I thought Sasuke would be a handful, but with Naruto...it's going to be a pain...'. Itachi then started to walk away from the complex of his clan's home, followed by the two young boys. "We need to leave quickly. I hope you two can catch up". However Itachi knew, he would have to go slowly for the two boys.

The three ran (well, jogging for Itachi), towards the main gate, meeting confused gazes as the villages' elite was being followed by his younger brother and the demon boy.

As they reached the gate. They were met by a silver haired man, maybe in his twenties, his headband slouched over his left eye and wore a mask that covered above his nose, was leaning back on the gate door. Arms crossed looking lazily into the sky. Upon hearing the trio, he straightened himself up and looked at Itachi with little change in his expression.

"So what I heard from the Hokage is true huh?" said the ninja lazily.

"Are you going to cause trouble Kakashi?" spoke Itachi calmly.

"Not at all. I'm simply here to ensure you're leaving the village" replied Kakashi, looking at the two children behind him. "I take it, your going to train them?".

"Until ordered otherwise, yes".

"Then they should be fine ninjas when they grow up" noted Kakashi. "Take care then. And be careful" he warned. Who knows who be coming after you three. You know the potential you'll carry".

"I am aware of that" Itachi replied quickly. Although he liked to have a cool headed posture, he didn't being lectured like a child of what he already knew.

"Then I wish you luck" nodded Kakashi stepping aside.

"You too" replied Itachi before nodding to the two boys. And they soon followed.

Watching the three leave, Kakashi wondered of their future, the two Uchiha, and the jinchuriki, holding the most powerful tailed beast.

Itachi growled as he expected from the start, that his little brother and Uzamaki, were already bickering about who is stronger...

'Why did I decide to this?' he pondered. Eventually the arguing got to him. He drew two kunai knives, and threw them past the two boys' heads, only just touching their hair.

Naruto looked scarred at this young man, who by what he was told, was to protect and train him. Yet it seemed it wanted to kill him! "What's the big idea?!" screamed Naruto, shaking his fist at Itachi.

"Yeah big brother! Why did you do that for?!" Sasuke voiced his anger evenly with Naruto.

Itachi just blinked at them both casually and groaned. "You're both annoying me already. If you want me to train you, then just shut up until we're clear of the village. We're not meant to leave the village. The Hokage wanted this done in secret to protect us. If you rise your voice anymore, you'll give away our position".

The two shut their mouths, stood up straight shocked and embarrassed. "We're sorry..." they sighed in unison.

"Now, let's get moving. Before-". As Itachi was going to mention being caught. A hellish explosion erupted from within the village. From the hills, they saw the fire rise into the air. And this thing that lashed down at what Itachi knew was the Uchiha compound. That thing, just bewildered Itachi completely. Through his young ninja life, he never saw anything like this! It was a black coated wolf, that was thirty, no maybe forty feet tall, with purple eyes. Itachi couldn't see it clearly with the smoke and fire rising. But also, it's body...was like a shadow dark but you can almost see through it! "What is that?" he muttered Itachi in shock.

"Mother! Father!" screamed Sasuke as he started to run back to the village.

"Hey you idiot! Where you'd going?!" shouted Naruto.

"Stay here!" ordered Itachi giving chase to his little brother. And it wasn't even a second before the older Uchiha caught his little brother.

"Let me go Itachi!" screamed Sasuke kicking and flailing about.

Giving a sharp chop to his neck, Sasuke fell unconscious in his brother's arms. "We're leaving. I hope you can run fast" stated Itachi jumping into the trees.

"H-hey! Wait up!" called out Naruto trying to follow.

Itachi just groaned as he had to slow down to allow the Uzamaki boy to keep up. As they travelled, Itachi went into his own thoughts on his situation. 'Troublesome...both of them. But...i think I can mould these two into great ninja. Sasuke, no doubt will be a remarkable ninja carrying the legacy of our clan with him. And this boy, Naruto Uzamaki...although he carries that I'm sure, that thing will be useful...I believe'.

"Hey. Dummy!" called out the blonde kid, smiling at him.

"Dummy?" muttered Itachi, never have he been called that before.

"Yeah. Because your emotions never really change! Anyway! Can we stop somewhere to eat? I'm hungry! How about some ramen?!".

"Ramen? Where are we going to get ramen?" asked Itachi with a quiet chuckle.

"I brought some! Half my bag is full of it!".

'Half his bag? What else did this kid bring? Is this a joke? Did the Third honestly believe that I should look after and train him?! I'm starting to have second thoughts...'. Itachi looked back at Naruto, whose wide and goofy grin was present. 'That this kid...would be any good...'.

A/N: And that's it for now! I think that I'll conclude their escape in the next chapter, and start their training! Itachi will have his hands full with Naruto! I hope you've enjoyed it! Stick around for Chapter 2 'Itachi, isn't cut out to be a Sensei!'.