Hey everyone! I'm trying for another crossover and I know it may be pretty much the same as "Out of Control". I'm sorry but I couldn't think of any other changes that I could make aside from the powers.

I don't own squat so don't sue me.


"Inner Moka or another transformed monster"

Chapter 1: Monsters vs. Angel

Tsukune Aono. Your average 15 year old. Literally average, if you count him getting straight C's on every one of his high school enrollment exams, which required A's or B's. However, thanks to his dad, he was finally able to find an academy that he could go to. Though, it might have been a better thing if the old man hadn't found out about this school from a pamphlet dropped by a passing priest.

However, something couldn't be helped, as his parents heard none of his objections about the academy. And so, Tsukune was riding a bus toward the academy. He was dressed in the normal school outfit the mandatory tan pants with a pair of blue tennis shoes. His white undershirt was worn under a green jacket and a red tie around his collar that could be worn with the outfit. He himself had spikey brown hair and light brown eyes.

As he sat staring at the packet in his hand, he couldn't help but sigh as he thought of his friends who were going to their own high schools. However, his musings were cut short, as a voice, which came from the driver, spoke up.

"Hey kid." When he saw he had Tsukune's attention, he continued. "Are you a freshmen at Youkai Academy?"

"Yeah…" Tsukune casually responded.

"Then you should be mentally prepared." The driver spoke. "It's a terrifying school."

"Huh? You mean like…" Tsukune began, but before he could continue, his phone began ringing, so he reached into his right pocket and withdrew the phone. Looking at the screen, Tsukune recognized the name, and answered the call.


"Oh, Tsuki-chan. I heard from Auntie, but are you going to Youkai Academy?" His cousin, the girl, known as Kyou asked.

"Yeah…" Tsukune replied.

"Since my favorite cousin is attending that school, I did some research on it." Kyou said. "That school is…" She began, but at that moment, the bus entered a tunnel, and the signal was lost.

"Hello? Kyou-chan?" Tsukune said into the phone, trying to find if the connection had held a bit. "Hello?" However, no reply came, so with a sigh, Tsukune closed the phone and placed it back into his pocket. After a few more moments inside the tunnel, the bus came out and Tsukune looked at where the tunnel had ended.

The landscape had greatly changed, the most prominent on the land being the dead trees all about. The water had a red color to it, no like a tint, but like it was made of blood. The sky seemed peaceful enough, but that was the only similarity to what it was like before the tunnel.

"This is like a totally different world after we entered the tunnel." Tsukune mused out loud as he looked at the bus stop, which happened to be a scarecrow with a pumpkin head. "What the hell is this place?" He wondered, looking towards the large building in the distance.

"Be careful, young man." The driver said, before closing the door and driving back towards the tunnel.

"Oh, yeah, I need to call Kyou-chan back." Tsukune remembered out loud, dropping his bag and reaching for his phone. When he pulled it out, and dialed the number, however, he only heard a beeping, meaning there was no signal. "I still had reception before we entered the tunnel though. Weird isn't it, pal?" He seemed to have asked to his coat zipper. From under his coat slithered out a black and purple snake, but it wasn't just a snake, it was a cobra, the deadliest snake in the world On its head were three white, comma-like marks in a circle.

The serpent stared at its master with it's yellow, slitted eyes for a moment before slithering into the back of his clothes.

With a sigh, Tsukune closed the phone again, and once again slid it back into his coat pocket. Deciding that he might find some answers, and maybe a phone, at the building in the distance, he chose to head walking for a while, he noticed the woods that he was travelling through looked a lot more dense than before. However, Tsukune chose to ignore it. He failed to notice a strange sound coming from behind him until he felt something slam into his back. Acting on instinct, he turned as much as he could, and seeing someone else, grabbed hold of him or her and took the brunt of the fall.

When Tsukune had finally stopped tumbling, he reached out with his hand, trying to find something solid to push against to stand up. However, when his hand came into contact with something, he squeezed it, and realized it wasn't the ground, since two things happened. One, the thing he had squeezed felt soft, like skin, and two, a gasp was heard, a female one if he guessed right.

Looking up, he found his hand was actually resting on a girl's upper thigh, dangerously close to her skirt. He then heard the girl speak, in a soft tone that he found very appealing.

"Sorry, my eyes went blurry 'cause I'm kinda anemic." She said, while brushing some of her pink hair out of her face. When she did, she also opened her eyes, and Tsukune finally saw her completely. She wore an outfit he knew was standard for girls at Youkai, a tan skirt, white under shirt, and a green over jacket. He noticed that around her neck, was a strap of leather, which had a silver cross chained to it. She had pale skin, while her cheeks were a little flushed, and she was looking at Tsukune with her green eyes.

At this point, only one word registered through Tsukune's mind when he saw the girl. 'Woof…' However, his thoughts were cut short, when suddenly, the girl moved, and he remembered where his hand was. The girl suddenly got a shocked look on her face, and jerked her knees together, although Tsukune's hand was stuck in between her legs.

"Um, um…" The girl said. Tsukune withdrew his hand from between her legs, and moved away.

"Sorry, I thought my hand was on the ground." He said. At that point, they both noticed a bit of blood on his hand, probably from a stray rock on the ground.

"Oh no, you're bleeding…" The girl said, as she reached into a pocket and pulled out a small cloth. She moved forward, intending to clean the blood off his hand, but it was then that she caught a whiff of his blood. Her eyes widened, and she started shaking a bit, before placing a hand on her chest. "No…this scent…My body is…"

'Hm, scent?' Tsukune thought, and he then took a small smell of the girl's hair, and gained a pleased look on his face. 'The scent coming from the hair is nice…' But before he could think anymore, she reached out and grabbed his head.

"Sorry, because I'm a…Vampire." She said, as she moved forward, and quickly bit his neck. After a few seconds the scared boy realized that the cute girl was biting his neck and sucking his blood, "EEEEEEEEEE!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO! SHE SUCKED MY BLOOD! SHE SUCKED MY BLOOD!" Tsukune screamed while running back and forth with blood squirting out of his neck. The girl watched him go with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"Are you from Youkai Academy too?" The girl asked after he calmed down a little bit. When he looked back up, he found that his bag had been knocked open during the crash, and she had picked up his information packet.

"Yeah, but I'm only a freshman…" Tsukune responded.

"That's great, I'm a freshman too!" The girl suddenly said, getting an excited look on her face.

"I see…" Tsukune said, not quite sure why she was suddenly so happy.

"Erm…do you hate vampires?" The girl suddenly asked, while she stood and fidgeted a little, like she was almost afraid of his answer.

'She's joking…right?' Tsukune thought nervously. Standing up and brushing himself off, he answered her. "What's wrong with that? I love vampires! So it's interesting since you bumped into me." he yelled hysterically, It was then he felt the girl jump on him, making him loose his balance and fall back onto the ground.

"I'm so happy!" The girl suddenly said, as they fell. When they had hit the ground, she was straddling him, holding herself on her hands with his waist between her knees. "Then will you be my friend?" She suddenly asked. All Tsukune could do was nod for his brain lost all motor control due to the position they were in. "I'm really glad…I don't know anyone here and I was feeling worried. Oh, I'm Moka Akashiya."

"I'm Tsukune Aono and this is Kuroi." Tsukune replied, glad that he had finally learned this girls name. His cobra popped out from his blazer collar and gave Moka a brief bow before returning to his domain.

"EEEK! You have a pet cobra and it stays in your shirt!?" She screeched after leaping off of him. Tsukune nodded.

'I'm going to spend my high school days with this beautiful girl, I think I'm finally getting some good luck.' Tsukune thought, with a quick glance to the school.

(Later, at the school)

"Hello, everyone!" Tsukune's teacher said. "Welcome to Youkai Academy. I'm your homeroom teacher, Shizuka Nekonome."

'Hm, the teacher seems to be friendly enough, but…' Tsukune thought.

"I am sure everyone already knows this, but this is a school for monsters!" Ms. Nekonome said, making Tsukune double take for a second.

"Monsters, huh? I should have figured Moka wasn't kidding, but how the hell do I get out of here without having to kill anyone." Tsukune thought, before he continued listening to the teacher.

"As of now, the world is under control of humans." Nekonome continued. "For us, monsters to survive, we have to coexist with the humans!" Tsukune thought about saying something to the teacher, but the she kept right on talking, so he let it go for a moment. "For that reason, school rule number 1: All students must be in their human form unless special situations arise." Tsukune sighed a bit, realizing that not too many people would be suspicious of him, with everyone else looking like a human.

"School rule number 2: No other student should know your true form. Understood? Everyone should follow it well!" Nekonome finished.

"Boring rules…" Said the guy to Tsukune's right, identifiable by his slicked-back, brown hair.

"You are…" Nekonome said, looking at the class roster. "Saizou Komiya-kun, right?"

"Why don't we just eat those humans?" He replied. "That's what I'd do, teacher."

Tsukune heard this and whimpered softly, while rubbing his hands together under the desk. 'Is this guy serious?' He thought.

"But you shouldn't do that." Nekonome responded. "Because the school's staffs and students from head to toe, are all monsters. We're inside a secret barrier. Any unsuspecting humans who enter, will be killed on the spot." At this, Tsukune looked at the teacher, and moved his right arm, accidentally thumping it on the desk.

"What does that mean about me?" Tsukune thought. Saizou looked at Tsukune and his over-sized tongue moved around outside of his mouth.

"Now that you mention it, I smelled a human scent just now…" Saizou commented, while still looking at Tsukune. All Tsukune did in reply was glare at Saizou and flip him the bird, making him turn back toward the front with a smirk.

At that moment, the door to the classroom slid open, and someone began speaking. "Sorry for being a bit late!" A female said, and when Tsukune heard her voice, he stiffened, letting his hands drop to his sides.

"Oh, and you are?" Nekonome asked the girl. It was then that she stepped into the classroom, and Tsukune saw that it was indeed who he thought it was.

"I'm Akashiya Moka." She said, standing in front of the class, smiling. Most of the male population in the class was thinking along the lines of what one boy actually said out loud.

"This girl is hot; don't you think she's cute?" Tsukune smiled when he saw Moka, and lifted his hand to give her a small wave in acknowledgement. However, when Moka saw Tsukune, she expressed her happiness at seeing him by lunging at him.

"It's Tsukune! We're in the same class? I'm so happy!" Moka cried out happily, while the rest of class looked shocked beyond belief.

Tsukune had a shit-eating grin on his face.


Tsukune and Moka were walking down the halls of Youkai, Moka literally clinging to Tsukune's arm. Tsukune himself was still trying to figure out if this was really happening to him, or if it all was a horrible nightmare.

"What is this? A dream?" Tsukune wondered to himself, while he was on the receiving end of quite a few glares. "It's a little hard to believe a school for monsters exists but, then again, It shouldn't really surprise me."

When they were both outside, Moka had insisted they get something to drink. While Tsukune got soda, Moka had decided to grab a can of tomato juice. After opening the drinks for them, Moka took a sip of her drink, while Tsukune did the same.

'Jeez, if she's really a vampire…she sure hides her form pretty well.' Tsukune thought, while he continued to sip his drink, Moka doing the same with her tomato juice.

"You're Moka Akashiya, right?" A voice suddenly asked, while someone walked out from behind a nearby pillar. Swallowing his mouthful of orange soda, Tsukune looked over and saw it was none other than than the juvenile, Saizou. A second later, Saizou moved forward, and grabbed hold of Tsukune's shirt and lifted him about a foot in the air.

"Tsukune!" Moka cried, as Saizou held the other boy up. All Tsukune did was glance boringly at the bigger male.

"Can you tell me why a beautiful lady like you is hanging out with such a guy like this? Moka-san. " Saizou asked Moka, his gaze going to Tsukune's face. "If you ask me, I'd guess his monster form is so weak, he can't even fight his way out of a paper bag. GYAAAH!!" He dropped Tsukune and grasped his hand, which had two puncture marks on it. He looked at Tsukune to see his snake slither into his sleeve.

"You might wanna get that checked, I told Kuroi not to use enough venom to kill you but you'll feel like shit for another week unless the venom gets extracted." Tsukune suggested.

"Are you okay Tsukune," Moka asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm good." Tsukune replied. Moka smiled at this, and they both turned to leave. Saizou stood where he was, "Enjoy your friend, while he's alive." He said while his outstretched hand flexed, showing grotesque, bulging muscles along his fingers and the back of his hand.


Tsukune and Moka stood on one side of the academy roof top, Tsukune facing one direction, leaning forward on the railing. Moka was facing the other way; her back was against the railing.

"That was scary…How did you not freak out, Tsukune?" Moka asked, showing she really was curious about her friend.

"My parents knew that I wouldn't be one of those "standing out" students but the quiet guy is often mistaken for trying to act cool, so they had me take some self defense classes like tae-kwan-do, jujitsu, kung-fu, and the typical karate." Tsukune casually remarked. "Are all monsters that freakin strong?" Tsukune asked, while he looked toward Moka. She couldn't help but smile, and flick Tsukune's nose playfully.

"You're a bit weird." She commented. "It's like you're seeing a monster for the first time." Tsukune didn't reply to that, but Moka seemed to remember something at that point. "That's right Tsukune, what kind of monster are you? Oh yeah, giving out the identity of our true nature is against school rules, sorry about that." Moka said. "I take back my question."

"But you already told me that you're a vampire." Tsukune commented.

"I wasn't aware of the rules back then." Moka replied, her face flushing a bit in embarrassment from being caught.

"But you sure don't seem like the kind of vampire from movies and novels and stuff like that." Tsukune said.

"Only right now." Moka responded. "But look at this." She said, pulling her jacket and shirt apart a bit, showing the Rosario, as well as a little more of her cleavage.

"What are you doing?" Tsukune questioned in a squeaky voice, his face turning a dark shade of red.

"Showing you the rosario on my chest." Moka answered, getting a heavy sigh from Tsukune. "Once this rosario is taken off, I'll turn into a terrifying, true vampire, the strongest of all monsters." Moka finished.

"Strongest of all…?" Tsukune mused, wondering what she meant by that.

"That's why this is a protective seal…I can't even take this off myself without consequences." Moka commented.

"It's okay." Tsukune said, catching Moka's attention. "Even if you're a little scary…Moka-chan is still Moka-chan." Tsukune, who had been looking out over the school grounds, turned to Moka, to see the girl suddenly jump towards him and hug him fiercely.

"Thank goodness!" Moka said. "You're my first friend, Tsukune! Also, one more thing…" Moka said, while she moved back, her arms still on Tsukune's shoulders. "You're my first."

"First?" Tsukune asked, genuinely confused on what she meant.

"Until today, I've only imbibed tomato juice and blood transfusion packets, so…Sucking real blood like that…Your's is the first real blood that i've ever drunk…" Moka said, almost dreamily, while her hands crept toward the boy. "That sweetness, fragrance…That feeling…I can't forget them! And a girl never forgets her first time" She said, while placing her head on his right shoulder.

"Moka-chan...I...um," at that instant Tsukune was slammed right into the wall leaving cracks on the cement with his right side implanted into it. "Stop it, you're embarrassing me," Moka chimed with her right hand out and her left on her blushing cheek. Moka ran towards the door "Let's go explore some more," She yelled to her friend who was still one with the wall.

"Ah, okay, that one hurt" Tsukune said before pulling himself out of the wall. He pulled himself together and quickly ran to catch up to his new friend/crush.

(The next day, Bus stop)

Tsukune stood outside of the school, his bags in one hand and a resignation letter in the other. "I don't really know if this school is right for me…" Tsukune thought. He sighed, and turned, heading toward the bus stop.

"Tsukune!" Tsukune turned around and found Moka had just arrived. "I felt that you were…acting strange, so…" Tsukune lowered his head with a sigh,

"I was thinking of going to a school for humans." Tsukune said out loud.

"Humans?" Moka asked.

"Even though you're a good person Moka-chan, I'm not sure it's possible for me to attend this school." Tsukune said, facing Moka.

"You can't!" Moka suddenly shouted, rushing forward, and grabbing hold of one of Tsukune's bags. "You can't got to a human school!"

"Moka-chan?" Tsukune said, while the two tugged at his bag.

"I hate humans." Moka suddenly said. "I went to a school for humans during junior high. I was lonely because humans don't believe in monsters. I was different from everyone…It'd be better if I didn't exist! I kept thinking about such things." Moka lifted her head, and looked at Tsukune. "But you told me it's alright even if I am a vampire!" She said, tears leaking down her face. "That's why for the first time, I didn't feel alone…"

"What if…" Tsukune suddenly said, catching Moka's attention. "What if I am one of those humans that you hate, would you still accept me?"

"Wha...?" Moka said, thinking she might have heard wrong.

"I'm a human. A different human, true, but a human none-the-less." Tsukune said, softly. "I only got into this school because of some mistake." He said. Moka took her hands away from Tsukune, and backed up a bit.

"No way…" She said. "Humans shouldn't be able to enter this school…"

"I guess you did show that expression…" Tsukune commented. Moka made to reach forward.

"Is this true, Tsukune?" She asked.

"Stay away from me!" Tsukune suddenly said, giving Moka a glare. "You hate humans, don't you? Maybe I don't really want a monster friend after all." Tsukune said, making Moka gain a shocked look.

Tsukune turned, and after grabbing his bags, moved away from Moka. After several seconds, Moka snapped out of her shock, and quickly followed after him.

After a while of walking, Moka came into a small clearing, where she saw someone waiting. However, it wasn't Tsukune, like she was hoping.

"Where're you off to, Moka-san?" It was Saizou. Moka stopped moving, and quickly came up with an answer.

"I'm very busy right now so if you'll please excuse me." She said, hoping he would back down. However, she was sadly mistaken, since Saizou only laughed at her.

"I can't stand it anymore!" He suddenly yelled, his tongue lashing out, and his body beginning to bulge. The bulging completely shredded his shirt, leaving only his pants, and when it was done, Saizou had changed completely. His body had grown and bulged out, showing huge amounts of muscle, while he had metal pieces along his forearms, knuckles, and around his collar bones. "This is my real form, i'm an orc." His tongue quickly shot out, and Moka screamed out loud.

(A little ways away)

Tsukune stood in front of the bus door about to leave when he heard a scream that he recognized as Moka. quickly apologizing to the bus driver, he ran as quickly as he could towards the direction he heard the scream come from.

(Back with Moka)

Moka had her back against the tree. After a tongue lashing from Saizou, she was covered from head to toe in saliva. Saizou was in front of her, leering at his supposed prey.

"What's wrong? Won't you transform, Moka-san?" He asked, speaking in a playful tone. "Or are you too frightened?"

"It's against school rules to show our real form!" Moka replied forcefully.

"We're outside of school, so it's fine!" He responded, playfully dancing around. Suddenly, his tongue flew out again, grabbing hold of Moka's leg, and swinging her, intending to smash her into a nearby tree.

He was interrupted when he heard the sound of birds screeching and a voice screaming "CHIDORI!!!" His arm was blocked by Tsukune holding what looked like lightning in the palm of his right hand.

"That's enough." Tsukune ground out, the lightning dissipating. "Stay away from Moka-chan!" He shouted, standing and facing Saizou.

"What did you say?" Saizou said, moving closer to Tsukune. "You fool!" Suddenly, Saizou lashed out, smashing into Tsukune's left side, forcing him to fly down a small hill. "It doesn't matter what monster you are, you're pathetic no matter what!" Saizou shouted.

"Tsukune!!!" Moka suddenly shouted. She dashed past Saizou, and quickly slid down the hill after Tsukune.

"Hey, wait up!" Saizou shouted, quickly following after.

(Bottom of the hill)

Tsukune landed on his stomach, his clothes were shredded from the rocks and bushes of the hill and his skin wasn't faring any better. He glanced upwards and immediately saw the sign marking the bus stop, and couldn't help but let out a weak chuckle. "Figures that i'd end up here. Kuroi, get to safety." He ordered and the cobra slithered out of his sleeve and behind a tree.

"Tsukune!" He heard, making him turn strain to turn his head and see that Moka had arrived down the hill. She immediately got beside him, and hugged him to herself, sobbing softly. "I'm sorry…I'm sorry, Tsukune. The difference between humans and monsters are just too much."

"Moka-chan…" Tsukune rasped.

"I'm a vampire. Sucking blood and harming humans." She said. "Back in my previous school, what I had really wanted was a friend…being human or monster doesn't matter." She spoke, brushing some tears from her eyes. "But I guess it really is impossible."

"What the hell are you doing?" They heard, and Moka turned to see Saizou had finally managed to make it down after them, "I told you to stay away from her,"

Moka held Tsukune closer to her chest and silently prayed while Tsukune's thoughts were more dark. "Spread...Give me...your power!"

The ground beneath them suddenly exploded in a flash of purple and black flames. Saizo watched as the flames semmed to spiral around Moka and Tsukune.

The flames somehow made the sillouettes of them turn black and Tsukune's began to rise. His shirt and jacket were shredded by the dark holy power, and Moka's sat still. Saizo also noticed that there was a strange tatoo on his right shoulder that looked like a cirle of three tomoe. They were glowing a fiery orange and...moving? The orange, flame-like marks slithered around the right side of his body and then the purple-black flames dispersed, revealing Tsukune standing with black, flame-like tattoos covering the right half of his body.

"Please move aside, Moka-chan." Tsukune said, gently pushing her away.

"Tsukune, you're a ghoul?" She fearfully asked. Tsukune gently placed a finger on her lips to silence her.

"I'm not as weak as you claim, Saizou." Tsukune commented, smirking at the gargantuan juvenile in front of him. Saizou only laughed out loud at that.

"If so, how was I able to knock you all the way down here?" He commented, laughing the whole time.

"I had to take the blunt of the hit; otherwise, Moka-chan would have gotten hurt." Tsukune said. "Now, however, I don't have to worry so much about that. But I'll say this; you must be out of your mind if you think you stand even a snowball's chance against my strength."

"Shut up!" Saizou yelled, swinging his arm from above to try and crush Tsukune who merely raised his hand and caught the giant fist which caused the ground beneath him to crumble into a crater. Saizo and even Moka were flabbergasted at his display of strength.

"What the hell?" Saizo exclaimed.

"You're scared? I thought that you were tougher shit than that, Oh well," Tsukune commented. He grabbed Saizo's hand with both of his own and threw him onto the side of the hill he just fell from like he was a pebble.

"Tsukune?" Moka asked.

"I'm still me, Moka-chan. I'm just using the power of my curse as my gift," he said simply..

They heard a loud grunt from Saizo's direction and saw him lifting a huge boulder over his head. He hefted the rock up and threw it at them with all of his might.

Moka tried to run out of the way but Tsukune grabbed her wrist and told her not to worry. He stared at the incoming projectile and after a moment a his right eye changed, the sclera turned black while the iris turned a sickly yellow. After another moment, pitch-black flames shot from his eye and melted up the center, causing the boulder to split in half. The flames died down and Moka saw that a tear of blood was flowing down his changed eye.

"I don't get it. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Saizo hysterically screamed.

Tsukune sinisterly glared at him with his miscolored eyes, "I am one of God's many children. Much like you."

Tsukune walked towards him but his hand accidentally got hooked on Moka's rosario and with a soft tug, it snapped off.

"Oops," He said while stupidly looking at the cross.

"The rosario came off…" Moka said, as the area around them began changing. An aura of pink energy spread out, turning the water purple and sky blood red. She seemed to age several years, giving her a more defined figure(despite the situation, Tsukune focused more on her chest and her butt). Her hair changed from its light pink to pure silver, and her eyes changed from green to blood red.

After it was done, Saizou was the first to speak.

"What's with her? She's like a totally different person!" He commented, Tsukune also noticing the change in atmosphere around them also commented, "She's not Moka Akashiya!"

"Moka-chan…" Tsukune said, suddenly remembering what she had said earlier


"Once this rosario gets taken off, I'll turn into a terrifying, true vampire, the strongest of all monsters."

(Flashback end)

"Could this be a true vampire, like she meant…?" Tsukune wondered out loud. Suddenly, the bats covering her scattered, revealing her transformed state for all to see.

"It's just like the rumors say…" Saizou said. "That terrifying aura, the silver hair, her red eyes. She's the legendary S-class monster; The Vampire!" He shouted.

Moka merely brushed a strand of hair out of her face, and then spoke, looking right at Saizou. "You are the one who woke me from my slumber, huh?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"What's wrong with my body…It couldn't be…I'm trembling just from looking at her!" Saizou commented as Moka stretched her arms behind her back. "No way!" Saizou shouted, while Moka jumped about a bit to flex her leg muscles. "Go for it! Who cares if it's a vampire!" He shouted, in an attempt to strengthen his ego.

Moka merely yawned, before locking her gaze on Saizou. "Know your place." She commented. All Saizou could do was give a confused look, before Moka slammed her left foot in his face, causing him to fly back and slam into the hillside. When the dust had settled, Saizou was sitting ungracefully on the ground, completely out of it.

"She's completely different from the Moka-chan before, her power is more fierce, and colder…" Tsukune thought as Moka lowered her leg to the ground. "Overwhelmingly strong, but… which is the real Moka-chan?" He wondered as said girl was walking towards him. Tsukune tensed slightly, fearing that he was going to have to fight.

"There's no reason for you to be afraid of me I wouldn't dare hurt someone with blood as delicious as yours." Moka said. "I owe you a big thank you for helping earlier." Tsukune relaxed somewhat, until Moka reached out rubbed her hands along his clavicle, near the point where his power originated. "What strange powers! You don't have the same type of aura that other monsters have. Just what kind of monster are you?" She asked.

"Like I told him, I am one of God's many children. I have the abilities of one who has fallen in his eyes. I...am a cursed angel." Tsukune commented.

Moka nodded, "Well, either way you are very interesting Tsukune Aono, I think I'll keep you around for a while, you just keep babysitting the other Moka for me" She said before taking the rosario and snapping it back into place on the chain hanging from her necklace. In a shimmer, her silver hair turned pink and her blood-red eyes changed to grassy-green, returning her back to her normal appearance.

"Oh, Tsukune, you're alright. Thank goodness." She said slightly groggily. Tsukune could only nod and will the flame-like marks to recede into it's dormant state, his eye changed back as well. "Tsukune...?" Moka said, looking at her hero shyly and questioningly. Tsukune sighed with a smile and began his tale while they walked towards the school after grabbing his bags.

"It all started when I was thirteen years old. I was with my middle school group on an archeological field trip to a temple of a cursed snake deity. I accidentally separated from them and somehow made it to the temple's sacrificial chambers, that's where the weirdness began."


"Peachy! I got lost and I end up in the place where people had their throats cut." Tsukune muttered to himself as he fixed his backpack.

"OUCH," He bellowed. He looked at the ground to see that a purplish-black snake had bitten his leg.

"Come!" A voice echoed through his head.

"Who said that!?" Tsukune loudly asked to the empty room.

"Come closer, little boy," Tsukune looked at the statue of a giant snake that looked poised to strike. On the snakes head were three tomoes in a tight circle.

He slowly walked closer until he was directly in front of it. He began to admire it until he felt strange

"Whoa," he muttered. He was beginning to feel dizzy.

"My poison courses through you, boy. If you want to live then you must bargain for your life," The snake statue gleefully exclaimed.

"What? But I don't have anything that you would possibly want," Tsukune groaned when his stomach felt like it was being crushed.

"Ah but you do. Your services will be greatly profitable," The statues eyes glowed and the snake that bit him before became intangible and dove into Tsukune's chest. Tsukune screamed as he felt a burning sensation on his right shoulder and when it passed he looked at the symbol on the statues head that appeared on it.

"What the hell have you done to me?"Tsukune screamed. The statue said nothing, as if its posessing spirit had disappeared.

"Tsukune!?" A teacher's voice yelled. He turned and left the temple unaware that the small purple/black snake was following him.

(Flashback end)

"After my return home, I began obsessing over religious legends to find any resemblance to my own power. I eventually found out that the deity had given me the Curse mark of Heaven, a seal that contains colossal power and the ability to transform me into a monstrous abomination of an angel. I was tracked down by the serpent that bit me and he's been hanging around me ever since." He kneeled and placed his hand on the lower trunk of a tree to allow Kuroi to slither up his arm and settle around his neck. "The serpent deity has yet to tell me what it wanted in exchange for giving me this power." He grumbled in irritation. He wrapped his arm around Moka's waist and leaped up the hill to where his bags were. He unzipped one to pull out a white muscle shirt and put it on. He gently grabbed Moka's hand and walked toward the school. After Tsukune and Moka had reached the school building, Tsukune's hand scraped a dead tree branch elicting a small cut. He raised his hand to his face and before he could wipe the blood off, Moka grabbed his wrist and licked it clean. After she let his hand go she started sniffing the air.

"I really can't resist your scent…" She commented drunkenly, making Tsukune's eyes widen.

"What did you say, Moka-chan?" Tsukune asked.

"Forgive me, Tsukune!" Moka suddenly said, and before Tsukune could ask what she meant, Moka lunged forward, and bit onto his neck.

"OUCH, MOTHER OF HELL!!!" Tsukune yelled. However, at that time he was also thinking to himself. "What in the name of God have I gotten myself into?"

A.N: This is just a little something that's been flying arund in my head for a few months and I wanted to throw it out there. Please give me your honest opinions of this baby and if I get enough compliments, I'll continue to update on this. Also, I will try to get the next chapters of Iron Guardian and Out of Control up as soon as I can.

I hope you enjoy.