I came up with this idea when I was thinking about the time I raised my hand in science class. I didn't know it was raised as I was daydreaming. My teacher called on me and I shouted "Hippo".

Everybody was laughing, and for some odd reason...so was I! So, I hope you enjoy The Cube of Fate!


I was sitting in class thinking of Chad,(as always) when

called on me.

"Sonny, I'm sure you have an answer."

"To what?"I asked as I looked at everybody else with their books

open to page 32. I quikly reached for my pile of books in search for

my book.

"Sonny? Everybody is waiting to hear from you how many neutrons are in a

Helium atom."

Gosh! Wait a minute woman! I tought as I turned to the page.

"Oh, um... I know this! It's um... two! Two neutrons are in a Helium

atom." Whew! That was a close one!

"Very good. Now, Tawni...how many vertices does a cube have?"

"How am I supposed to know?! Sonny answers all the questions. I'm only

here because Marshall won't let us do our angels skit if we aren't."

"Well, you'll be seeing angels if you don't answer the question!"

"Fine. Sonny...how many vertices are in a cube?"

"I'm not telling you, figure it out!" I tossed her a box labeled

The Tawni Helper.

"I don't even know what a vertice is!"

"It's called a vertex. Just count the corners!"

"One, two, nine, ten! There's ten!"

"No, try again!" prompted.

"I give up!"Tawni shouted as she threw the cube out the door, hitting

Chad in the face.

"Oww! Which one of you Randoms did that?"

"Sonny! Sonny did it!"Tawni said, pointing at me.


"I saw the whole thing! She got mad and just threw it right at you!"

"Oh, is that how it's gonna be?" he said looking into my eyes.



"You heard me!Yeah!"





~~~~~~ A few minutes later ~~~~~~

We finally came to a compramise...well...if you call kissing a

compromise. His lips were soft and warm. When he touched his to mine,

I felt sparks fly.

"Feel anything?"

"Nope." I lied.

"Me either." he said as we continued to kiss.