So I was just thinking that this would be an interesting fic to do. Let me know what you all think! Alice is going to be very different here because obviously she's in the Civil War. Therefore she'd be…harsher, I suppose. Don't worry I'm not planning on any major personality change. (Key word being PLANNING) I also don't know if women were generals in the Civil War, but for this story at least we'll go with it.

UPDATE 7/27/10

I'm rewritting and editing the chapters currently up. I don't like how I've done things so sorry if any of you regular readers get crazy updates. I'm not sure how much will be added, or deleted, but I'll try to put in an author's note if anything major has changed. In this one I have gone over some grammar and clarified on a few things. Thank you!


Me: I don't own anything but the Cullens!

Alice: No. You don't own the Cullens. Ok?

Me: Ugh! You can't ever let me win! Fine. I don't own Twilight or its characters, SM does.

Chapter One: Captured

Jasper's POV

"You go on ahead, soldier. I'll meet back with you and the group later." I commanded the young boy before me. Though in truth he wasn't much younger than I.

Josh nodded and quickly left. I sighed and turned back to the trees. So much battle and killing and blood. It wasn't good for anyone to be subjected to so much of it. We had just finished patrolling the borders, and it was time for the night shift to come. But they hadn't showed yet, so I decided Josh should go back to camp and I would stay for as long as needed. Even if it meant all night.

"You know," I whispered softly to myself, thinking of our last battle. So many had been lost. "Sometimes I wish I'd never joined this war. I just…it's all so horrible."

"You got that right." A cold voice from behind me stated. I whirled, snatching my gun up in my hands as I did.

A large man emerged from the trees. His bulk was enormous. He rolled his eyes at my gun and made a strange hand motion. I looked at him curiously. He only grinned.

"Hello, Major Whitlock. How's life?"

"Um…fine." I replied warily. I didn't trust this man.

"Good. That means you'll be even more irritated when we take you in."

With that four men stepped out from behind the trees. They were all armed, and all of them had satisfied smirks on their faces. I noticed some of them had the Union flag embedded in their uniforms.

"Union side. Dang it." I cursed.

Without another thought, I turned my gun on the first person I caught sight of. It was a young man with green eyes and strange hair color…with a pull of the trigger; I shot blindly toward him, taking him down.

That sent the rest of them into action.

"Edward!" the large man exclaimed.

"Major McCarty, he's running!" another soldier yelled.

And it was true. I was running for my life. I knew I'd never survive should I stay.

I heard the shot of a rifle, and felt a sharp sting in my thigh. I fell to the ground, face down. I heard footsteps come up behind me and I was jerked up.

The large one, Major McCarty, was glaring at me with hatred.

"There'll be heck to pay when we get you back. General Brandon will not be pleased. Captain Masen, the man you shot, is a very close friend of General Brandon's."

My leg shook as I tried to remain in my standing position. McCarty's words scared me; I had no clues what to do. Major McCarty glared at me with hatred and abruptly threw me to the ground.

"Take him in." he barked to the other men.

I was drug to my feet and then forced along. I saw the Captain being lifted onto a stretcher and blood coming from his side. I was roughly pushed along before I could see more.

"You better hope that Captain survives, Major." One of the soldiers whispered in my ear. "If he doesn't…well you might wanna start writing your will."

I swallowed nervously. Whoever this General was, he didn't sound like a very compassionate person. I was pushed along through the woods, my body soon became weary and my leg was bleeding badly. It wasn't long before I began to feel faint and dizzy. Probably due from blood loss.

I cried out as I tripped over a log and landed on my bad leg. One of the soldiers pulled me roughly to my feet and then continued walking. I fought back a whimper and trudged on. Lord, I felt so faint…

I didn't last five more minutes before the world went black.

So there you go! Hope you liked, please review!
