Disclaimer: I do not own the Mortal Instruments book series. This belongs to Cassandra Clare. I do, however, own the OC's and the plot.

Plot: All of the cannon pairings are here. OCxOC. Magnus and Alec get into a conversation that ends up with Magnus speaking of someone who cared for him when he was younger. So, they go for a visit.

It was a cold night, and everyone was sitting by the fireplace. Clary was curled up in a fuzzy blanket with Jace, Isabelle sitting beside them. The Lightwoods are on the loveseat, with Alec sitting right beside the fireplace. Magnus is sitting in an armchair, his cheek resting on his arm. Alec looks at Magnus, and breaks the silence.

"Hey, Magnus, I was wondering…?" Magnus lifts his head, then rests his chin on the palm of his hand.

"What is it, Alec?" Alec looks somewhat embarrassed, and coughs uncomfortably. Everyone looks at him, expecting. After a moment of awkward silence, Alec looks Magnus in his cat-like eyes.

"When we were talking…," he coughs again, his face growing quite red, "last night…who was the girl you were telling me about? The one who helped you?" Jace and Isabelle raise their eyebrows and share a look because they both clearly heard one specific part in Alec's recollection. Magnus smiles, flashing brilliantly white teeth.

"Her name is Geneva. It's French for 'Lady of the People'. She is the oldest living Witch that I know of. She helped me whenever I needed it, and she always ensured that I had a home to come back to." Alec smiles at the peaceful and reminiscent expression on Magnus' face. Isabelle smirks devilishly.

"Then, lets go find her! She sounds like she's part of Magnus' make-shift family, so now she's part of ours!" Magnus nods his head.

"That sounds like a great idea. But first, we will have to make travel arrangements." Jace's forehead creases.

"Where does she live?" Magnus stands up with a flourish, and stretches. HE holds out a hand to Alec, and helps him to stand up.

"New Orleans!"

*****************************New Orleans****************************

Alec, Isabelle, Jace and Clary follow Magnus out into the streets of New Orleans. The smell of spices fill the air, and music flows towards them, spicy in itself. Magnus draws in a deep breath, let it out, then starts walking through the streets. He points at things and gives the history of them, and of why specific places are still there while others are not. They reach a small bar, and Magnus leads them in. The inside of the bar is clean and precise, with a deep roan red bar. There are only a few people speckled around, and there is a mellow atmosphere. The bartender is washing the counter with a cloth, and he has a small smile on his face. He is about six-foot-two, and has a rather plain face. He has short chocolate brown hair and crystal blue eyes. His arm muscles are clearly seen through his black tee-shirt, and he wipes his hands on his blue jeans. Turning to the sound of the door opening, and he smiles, flashing perfectly straight, white teeth. He walks forwards, his black boots making a lot of noise on the wooden floor, and he embraces Magnus warmly. Magnus looks relatively surprised, then laughs and hugs him back. When they pull away, Magnus notices that he needs to explain something.

"Everyone, this is Julian White. The last time I saw him, he was a scrawny teenage boy with a bad temper. Julian, this is my boyfriend Alec, and his sister Isabelle, his brother Jace and Jace's girlfriend Clary." Julian smiles brightly at them all in turn. Alec looks at him.

"If I may ask, how long ago did you last see Magnus?" Julian smiles, and holds up his hand.

"Oh, I don't know. A good twenty years or so? Last time he saw me, I was sixteen." Magnus chuckles.

"So, Julie, where is she?" Julian points his thumb to the door to a back room. AS they walk past and towards the room, Alec speaks up.

"Who was he? That Julian guy?" Magnus smiles.

"Her mundane lover. She's always loved those mundies…."

Review, please! This is my first attempt at a Mortal Instruments fan fiction…please be nice! No flaming, but suggestions are always good! I hope I didn't make anyone too OOC!
