I recently got the game prototype, and it gave me some new ideas, which if I leave to long, might leave my head for good, so. Better safe then sorry I'll say something after, so enjoy!

Legend Of The Kuro Awai.

Chapter 1

Naruto stood there, clutching the railings as hard as he could. He stood there watching that Hyuuga girl in her fight, Hinata! That was her name. Naruto could say in all honesty that the girl was all in all kinder to him then Sakura ever was, she was always encouraging him, silently rooting for him, and to round things off, she never hit him. On the other hand, however. Sakura hit and berated him constantly for even the simplest of things, she never paid any attention to him and always fawned over that Teme.

But right now, he was feeling one thing, the one thing he hadn't felt since his mission to Nami no Kuni. Pure. Unbridled. Unyielding. RAGE. Why, you may ask yourself? Simple, he currently was watching as Hinata's own cousin beat her to a pulp.

But one thing was wierding him out seriously. Ever since the snake … Orochimaru had sealed the Kyuubi off from him, he felt completely different. The power he felt when he used Kyuubi was exhilarating, but burned like hell. This new feeling, it felt, frightening. Hungry. Dark…

He was brought out of his musing when he saw Hinata cough up blood, hearing her cousin, Neji, go on about some fate bullshit, but faltered in his speech when he saw her starting to get up.

"Why do you bother getting up Hinata-sama? Fate has already decided me as the winner?"

"B-bec-cause I ne-ne-never gi-give up a-and I ne-never b-back d-do-wn. That is m-my Ni-ndo, m-my N-ninja way!" she finished staring defiantly at her elder cousin.

That was not what Neji wanted to hear, not at all. He didn't listen to Gekko Hayate call the match, but that did not deter him from charging to strike his loathsome cousin down.

Naruto's eyes widened, he saw what Neji was about to do. The new sensation came back into play, pulsing faster then ever. Swirls of black and red worm like energy things started dancing around his legs as he vanished, from the stand he was a second ago, he was standing sideways in front of Hinata next thing hand out stretched, palm outstretched, waiting for the attack. Neji saw this and smirked evilly, he'd take out Hinata's inspiration, which would crush all the things she'd be a weak fool once again. Just as fate predicted.

Naruto just stood their as the seconds crawled past in slow motion. His head was telling him to make as many Kage Bunshins (shadow clones) as he could, to swarm the basterd, but the strange sensations and his instincts were telling him to stand fast. He could see Neji pull back his arm in preparation to strike. He saw the anger and loneliness in his eyes. His eye's darted to the Jonin-sensei's about to intervene, but a barely perceptible shake of his head, which they all caught, they stayed down. They all recognized that look in his eyes, absolute determination and confidence in his abilities. Most hadn't seen that look since the Yondaime Hokage departed to seal the Kyuubi into the boy.

Redirecting his attention back to Neji, he was two paces in front of him, and was reading his Juken shot. Taking a breath, he steeled himself to take the pain, something his body was used to already.

The strike hit.

Blood flew from the wound.

His hand is caught in a vice like grip.

Neji stood there forced to bend to on one knee by the blond in front of him. When the strike hit, his fingers went through the palm of the blonds hand only to get the rest of his hand clenched in Steel like grip, the glacial icebergs that were his eyes were staring at him in irritation. Naruto kicked him in the chest sending him backwards, only to have been pulled back by his captured hand and be brought back into a waiting punch. But Neji could see something happening to the fist as it approached him with the perceptive Byakugan, there was red and black … things swirling around his fist and changing it. When the swirling stopped, Naruto's hand was far more…menacing. It had grey scales, covering it. There were rounded blood red studs covering the knuckles and wave like chakra running up from his fingers towards the knuckle before dispersing and giving way to the next one on each finger.

"Get over here!" he shouted before ramming his fist into Neji's face, the wave like chakra grinding against his face before letting his grip go free. Neji went flying into the adjacent wall. Everyone looked at Naruto's new hand, before it turned back to normal in a swirl of red and black his other, injured hand was covered in the same swirl of red and black and when the swirl stopped, his hand was good as new. This caught quite a bit of attention, from the rest of the genin and Jonin. But…Sarutobi Hiruzen was shaking in rage inwardly, careful not to show it on his schooled features. For years he had been working on making Naruto submissive towards him and the council, even going so far to get Jiraiya to put a greater suppression seal on the jinchuriki that tied into the Kyuubi's seal so it would work for many years due to the Kyuubi's Youki siphoning over to human chakra, it also had a subliminal effect that would make him attracted to one of the sealer's choosing, he had chose the daughter of the Haruno clan head, and he could say with all honesty that it worked wonders in holding him back. But now he had the virus/kekkei genkai of his mother. But how? The Kyuubi's Youki should have kept that insufferable virus at bay, so why the hell did he have his mothers accursed kekkei genkai? Unless…unless something happened to block the seal! Orochimaru had placed a cursed seal on Sasuke, so it was only plain logic he must of done something to the Kyuubi's seal also, causing the Kuro Awai to awaken in the boy because the Kyuubi was no longer there to keep it at bay. Dammit, that damnable bloodline would overcome the suppression seal, even when he got Jiraiya to undo whatever damage his previous student had done to the seal, the Kyuubi would not be able to get rid of the Kuro Awai because it now had a foothold since he'd used it. All of his hard work getting the boys mother to leave the village after Minato sealed the Kyuubi in the boy, getting her to accept he died in the sealing, taking the fox with it. But now, if he were ever to find out, if he were ever to decide to leave the village. No, no that was not going to happen, his loyalty was to the village, he would not abandon any of his precious people.

Or that was what he thought .

"Are you alright, Hinata?" Naruto asked as he held her tenderly in his arms.

"H-hai, Naruto-kun, di-did I ch-chan-ge, e-even j-just a little?" she asked, ignoring the pain she felt in her chest.

"Yeah Hinata, you did great, better then anyone thought you would have done, I'll be proud to call you a comrade of the leaf and fight by you and your teams side any day," Naruto spoke softly, but the kindness and conviction in his words caught everyone by surprise. Seeing the medics from the corner of his eye, he turned to Neji, promising silently, that if he met him in the finals, he'd completely destroy him, turning away he made his way to the stairs.

Memories bombarded Naruto's conscious mind and sanity as he walked up to rejoin the examinees. Beatings, starvation, torture, and all around hatred, sure there were some people that accepted him, but were they really enough? Of course they were! But…compared to a village full to the brim of hatred and put it against the few people that did accept him. He just wanted to be treated like any other person did, with respect…something that he never gotten in Konoha, ever.

Looking down at the arena, he saw Hinata and Neji carried by medics rush towards the hospital. Looking up at the competitors, and their sensei's, he looked for his own, only to not find him anywhere. Sighing to himself quietly, he began walking to the nearest Jonin instructor, Yuhii Kurenai.

"Sensei?" Naruto asked slowly, walking up to her.

"Yes Uzumaki-kun," Kurenai asked smiling lightly, she had always been fond of the boy, and here he was, asking her a question for some reason. She looked around to find the boy's own sensei, but he was nowhere to be seen, no wonder he was here. "How can I help you?"

"I have three questions I need to ask, and since Hatake-sensei isn't here, I was hoping you could answer the questions I have."

"I'll do my best to answer then," she smiled.

"Where besides is the most dangerous place in Hi no Kuni beside the forest of death?"

"Uh let's see…the Ya no Oni (Valley of Demons) three miles west of Konoha, why?"

"I want to go there to train these new powers I have, would you keep it a sensei student secret?"

"Why on earth would you want to train there? You'd be in danger every moment," Kurenai said keeping a level voice as not to distract her students from the matches, and to avoid suspicion from the Sandaime.

"That's the point, when your in danger your body adapts to it, your reflexes grow, your strength grows, your perception of danger grows. If I go there, I can learn things I could never learn here."Kurenai nodded, even though the boy was hated here, he was never in anything life threatening. Although treated worse then shit, he never, ever came close enough to death. "And your second question?" she asked cautiously.

Naruto's eye's narrowed. "Is there any way to annul my citizenship of Hi no Kuni?"

Now, Kurenai was expecting many questions, but that wasn't one of them. But considering the shit this boy went through, it was to be considered. "If you were a clan member, you need consent of the clan head, and if you a civilian Shinobi, then you just need the consent of the Daimyo," she explained patiently.

"So, is he going to be here for the Chunin exam finals?"

"Yes. He'll be there. And question three?" She asked, noticing the flash of emotions in his eyes. Sadness, Vulnerability, Loneliness.

"C-could you well, y-you know, come with me to the hospital to ask them for a blood test? You know, use your Jonin level clearance to make it go faster? If my family are not from here, and no' one took me in as a child from the orphanage, that would help solidify my position to leave right?" his voice was choked, she could see he was holding back tears through sheer determination alone. And had to refrain her motherly instincts to pull him into a hug and tell him to let it all out.

"How about this, after the preliminaries are over, we both go over to see Hinata-chan together, after that, I'll help you with your little problem in genjutsu, how does that sound?" her eye's flicking up to the wall. Which Naruto caught with unpractised ease.

"Thank you Kurenai-sensei, Hatake wouldn't even do that much for me, he's always giving private lessons to the teme and preaching about teamwork and sticking together...hypocrite, " Naruto said doing a deep bow to hide the tears that were currently trying to escape.

"Okay, I'm bushed, so I'm going to head home, I'll meet you in an hour, Sensei," he said putting up that grinning mask. "Tell me who's but I'm kick at the finals! He shouted walking out the exit and running through the forest of death to his apartment. He started thinking about the difference between illusionary Ninjutsu and solid like Bunshin and it's shadowy counterpart, and his now clear, for some reason, mind went to work on how he could workaround the other illusionary Ninjutsu he had, the Henge.

--Preliminary arena--

An Anbu in a beetle mask materialized behind Kurenai "Jonin Yuhii, what were you talking to Genin Uzumaki about?" the Anbu asked in a dead monotone voice.

"Uzumaki-kun was just asking me about genjutsu, since it's his worst field, he asked if I could help him with it, since Kakashi isn't doing about it."

"No, Uzumaki will not be trained by you, Hokage-sama has something planned for Naruto already," the Anbu said slowly.

"Very well, I'll just give him some meditations, some mid level chakra control exercises, nothing major," she said nonchalantly.

"…Very well, but nothing more," the Anbu said before he vanished. He then reappeared by the Hokage and gave him a run down.

"Very well, as soon as she exit's the hospital, you will trail her, make sure she teaches him nothing but chakra control, we cannot risk the jinchuriki getting any stronger," Hiruzen replied, unaware of the Kikachu hovering above his head, that returned to it's host .

'So our Hokage doesn't want Uzumaki-san to strong? Foolish, he will get strong whether you want him to or not. I will enjoy fighting you in the finals, Uzumaki,' were the stoic Aburame's thoughts.

--One hour later _ hospital--

Naruto walked into the hospital in what he thought was abnormal, compared to his beloved orange jumpsuits, clothing. Though, since everyone else thought his fashion sense was in Yamanaka Ino's words were 'abysmal'. So he decided to put all of his money together and bought a few new set's of clothes. Based on the grey his hands were when he was at the preliminaries, he decided rather reluctantly that it would be his colour. He now had several light grey button up shirts with the collar popped up and the sleeves rolled up to just over his elbow, and a set of urban camo trousers and to round it all off, he had a pair of black bite Xtension sandals, which, in his opinion looked pretty damn good, even though they weren't orange. Under his grey shirt, he wore sleeveless black hooded vest, which he had up, hiding his face in the shadow of the hood. All in all, he thought he looked like an idiot, but really, he looked Badass to every girl that he passed him by. Looking up towards the building in front of him, he took a few, calming breaths, he took the final steps into the building. Looking around the pristine white building, his eye's caught the reception, he nodded and walked over.

"Uh, excuse me, I'm looking for some friends of mine, could you tell me their room numbers?" Naruto asked politely. The nurse looked at him for a moment, caught by those eyes that seemed to glow in the shadow of his hood, snapping out of her trance, she went into work mode.

"Certainly sir, I'll need their names first off though," she smiled kindly.

"Hyuuga Hinata and Uchiha Sasuke," he said calmly.

"Hyuuga and Uchiha…" the receptionist muttered, checking files. "Miss Hinata is in room 205 on the second floor, and Mr Sasuke is in room 208 across the way, I hope I was helpful sweetie," the receptionist smiled kindly at him, which he returned, not that she could see, though, she did see the 'ping' on his teeth.

'Hmmm, Hinata or Sasuke first…Hinata, definitely, Hinata,' he thought as he walked up the stairs and onto the second floor. He saw Anbu guards outside Sasuke's room. 'teme's getting special attention again' naruto inwardly growled. Turning he knocked on the door and snuck his head in to see Hiashi poising his hand to slap his daughter. Naruto's eye's widened when he felt the tingling sensation again, letting it flow through him, he found himself moving on instinct, vanishing from he doorway he appeared in front of Hiashi and grabbed the clan heads wrist.

"What, may I ask are you doing? Hyuuga-san. I'd think lady Hinata was injured enough when fighting her whiney little bitch of a cousin, wouldn't you agree?"

Hiashi just stared in shock, here was a boy. Who had just stopped a quarter strength Juuken strike, but that was not what caught his eye, it was the red and black swirl the enveloped his hand before he caught his slap. Only one clan could do this, the Uzumaki clan and their bloodline limit, the Kuro Awai. Last time he checked, the only actual living member of the Uzumaki clan was a long time friend of his, Uzumaki Kushina. Well, there was the Kyuubi jinchuriki, but he was sure the Sandaime-sama only gave the boy that name for his own protection, but he had to be sure!

"You, Shinobi, what is your name?!

Naruto looked at Hiashi in guarded curiosity, on one side he could be asking his name to make a bogus claim of assault. On the other hand though, he could know something about his family. Finally, after a few seconds, with his free hand he pulled his hood down revealing his spiky blond hair and glowing cerulean eyes. "…Uzumaki Naruto, sir…" he said in a monotone voice.

Hinata's eye's were tearing up, her father had just been berating her for the better part of five minutes on why the difference between main and branch members, and why she had not activated the caged bird seal on Neji, when she answered on not wanting to hurt him, she clenched her eye's shut when she saw her father raise his hand to slap her, only for the resounding sound of a strong catch. When she found out it was her beloved Naruto that defended her she cracked open an eye. Standing in front of her, was her crush, his strange chakra wielding hand clutching the wrist of her father.

'Naruto-kun stopped my fathers slap, he's defending my honour, he LIKES ME, HE REALLY, REALLY LIKES ME!' Hinata shouted inside her mind.( continue that a thousand times and mash them together)

"You really are her son," Hiashi chuckled, bringing Hinata out of her Naruto defence induced mantra, surprised at hearing her father chuckle.

"Y-you knew my mother?" Naruto asked shockedly.

"Yes, I knew her, you got your bad attitude and stubborn mindset from her, though, I should know, I'm supposed to know that happy-go-lucky attitude anywhere, after all, I was to be your godfather," Hiashi said smiling kindly.

"Well godfather, why were you about to hit Hinata here then?" Naruto asked, barely containing the anger in his words.

Hiashi for his part, looked down in shame, before looking back at the two young adults. "She reminds me so much of her mother, the way she acts, her outlook on life, even her appearance looks so much looks Mizuhana, I-I guess it was just painful seeing all that Mizuhana was after she died, Hinata, for my arrogant and irresponsible ways, I…I…apologise," Hiashi said having to give himself a small Juuken shot into the stomach to force the words out.

"Ap-Ol-igy ac-cepted Tou-sama," Hinata stuttered out with less trouble then she usually would.

"Jeez kyoufu, was it really that hard for you to apologies to Hinata-chan?"

"Give me a break, I haven't given a proper apology in eight years!" Hiashi laughed, and so did the rest of them, but soon, his eyes grew serious. "Naruto?"

"Yes kyoufu?" Naruto replied.

"Do you need training for the finals?" Hiashi asked. "You will be facing me nephew."



"Well, I need some help to get out of the village, I'm planning on heading towards Ya no Oni to train these weird powers I just got.""Their not weird Naruto, it is your mothers clans Kekkai Genkai, the Kuro Awai, or black light. It increases your life span, and let's your body adapt to all different strains you undergo to help you cope with the stress, do you understand?"

Naruto nodded his head. "So my body will adapt and evolve under pressure, that the gist of it?"


"Alright, could you activate your Byakugan? I wanna try something," naruto said as he closed his eyes and concentrated on his bloodline.

"Very well, Byakugan!" Hiashi exclaimed as he watched the boy's chakra network get smaller and smaller, before his whole body disappeared from his Byakugan in a swirl of read and black.

"Can you see me?" Naruto asked quietly?

"No, no I can't, how'd you do that?" Hiashi asked deactivating his Byakugan and seeing that Naruto was a couple of shade darker. "So, what do you call those two abilities?"

"Huh, call them? Why would I do that?"

"Because if you have a name for them, and know what you want, when you want it, and you don't have to rely as much on your bloodline or instincts," Hiashi explained patiently.

"Alright then, what to call them, what to call them…" Naruto closed his eye's once more to think. Before opening his eye's once more. "Nami Bure-ka and Myou Ooi," he said slowly.

"Wave breaker and dark shroud, interesting choice of names."

"Thanks," Naruto said smiling brightly. "Anyway, I've got another jutsu to try before I go visit the Teme, can you give me your opinion?"

"Very well, but please don't let it be like the harem attack, my sanity wouldn't be able to take it," Hiashi said in a pleading voice.

"Okay, here goes," he first made his fingers into a tiger seal, then the top upper hand slid round the palm and faced downwards. "Kage henge!" Naruto said, a line of blue travelled across his body, he was now replaced with a unassuming boy with short brown hair, brown eyes and was wearing blue denim jeans with a set of jeans to match he was also. "Well, what do you guy and lady think?" Hiashi was standing there, with his Byakugan reactivated, and his jaw agape, his godson's chakra coils had re adapted to the new size, and it wasn't an illusion. Like the Kage Bunshin, it was actually there. Real.

"What is that Naruto, how did you do that?" Hiashi asked.

"Well I figured that if all you had to do is invert the ram seal to make Kage Bunshin, why not invert the tiger seal and see what happens to the henge, and as you can see…results speak for themselves," he grinned. Before making another inverted tiger seal making the blue line travel about his body once more, only this time. It shrinked him, turning him into a Kikachu bug. "See ya," the bug said in a super high pitched voice. The bug said giving them a mini salute and flying under the crack of the door before going into Sasuke's room and dispelling the kage henge with a mental command.

"Heya, Teme, how ya feelin'?" Naruto asked.

"Like shit Dobe," Sasuke groaned out. "Is this what you felt like when Orochimaru did that 'Gogyou Fuuin' thing to you?"

"Uhhh, yeah. Yeah, that's exactly how I'd say I felt, all the power sealed away…" Naruto trailed off. "Teme, I gotta tell you something," he said seriously.

Sasuke hearing this listened closely. "What is it dobe?"

"You know how the Yondaime beat the Kyuubi right?"

"Who doesn't around here," Sasuke said putting up a smirk.

"Well you see, that was a lie," Naruto said turning his face away.

"What? What do you mean it's a lie! What the hell happened to it then?""Have you ever heard of 'jinchuriki'?" Naruto asked slowly.

Sasuke's eye's widened, he had of course, read about the jinchuriki from books inside the Uchiha family archives. They were people, who hidden villages sealed demons inside of them, most were driven mad from hatred, indifference or power. Then, with those unbound thoughts, came Naruto's rant while they were back at Nami. The angry stares, the mutterings the hatred in the adults eyes, realisation came soon after.

"You're the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi, aren't you?"

"Hai," he said down casting his eyes.

Sasuke was silent for a few moments. "Awesome," his reply finally came, shocking Naruto.

"W-what?""I said 'Awesome' you know, commonly used in situations where your awed, inspired and in slang terms such as incredible?" Sasuke asked in sarcastically smart tone of voice.

"I know what the bloody word means Teme! But WHY did you say it?" he stressed the 'why'.

"Because your not insane or power hungry like most other jinchuriki through the ages have been, and you carry one o the strongest demons so either you're a conniving, scheming basterd that has been taken over by that trice damned kitsune. Or, you have an unbreakable will an spirit," he paused to take a break. "Personally, I hope it is the later, and it is the former, then we're all seriously screwed right?"

Naruto for his part laughed lightly, "Thanks…Sasuke."

"Your welcome…Naruto."

"Soooooo, what's your reason for killing Itachi again?" he asked grinning and rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. Sasuke stared at him in disbelief before shaking his head.

"I can't believe you forgot! I mean the first time I open up and you FORGET IT?!" Sasuke shouted in indignation.

"Hey, I kinda had a lot on my mind right after, you know, Chunin exams two days after we get back from Nami, that scary proctor as first examiner, that creepily sexy proctor from the second exam, Orochimaru sealing me away from Kyuubi, and unlocking a bloodline after my match."

"Wait, you've got a bloodline?"

"Hai, it's called the Kuro Awai. When my body is under strain, it'll adapt and evolve. Hey, do you think I've gotten smarter since Orochimaru sealed Kyuubi away, I'm in no way sure, but something is DEFINATLY different about how I've been thinking since I woke up. I've even started wondering how the hell I liked Sakura, I mean her forehead is HUGE, she doesn't have a rack, she has the street smarts and skill of a fly, and she's a bloody leach!"

"Yeah, before you could go a sentence or two without spouting something about ramen, or saying 'believe it' now though, it's easier to have a conversation with you now, and thank, Kami, now I don't have to listen to Sakura whining to me about you asking her for dates all the time after the exams, sp back on track…he killed the entire Uchiha clan, but me…."

"And his reason?""To test his abilities," Sasuke said clenching his fist only for his hand to shoot to his neck and clutch it in pain.

"…I call bullshit," Naruto said slowly.

"WHAT?" Sasuke yelled out in a rage, only for his hand to clutch his neck harder in pain.

"If Itachi wanted to test his abilities, why not stay and fight the Anbu squads, or go after the Hyuuga clan. No, there was another reason, he must have been forced to do it," Naruto said closing his eyes and crossing his arms. "The Uchiha clan were always watching my back, one of the most prominent people who protected me from the villagers was Itachi. He had another reason, I just can't see what it is yet."

Sasuke was wide eyed, why hadn't he seen it that way before. Itachi had used Tsukuyomi on him, flashes of pain came back to him as he remembered the genjutsu. But there were several scenes he hadn't seen before, like Itachi apologising to him before knocking him out. When he opened his eyes again, he realised that Itachi did indeed have another reason, the pain in his neck started to dissipate and was replaced by a calming feeling.

He would have checked it, buuuuuuuuuuut…………


"Whoops Sasuke, gotta go. Need to get Daimyo-sama's favour," he says as he jumps out the window. "Later!"

And then he was gone.

--outside the hospital--

"Is there a problem ma'am?" Naruto asked appearing beside madam Shijime.

"Oh, yes Shinobi-san, the Chunin exams are on and I can't a mission to retrieve my little darling Tora," she said in worry.

"Can I ask you something before I go get him?"

"Yes, you may.""Why do you treat him soooooo…affectionately," he said choosing his words carefully.

"Isn't that how all animals like to be treated?" she asked looking at him oddly.

"Dogs maybe, but a cat is different, you smother it they'll start to resent you, they like soft strokes, and to lie peacefully in places, not bone crushing hugs and loud noises," Naruto stated sagely before crouching ready to go. "I hope you'll remember this, I'd hate to see you wasting your money when you could keep it for your children and grandchildren I'll see you here in a few minutes!"

--five minutes later--

Naruto came walking back, Tora happily curled up in his arms, but when he caught sight of madam Shijime, he started hissing.

"It's okay friend, it's okay," he said softly, scratching the cat's ear gently. "I talked with her, she won't squeeze you anymore, I promise," the cat looked at Naruto sceptically before leaping out of his arms and approaching madam Shijime. When it was a step away it just stared at her, waiting to see what it did next. Following the boys advice Shijime picked up Tora gently and scratched his ear like she saw him doing, and smiled when she was rewarded with purring. "Thank you Shinobi-san, is there anyway I can repay you for helping me and Tora here?"

"Yeah," Naruto said pulling his hood down, showing the Daimyo wife who he was. "I need to talk to Daimyo-sama."

"And why would that be?" she asked.

Gesturing around, her, she noticed all the glares being sent his way. "Being the wife of the Daimyo, you must know of my…condition."

"Yes, pet, I know, now why do you wish to talk to my husband?""I wish to annul my citizenship of fire country," he said pulling his hood back up.

Madam Shijime was taken aback by this, but nodded her head, knowing that the boy went through far more then he should have. "Very well, when do you wish to see him?""During the Chunin exams, after my match,"

"Alright dear, I'll see to it that you meet then Ozai-kun then," she said smiling, before walking away.

Naruto narrowed his eyes and looked to the west, before he sprinted off heading west towards his destination.

Ya no Oni…

--Nami no Kuni--

A lone traveller was walking up the path to Nami, to see her long time friend, Tsunami, she had heard the Gatou was gone and decided to pay her a visit, walking out of the clearing, she froze dead from what she saw.

In front of her was a massive bridge, a few feet from the foot of the bridge, was a statue, there in the statue was a miniature clone of Minato, an uchiha, her Minato's old student Hatake Kakashi and an immediately recognised as a member of the large fore-headed Haruno clan.

But the plate under the statue read out.

'The great Uzumaki Naruto bridge - dedicated to the hero of wave.'

Several thoughts ran through her mind.

'My son is alive!'

'He looks so much like Minato-kun.'

'But if this statue is a tribute to him…'


'Sarutobi you are soooooo screwed when I get to Konoha.'


Well? What do you all think? Do you hate it? Do you love it? Anyway, the next story to update is gonna be eyes of chaos and order. So until then, relax, review and enjoy.