A/N - I wanted to make sure I updated "A Mind So Tainted" before posting the first chapter of this fic, which, personally, I am SOOOO excited to write. It'll be a good balance: the heaviness of AMiST against the fun of this.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters. At all. I don't own much, actually. Anyway, this fic is set in the "Gakuen AU" of Hetalia, with a little personal spin, of course: the school system is more Westernized [actually, it takes place in the US]. It's what I know, so I write what I know. Be warned for partying, shenanigans in France [the actual geographical country], drunken sex scenes, and a very angsty British boy dealing with the issues of "love". All of this, however, will not be featured in this intro chapter.
"Spring Dance Rules & Regulations? Christ, Arthur, really? You're gonna destroy that for us too?"
"Gilbert," Arthur snapped, his eyes darting back to glare viciously at his disturbance. "I thought I told you not to bother me when I'm doing paperwork!"
The silver-haired teen groaned and leaned forward over Arthur's shoulder, grabbing a stack of papers to toss aside. "But I never get a chance to see you anymore, you're always so busy," Gilbert complained with an award-winning pout, the fluttering of papers adding a soothing soundtrack to his plight.
The young Briton breathed in sharply before pushing Gilbert aside to gather the fallen papers, his temper on the verge of exploding. How he ever had the patience to deal with Gilbert, he would never know, but perhaps knowing the German native for so long was part of the explanation. "Well, maybe if you opened some time in your own social calendar, we could spend more time together, but no; you, that slimy frog, and what's-his-name are always out gallivanting. I wouldn't be surprised if all three of you were joined at the hip somehow."
"Jealous, are we?"
The slam of papers to the desk surface told Gilbert otherwise, his shrill laughter igniting the classroom with a flame of unhinged madness. "Ha ha, sorry, sorry, I guess not," he said, watching intently as Arthur's face returned to its normal shade. "But it would be nice to have you join us sometime."
Arthur rolled his eyes, fixing and rearranging the messed papers before bringing them to the filing cabinet beside the desk. "Please, I'd rather not. You know that Francis and I…"
Everything froze; his voice, his body. Even the sound of Gilbert's breaths were silenced. Arthur sighed and slammed the cabinet drawer shut. "Sorry," he said beneath his breath, grabbing his coat and reaching down for his bag.
"Ah, don't be sorry. I understand," Gilbert said, his voice a bit more gentle than earlier; that insane flame died as the room experienced a mournful moment of silence.
"Besides, what would Alfred say?"
Gilbert tossed his head back and groaned, his lapse into gentility dying with an echoing moan. "Don't tell me you're still going out with Jones," he said, his lip curling up in a form of disgust.
"Yes, Gilbert, we've been together almost seven months now," Arthur responded, trying to ignore the incessant grumblings from the silver-haired student by making his way towards the door. Unfortunately, Gilbert managed to get there first, blocking all outside-access behind his ego-fueled form.
"Arthur, you know I can't stand the guy. Why don't you just dump him already?"
He could feel his blood begin to boil again, his hand tightening its grip on the bag handle. "Because, I like him, okay Gilbert? Now get out of the way, I'd like to go home," Arthur said, trying to push Gilbert aside.
But the overconfident teen was too formidable of a foe. Easily, he waved off Arthur's pitiful attempts and planted both his hands on the Brit's shoulders, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. "What are you doing for Spring Break?"
"Gilbert, please!"
"What are your plans? Going anywhere?"
It was hopeless. Arthur sighed and looked into his friend's determined face. "No, actually, I'm staying on campus. I have a calculus exam right after break and since I'm practically failing that class, I'd like to spend my week…"
"Studying?! Who the fuck studies during Spring Break?" The sound of utter disgust returned to Gilbert's voice, his face twisting and contorting in a garish show of disapproval.
"I do, so if you don't mind…"
Gilbert just laughed, wrapping his arm around his friend and finally letting him out the door. "Arthur, you're going to France," he said triumphantly, marching down the hallway with a fuming Englishman locked in his arm. "Save the studying for another time."
"A-are you out of your bleeding mind," Arthur cried, trying to wriggle out of Gilbert's hold, but to no avail. "Alfred was going to come over and tutor me! I can't just turn down our plans on such short notice!"
Again, Gilbert burst out in glorious laughter, its haunting sound reverberating down the hall. "Ha! See, I knew it! That's not called studying, that's called a date, Arthur. Believe me; you'll do much better on that test by partying in Paris than by sucking off jock-cock on your dorm."
"G-gilbert!" And even though Gilbert was regrettably telling the truth about one small detail, Arthur refused to admit it. He stared up at his friend, cheeks flushed and embarrassed from the peering into his romantic life. But this was Gilbert, and he was a pro at butting into things that didn't involve him.
Looking down at his captured friend, Gilbert flashed an infectious smile and gave Arthur's arm a tug, running down the hall towards the large lobby doors. "Nothing else to say, huh? Sweet! Let's start packing your things."
If only Arthur had the strength to break free of Gilbert's hold, but he knew it was a task near impossible for most people. He would just have to accept that his best friend would be dragging him across the ocean for a week of insanity; he knew what to expect from Gilbert. At times.
THANKS FOR READING! Stay tuned for what happens next! :D