!READ!: This is taken place 7 years ago.

Sora& Kairi are 8 years of age. :D S0o cute!

I guess this makes Riku 9? o.0

Kairi's giggles burst out of her lips, as she ran quickly as her little legs can carry her through the beach. She clutched onto her small, wooden sword with her right hand as she pushed her feet off the sand with all her might, running faster.

"You'll never catch me, you two!" She shouted over her shoulder.

Sora and Riku were both found far behind her, trying to hard to catch up to the red head. They both carried similar wooden swords in there small hands, as they grasped it for life.

Riku let out a laugh and shouted back, "We'll see about that!"

He then huffed a few breaths, and sprinted past Sora like lighting. His legs pumped furiously against the beach, leaving explosions of sand in the dust.

Sora shouted, "Hey, no fair!"

Kairi let out a shriek, followed by bubbled giggles.

Riku was only a few feet away from Kairi, by now.

Sora smiled, preparing himself, and sucked in a sharp breath. He then pushed off the ground with great speed.

Riku's eyes widen in sheer surprise as he saw his small, spiky haired friend bolt past him.

Sora then caught up to Kairi, and clutched her arm while spinning her around. There legs became tangled during the process, and they both tumbled and rolled onto the sand floor.

Bursts of laughter echoed in the atmosphere as Kairi was jumbled on top of Sora's small body.

After a few moments, Sora huffed, "Told you I'd get you!"

Kairi was catching her breath is small pants, and let out another giggle. "I'll never doubt you again."


The sunset was set beautifully over the brilliant ocean tide, perfectly ending the day.

Kairi and Sora both sat at the end of the dock, gazing at the peach-like sky. Riku had said his goodbye's as he quickly attended to his father, helping him tie up the boats.

Kairi smiled, and looked at Sora skeptically, "I never knew you could run that fast,"

Sora looked at her for a moment, confused, then returned a smile. "I never though so either,"

She giggled, something you can never get tired of, and looked down at the small waves that crashed against the dock.

Sora then blurted, "You know, all winners should receive a prize!"

She looked at him, and blinked, "Well, what do you want?"

He looked down in thought, and suddenly snapped his head back up to look at her. "I have one. But, you'll have to come with me,"

He jumped to his feet, and outstretched his hand. She took it without thinking twice, and he pulled her along the dock.

He made her close her eyes the whole way, safely pulling her to his destination.

"Sora, where are we going?" She giggled.

He then pestered only a few more steps, and planted his feet. "Were here," he said. "Keep your eyes closed, mmk?"

She nodded in agreement, and waited. She could feel the cold, hard ground beneath her feet as her she thought quietly, the secret cave?

She then felt warm hands lace around her plump fingers. She almost opened her eyes, though Sora murmured, "Don't peek,"

Kairi shut her eyes, as her cheeks flushed a light pink.

Before she could think another thought, she felt soft, gentle lips touch hers. It was a short, tender moment.

Sora whispered in her ear lightly, "Happy Valentines day, Kairi,"

Awhh, wasn't that cute? I was in the mood to create a Valentine Theme story~

Plus, since all I'm gunna do is sit on my boootey and eat chocolates on Valentines day, anyways. So kudos to me?

Tell me what you think (^-^) Review!