The blonde teenage girl was washing the laundry, humming a song, when a white shadow detached from her back, and briefly flew in front of her before vanishing. She gasped, and dropped the clothing on the ground, running to the small cabin, looking for someone to confirm the terrible fear in her gut.


A beautiful silvery-blue haired young man was reading when she burst through the door. He scowled.


"Nana, what's wrong this time?" His voice was harsh, but the worried look in his cerulean eyes betrayed his true feelings.


She looked up at him, tears visible in her golden eyes.


"C-Can you ch-check? I think, I th-think my +Anima is gone!" Turning around, she undid the buttons on the back of her dress.


Husky blushed, his fair skin coloring easily. Unaware of her effect on him, she moved her golden tresses to reveal sun-kissed shoulders. Sure enough, the black bat wings that had once decorated her back were gone, leaving no trace that she had ever been a +Anima.


He knew what she was feeling. His own +Anima had disappeared a few months ago. The empty feeling it left only vanished in her usually cheerful presence.


His silence convinced her, and she broke down sobbing.


Wishing to comfort her, he moved to stand in front of her, and almost got a nose bleed for his trouble. Her dress was hanging down in the front, and what he couldn't see, he could easily imagine.


"Um, Nana? It's not really so bad. Not being +Anima, I mean. And you might want to rebutton your dress. I don't know when Cooro and Senri will be back."


She nodded, and started mechanically fastening her dress. Now Husky was really worried. His blonde friend had a temper, and would usually pummel anyone she suspected of looking down her front. She must have been in shock. He put his hands on her shoulders, and gently shook her.


"Nana? Nana! Nana, look at me!" She looked up, her usually vivid gold eyes dull and red rimmed. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she tried to control her tears, which still rolled silently down her cheeks.


Their faces were so close that their noses were touching. Husky desperately tried to remember what he was going to say.


Nana, filled with a swirl of emotions, did something unexpected. She pressed her lips firmly against his.


Caught by surprise, at first he did nothing. She pulled away, and tried to leave, embarrassed for having done such a thing.


Husky snapped back to his senses, and grabbed her wrist before she could go. He pulled her close to him, wrapped an arm around her waist, and kissed her back. His other hand soon found itself tangled in her blonde hair.


She closed her eyes as she breathed in his calming ocean-y scent. She felt whole, despite her +Anima being gone.


A noise from the doorway caught their attention. They broke apart to see Cooro, Senri, Pinion, and Rose watching them.


Matching blushes covered the couple's faces, as their friends began to tease.


"I told you they were doing something like this!" Rose said jokingly, turning to Senri, who wore a small smile on his face.


"It's about time too!" Cooro chimed in. "I don't know how much longer I could stand him making puppy-eyes at her!" He then quickly dodged the incoming 'Cooro punishing staff'.


"I did not make puppy eyes!" Husky fumed, bright red.