
Alex Russo One of the main characters in WOWP, the only female Russo sibling, aged 15/16. (Actress-Selena Gomez)

Justin Russo One of the main characters in WOWP, the eldest Russo sibling, aged 18.

(Actor-David Henrie)

Max Russo One of the main characters in WOWP, the youngest Russo sibling, aged 13/14.

(Actor-Jake T Austin)

Professor Crumbs Professor Crumbs is the headmaster of the Wizard school, WizTech. He is a wise and powerful wizard.

(Actor-Ian Abercrombie)

Arabella (Bella) Crumbs Professor Crumbs' young granddaughter and love interest of Max Russo, aged 14

(Actress-Me (A pretty girl with brown hair and blue eyes))

William (Will) Crumbs Professor Crumbs' grandson and overprotective brother of Arabella, aged 15½

(Actor-Nathan Kress)

I wanted to show Max as more mature than he's often portrayed in the TV show.