Hahahhahaha, I guess I never realized it, but I am so not a supporter of KP and Ron, I however think Jake and Ron make a great pair, but the fact is not one has written an fan fiction with them falling for each other. I then concur that my newest purpose in life IS to write a story for them.

And so, my evil begins. . . . .

Ron exited Buenos Nachos, with 2 To-Go Meals. Ever since Kim and he had been dating that was basically all he could afford.

Sighing he turned towards his broken down scooter, thinking DAMN! I really have to borrow KP's car more often.

He slipped the To-Go meal into his backpack and slowly, trying not break his scooter got on. He placed the key in the ignition and with a slight twist the scooter starting making some sort of broken mechanical sound. He twisted the handle and at snails pace made his way to Kim Possible's.

On his way there passing a local store that sold TVs he saw on the NEWS, "In current news, the famous Statue of Liberty has in fact disappeared. In other words it is no longer in the place it used to be or anywhere.

Hmmm, better tell KP fast

He pulled the key out of the ignition with out twisting, so he actually ended up pulling half the key out, while the other half stayed in. He sped of to Kim's house as fast as his legs could carry him. This was actually faster then his scooter.

Meanwhile in New York. . . .

Chaos and disorder reigns supreme, breaking down rule and ordinary/orderly manner.

Jake Long is in fact one of the very few partly humans that knows what is going on. And so does his grandfather . . . and all the other magical folk.

Someone evil has stolen it, someone who in fact is quite extraordinary in his own account, someone called Evil Vortex.

Jake sighed, "Oh, MAN! I wish I could just have one normal day!"

His grandfather said, "But you are the protector of all things magical!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, alright, already ALRIGHT!"

Jake's grandfather sighed again, "You have to find him and stop him from getting the other mortal artefacts."

"Artefacts? Man, their pieces of rock!"

Jake and his grandfather were referring to all the large man-made items carved out of stone.

"Yes, they are rock; if large enough quantities of these artefacts are combined . . . something really bad will happen!"

Jake slipped off the wall he had been leaning on; in shock, he got back up, "You mean to say that you don't really know what's going to happen?"

His granddad nodded, "Only that it'll be really, really bad."

"Oh man . . . why can't i just have one normal day?"

His grandfather began, "Because you are the/"

Jake cut him off, "Dragon up!"

And he busted out of a closed window.

"KP!! The liberty . . . the statue of gra . . . the statue of liberty." Ron burst into her room to find her gone. WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?

Her computer monitor flicked on and Wade. "Kim's gone off to the NYC; I'll have someone fly you there in a flash."

Arghhh! She left with out me . . . again He began talking to Wade, "Hey, Wade, Is Kim seeing someone, you know on the side?"

Wade busted out laughing, "Kim? Seeing someone else? Ahh, that's rich. Of course she isn't! How could you think such a thing?"

Ron shrugged, "Can you just get her on satellite picture feedback for me?"

"That's not gonna be easy, satellites have really hard defence security systems to hack. Oh I'm done, here she is."

The satellite picture showed Kim and another person hugging. The person had SHORT black hair with green high-lights and was wearing guys' clothes, which led Ron to conclude that his paranoia with Kim seeing other guys on the side was in fact NOT paranoia.

A single tear ran down his face, "Wade, get me to New York as fast as you can!"

Wade watched horrified that Kim was seeing another guy, "Aye, aye Captain."

5 short seconds later a rocket shuttle arrived, the dweebs watched it land in fascination.

Ron saluted them and stepped in. This brought Ron up two notches in the dweebs' eyes.

In the NYC . . . .

Kim started, "So you haven't seen anyone suspicious around?"

Jake shook his head, not sure what to say to the teen heroine.

"No one who could have stolen the Statue of Liberty? Because we have Intel that they might be trying to steal other things"

Jake eyes widened in shock, they were both on the same case, not the same information or species, but on the same case.

Jake answered finally, "I think you should meet my Grandfather."

Kim raised an eyebrow, "You're sweet in all, but I've already got a boyfriend." She gave him a reassuring hug.

Jake blushed, "That's not what I meant! Dragon up!"

He turned into a dragon and to his utter amazement, Kim sighed and said, "Where to?"

"My grandfather's shop."

He offered a paw and she jumped onto his back. A little uncomfortable . . . not for Kim . . . but for Jake.

They arrived at Jake's grandfather's antique shop to him saying, "Ahh, Kim Possible, the teen heroine, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

Jake nearly fainted, "WHAT!?!? You . . . two know . .each . . You two know each other?!?!?"

His grandfather nodded, "I have helped Kim in a number of . . . shall we say abnormal missions."

Kim nodded her agreement, "I was supposed to meet him, but i forgot where his shop was, no biggie?"

She looked at the old man for forgiveness, he nodded once again. Jake thought Oh man, gramps knew her all along? Why couldn't he have told me beforehand?

Jake sighed out loud and they both looked at him, he blushed.

A HUGE ZOOMING NOISE, could be heard from inside the store. Ron ran into the store and pulled Kim up close," Back away from my girl!"

Kim's eyes widened and so did Jake's. Kim's eyes widened because she was thinking, What the hell's wrong with my BF?!? Jake's eyes widened because he was thinking He looks like a god, chocolate coloured eyes, beautiful glowing blond hair and pale skin with freckles just to fool everyone into thinking him human.

Jake gasped and blushed, Where in the world did that thought come from?!?!?

Ron looked at him, "Why was my girlfriend hugging you for?"

THEN Ron actually LOOKED at him, Ron's right eye twitched, This guy has got to be the most good-looking person on the worlds surface, if I could chose anyone Kim to cheat on me with, it would have to be him.

They both stared at each until Kim and Jake's grandfather butted in, "What the hell's going on?"

They shook their heads out of the unusual stare.

And they both thought while looking at the ground blushing I HAVE NO IDEA!