This section is especially for anonymous reviews ONLY. It doesn't serve as anything beyond that. It will be updated as long as new anonymous reviews comes by.

(also for old readers of the THOCD series... I know I have caused a lot of uhhh fits and what not, and I'd like to say I am over that and The Heart of The Crimson Dragon: Autumn Tryst is definitely no longer boring and dark as to how it first went out in public. Do forgive me for my stupidness... really, I felt stupid.

Also, old Searching readers, Searching is back, and once again CONTINUED and is currently on it's 9th chapter including the prologue. I have also, made another YuseixOC long shot for all of the YuseixOC fans out there. It's definitely different from THOTCD and Searching's theme, and it's title is Love Written In The Stars. Also, made a one shot for those who liked the YuseixHikari couple, and it's titled Undressing You and Ares: The Only Exception. Okay, that's definitely all!)

Anonymous Review Reply Section:

No Name/Anonymous: on chapter 7, it wasn't meant to be an exact replica of the episode per se. I just mimicked it. Same with the rest of the chapters, I really hate it when it's so much in canon. After all, if I'm going to make it exactly like the anime itself, then why did I even bother writing in the first place, I should have said watch the anime instead or go to yugioh wikia to read the episode summaries. Anyways, thanks for reviewing! I highly appreciated it :)

No Name/Anonymous: Yes, that's exactly their first kiss. :p and I think I was thinking crazy atm to cause such scenario. And thanks, glad to hear that you liked the duel. :) If you haven't finished reading through the THOTCD there will definitely more duels to come, and if you're done with the series per se... if you love to see more stuff between Yusei and Hikari, and more awesome duels, check it out on the COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AND REVISED THOTCD:Autumn Tryst. Thanks for reviewing! I highly appreciated it. :)