He had to admit, he wasn't expecting this to happen in such a short amount of time. To be more precise, he wasn't expecting this at all.

Well now, who would've guessed, that of people that could have shown up before his expensive and massive door, 3 in the morning, wearing nothing but something he could describe as very appealing and arousing even though if it was only an ordinary velvet nightgown, with fury visible on her attractive features, which by the way made her look even more then just dead-gorgeous, would be, none other, than Sakura.

He guessed, maybe, that God was finally aware of his presence on earth and decided to ease his work just a little bit by sending her over on such astonishing circumstances, but even so, he just knew, that one day, that girl would be his forever. Um… scratch that… he just wanted to get in her pants but those are just insignificant details.

He had been moving his eyes all over her body without noticing the daggers her eyes were throwing at him, because, truth to be told, he was enjoying the view to much to even realize it had been several minutes since he opened the door and pretty much fantasized some inappropriate thoughts which included him, her, a bed and chocolate crème.

"When you're done starring, can you please invite me in? It's rather cold outside, if you don't mind." She shivered trough gritted teeth.

"You were saying?" he smiled taking his time moving his eyes from her long legs all the way up to her chest and her creamy neck only to be met by a pair of furious emerald eyes. "Oh yeah, c'mon in." he moved slightly aside so that he could feel her whole figure brush pass him in a fast stride.

"Mind if I take a seat?" she questioned as she eyed his enormous black leathered couch, which by the way, look more than just comfortable.

"Be my quest." He invited.

She sat down quickly and grabbed the nearest pillow in a very tight hug. She felt the need to rock back and forth, just like a stupid school girl since it usually calmed her down but she managed to control herself knowing that she would, without a doubt, look extremely stupid. She turned her head towards her so called friend. He looked… normal. Like he always looked when he had any kind of contact with her. That meaning hungry eyes, trembling lips, messy hair, sexy smug on his porcelain face. She had to get used to it, sooner or later.

His expressive voice brought her back to reality "So tell me babe, what brings you here at such a late hour? Have you finally realized that I'm your true and only Prince Charming? Because, to be honest, it took you quite a lot, but you know what they say, better later than never, or somethin' in that direction. And babe, did I even mention th…"


"Wow, you seem serious…" he said a bit worried.

"I am. Listen to me. I need to tell you somethi…"

"Hm, I don't see how that goes." He smiled "I mean, you are the one who barged into my house at the middle of the night and you still want me to be the one doing the listening?" he smirked.

"Don't be a jerk for once, Suigetsu."

"Babe, you know how it hurts when you call me that." He teased.

"Please, Suigetsu, I really need you help."

"I can help you…" he smiled getting closer, eager present in his voice "…in every possible way…" he whispered as he bended down towards her only to be pushed back slightly.

"Not that kind of help, jeez." She sighed. "Please, listen to me…"

"So you're not here for sex?" he stated flatly disappointed.

"What gave you that idea?" she nearly laughed.

"Don't matter, babe. So do tell me what you wanna to tell me… I'm all ears…" he though a bit before adding "…and eyes."

"Gosh, Suigetsu, what am I going to do with you?" she smiled vaguely.

"A kiss would be so much better…" he suggested cheekily.

"In your dreams." She smirked.

"In reality." He whispered once again getting closer to her as he scooped closer towards her.

"Not now, Suigetsu. Please." She flashed her lashes cutely watching him with her big adorable eyes that she knew he could not resist. Her attempt won, he immediately regained an almost serious look on his features as he lay back towards the coziness of the couch.

"Do tell me. I'm dying to know, darling!" he mocked using his typical British accent.

"God, Suigestu, you're bugging the hell out of me!" she stated tiredly.

"Okay, Okay. I'm serious. Really. No perverted stuff. Promise. And no mocking and stupid things. At least till you're done confessing. So c'mon, spill. What's wrong?" he asked, his voice full of seriousness and concern.

"Long story." She sighed.

"You came here to tell me something about 'I don't know what' and now you don't want to enlighten me? How does that go?"

"I get the picture. It's just hard to start."

"We've got all nigh, babe. Take your time." He reassured her. But when he realized she wouldn't say a thing he decided to help her start.

"It's about Ino, right?" she shook her head. "Karin?" another negative answer. "Work?" she puffed. "Um… rabbit astronauts in the dessert?" she tried to hold back a smile. "No… I see… It's 'bout… hmm… let's see… If it's not about bitches or work… or even cute bunnies, then it must be about… GUYS!?" he almost shouted the last word.

"Aren't we a genius?" she laughed. "'course it's 'bout guys."

"Sasuke." He stated flatly realizing the depths of her problems.

She only sighed sadly, her eyes watching painfully her trembling hands.