Discliaimer: Unfortunately, I do NOT own The Hunger Games (as much as I wish I do) and will never own The Hunger Games. But, hey. I can dream, right?

Formerly known as Maysilee's Story. Also edited.

Summary: When Maysilee Donner is reaped for the 50th Hunger Games she must leave behind her family, her friends, and her entire life. Although she seems doomed in the midst of tragedy she finds something even better, and slowly a better life starts to rise out of the ashes of her old one. Details the 50th Hunger Games from Maysilee's Point of View, and what happens after, which is something so unexpected it will shock everyone.

Also, this is my first story, so don't flame it too badly. Comments and criticism VERY MUCH accepted

Un-betaed so any mistakes are completely mine.

It's really amazing how two simple words can change a person's life forever. I never did anything to deserve what I got, but somehow I was chosen anyway. That day started out like any other reaping did, but it ended in a huge disaster. I guess it was for the best in the end. I ended up in a much better place, free from all the suffering of my world. There is still hope for the world I came from, though, and if this message gets through I hope to be able to help. Who am I, and where am I now, you ask? All of this will be revealed in time, but for now I leave you with my story.

"May. MAY! Wake up." There were hands on my shoulders, shaking me awake. "You have to get up now."

"No." I replied blearily. "It's a Saturday."

"It's REAPING DAY, May. You have to get up NOW." I was awake now, and as my eyes cleared I found myself looking into my twin sister, Marielle's, eyes. She was already dressed, and probably had been for hours at this point, pacing and worrying about getting reaped. There was basically no chance of us being reaped this year, and she should know it as well as I did. We were only 16, after all, and only had 4 tokens each in the pool for the reaping, since we had never needed to take out tesserae. There was a very small probability of either of our names being drawn, but every year it still kept Marielle up at night every year, worrying over the next day's ceremony.

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up. I only then remembered that it was the 50th Hunger Games, and 4 names were going to be drawn this year. As I looked up, I could see the very same thought reflected in my twin's identical eyes. "Elle, nothing is going to happen, even if they are picking 4 people this year. I mean, we only have 4 tokens each. I heard that Jon Everdeen has 40 tokens, and he's only 17." I sighed, then headed over to my dresser to pull out my best dress.

Marielle watched me in silence. "I know that, but I still have a horrible feeling about today."

Satisfied with how my dress looked, I picked up my hairbrush and walked to the mirror. "Marielle Donner, you've said the exact same thing for the last 8 years, and has anything ever happened? No. So relax a little. Have a bit of fun today." I smiled and handed her the brush. "Here, can you braid my hair."

She quietly took the brush and started to do my hair, lost in thought. Finally she spoke up. "Maybe you're right." She whispered. "I guess I'll relax a bit."


"I promise."

"Girls, it's time to go!" Our mother called up to us from downstairs.

"One minute, Mom!" I shouted back, then turned to my sister, compelled with a sudden urge to tell her something I hadn't told her since we were very young.

"I love you, Ellie. Whatever happens today, remember that, OK?" Then, without letting her reply, I grabbed her hand and dragged out of our room and downstairs to our waiting mother.


District Twelve was decorated beautifully, and, although it was starting to slide into disrepair, I never thought it had looked more beautiful than it did at the moment we stepped out into the sunlight. The houses and stores rose above me, and in the distance the woods rose beyond the Seam. Marielle and I ran through the streets in search of our best friend, Aurelia, so we could head to the Reaping. We found her mother sitting on the steps of her home.

"Hey Mrs. Hill. Do you know where Aurelia is?"

She looked up and smiled a weak smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "She's right inside girls."

We walked past her and into the house. "Lia?" I called. "Are you here?"

Her voice drifted down over the stairs. "Up here!"

Marielle and I leaped up the stairs and ran through the door to her bedroom. She was standing facing her mirror, holding up locks of her long blonde hair, as if deciding what to do with it. "Oh May, Elle, thank god you two are here. I can't decide what to do. I tried braiding it like you showed me how, but I can't quite get it." She was rambling, and I could tell she knew we were late.

Marielle quietly walked to her and took her hair. "Lia, promise you'll pay attention this time?" She said softly, and Aurelia nodded. As Ellie explained to her again how to do it I walked over to the window and curled up on the window seat so I could gaze out the window. There were people everywhere, all walking toward the square. There were some familiar faces, and some that weren't, but they were all wearing the same look of worried anxiety, as if they were headed to their doom. Which, at least for four of them, they were in a way.

Aurelia's voice drifted to me through my daze, and I shook my head. "What?"

"We have to go now." Aurelia repeated.

"Oh." I tore my eyes away from the window, and we headed down to join the crowd pooling in the square.


For the first time since we arrived, the crowd fell silent as the District 12 Representative stepped up to the microphone. As usual, I zoned out, ignoring the opening speech and choosing to wait until the most interesting part. My eyes flitted across the crowd, and I took in as much as I could.

My eyes settled on the boy's section, and I noticed quite a few interesting things. "Hey Ellie." I poked my sister. "The Undersee boy is staring at you." She didn't reply, even though I could tell she had heard me. I scanned the crowd, looking for another victim, and found something that was really very interesting. I turned to Aurelia and whispered in her ear. "Lia. Jonquil Everdeen is totally checking you out." I fully expected her to scoff and tell me to pay attention, but she surprised me when her face lit up, second before she turned bright red from embarrassment. "You like him? But he's from the Seam." I had nothing against the Seam, but usually Lia and Elle turned their noses up at the very thought.

"Shhh. Pay attention." She hissed at me, but I persisted, smirking.

"So Aurelia Hill likes a boy from the Seam." I taunted. "How far the mighty have fallen. You do realize that Archer Mellark likes you, right? I thought boys like him were usually more your type."

"Well you obviously thought wrong." She snapped, then added a little more softly, "And besides, Miryam Terran likes him, and you know what would happen if I got on the wrong side of her."

"Oh look, they're starting!" Marielle whispered, her excitement mixing with anxiety. "Pay attention, you two."

Up on the stage, they had started drawing names.

"Helena Mitchell!" The first name was called. It was a girl I knew from school, although she was slightly older than I was. She put on a brave face as she walked up to the stage, but I could tell that underneath it she was very shaken.

"And next a boy!" They dug around in the names and pulled one out. "Haymitch Abernathy." Good. I thought. If any single person deserved to be sent to the Hunger Games it was him. I had seen him around town, though I never saw him in school. He often looked down on us, as if we, the shopkeepers kids, were beneath him, with his wicked smile and dangerous Seam eyes. He was rude, crude, and obnoxious, but, as horrible as it sounds, I was glad to see him be chosen.

The man onstage was reaching into the girls names again, and time seemed to slow as he drew the tiny slip of paper. I watched, as if from far away as he prolonged the agony of one unlucky young woman. The restless crowd went quiet, and in the distance a mockingjay whistled a song. But even that stopped as his mouth opened, the mouth that opened and read the two horrible words that forever sealed my tragic fate.

"Maysilee Donner."


So that's it for the first chapter! I tried to make it so Maysilee wasn't Mary-Sueish (that annoys me soooo much when the character is a Mary-Sue). For anyone who is wondering, Aurelia Hill is Katniss's Mom, Jon Everdeen is her dad, Marielle Donner and "the Undersee boy" are Madge's Parents, and Archer Mellark and Miryam Terran are Peeta's parents. I picked some of the names intentionally; Jonquil is a flower, Miryam means bitter (which Peeta's mom totally is), Aurelia means golden, and Marielle means uncertain, maybe bitter, which she sort of becomes later in life. So, press the little button down there and tell me what you think, (You know you want to), and I will see you later with the next chapter!