I do not own anything.

WARNING! mentions of abuse!

To my dearest Hermione Granger,

I must first start this letter by getting something off of my chest. I must say that I am deeply and truly sorry for everything I did to you throughout Hogwarts. I am sorry for not stepping up to my aunt as she tortured you in my house. And I am regretfully sorry for not saving you from him. He was sentence to life in Azkaban you know. I am also truly sorry for never telling you I loved you. I feel now that if I told you, you would have a long happy life away from him instead of being tortured by him. I must ask you one simple question though. Why didn't you leave him? You knew what he was doing was wrong. Yet you still stayed with him.

I remember the day I fell in love with you. It was in third year when you punched me in the face. I fell in love with you because you were the first girl to stand up to me and put me in my place. Yet I knew you loved him. It broke my heart when we all redid seventh year at Hogwarts as I watch you with him, knowing that you would never love me like I love you. But at least we all became something around what you would call friends. And yes I am ashamed to admit it I watch as he hit you over and over at Hogwarts. I watched feeling helpless as there was nothing I could do to stop it. Then when he told you it was your entire fault and that he was only doing this because he loved you, you accepted his apology. You accepted and you told yourself over and over again that it was your fault. Hermione my love, it was never your fault. I told you that too, but you just brushed off my warning. I wish you didn't.

Then years later when I got the invitation for your wedding with him I thought that maybe he changed. But in the back of my mind I new he still hit you, but I still did not do anything because of the loving look you gave him on as you got married. You seemed so happy. Then just two months later you came to my house with a black eye and a bruised cheek. I asked how you got them and you told me he did it till you. I told you I would kill him for doing this to you. But you stopped me saying it was your fault and that you deserved it. When will you learn that it was not your fault? When will you learn that no one deserved what he did to you?

Then two months after that incident we were all at a party to celebrate Harry's birthday and you told everyone that you were pregnant. I saw the look in your eyes as you announced the news. They clearly said 'Help me!' but wonder boy and his wife Ginny never noticed. 5 months later you came to my house yet again. This time it was because you found out that you were having a girl. He did not want to have a girl, he wanted a boy. So he smacked you. I knew when you left my house to go back to him I had to tell someone, what if he hurt the baby? I finally did get the courage to tell your best friend Harry two months later around your dew date to have the baby. He did not believe me. He grabbed my arm and apparated us to your house to prove me wrong. But that only proved me to be right.

So to my dearest Hermione I regret to inform you that Harry and I were too late to save you. You died in the hospital on November 22, 2009 by the hands of your abusive husband Ronald Weasley. I must say that I am sorry you never got to be the mother you wanted to be, but they did save your child. You had a beautiful girl. Her name is Rose. I adopted her. So you do not have to worry about her living with strangers. Mrs. Weasley sees her every day, I know you would have wanted that as you saw Mrs. Weasley as a second mother. So goodbye Hermione, I can not wait till I see you again someday.

Yours Truly,

Draco Malfoy.

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