A.N. I own nothing JKR just love her work and manipulate her awesomeness to my fantasy

The Flowers and The Sex Talk

The sun began making an appearance through the sheer window curtains, rousing Hermione from her dreamless sleep. She shivered and rolled toward the radiating heat that was behind her nuzzling her way in deeper to the only source of warmth in the room. Blaise had already been awake almost an hour though and as if the fact she had slept in his bed all night with a very half naked him wasn't arousing enough the nuzzling and the slight whimpering upon contact with the heat that was his chest kind of made him want to ravish her in the strewn satin sheets that once neatly covered his bed.

"Hermione we have to get up now, and get ready for breakfast and what not." At the utterance of this sentence Hermione's eyes shot open and she looked straight at Blaise blushing slightly.

'Oh my god did I seriously sleep in Blaise's bed last night. What is wrong with you you idiot.'

'Indeed what is wrong with you? Why have we not done this before? You do realize your hand is on some very very naked and defined abs right now correct?'

'Oh my god.'she thought as she wrenched her hand away 'Oh my god!'

"Hey, hey why are you blushing like you are embarrassed nothing happened we fought, you needed friendly reassurance, you slept here, you get cold so I was close, not anything to be embarrassed about I promise."

"Oh well umm I need to get dressed then." Hermione replied slipping out of bed and walking out of his room rather briskly feeling somewhat like she had just taken the "walk of shame" Ginny was always talking about. Blaise on the other hand was thanking god silently for somehow answering all his fucking prayers faster even then overnight.

Upon finally making to her room Hermione began to slightly panic.

'What does this change? Do I have to look cuter all the time now? We aren't dating...in fact we haven't even been on one date that is saturday. Oh my god Saturday is our first date what do you do on dates? What do you wear?'

'Holy shit SHUT UP! Put on jeans the skinny ones with that white tank top and then put on your fucking robe and your red and gold scarf. Shut up don't argue, you wear what you normally wear everyday on your date, you stop thinking so much we agreed on this last night, and you suck it up put on your big girl knickers and go down stairs to breakfast like a normal wednesday morning.'

'Had she just really scare/intimidated herself into compliance...?'

'Yes. Yes I have. Now go!'

So she did. She got dressed and continued on with her normal routine. She brushed her teeth when she was done getting dressed, scrunched her hair a tad with some muggle product that smelled nice and walked into the common room. Blaise was there waiting on the couch.

"Oh umm hey do you want to walk down together, we don't have to or anything I just didn't know if you wanted to so I thought I would ask."

"Blaise no need to be nervous." she smiled "Of course we can walk down together."

'Since when did you become so not Hermione and nervousy and whatever.'

'Did you miss when you just yelled at me told me to shut the fuck up and act like a big girl...I thought that is what this is.'

'Oh right.'

They smiled at each other and continued out the portrait hole and towards the great hall. Surprisingly Blaise felt semi protective of Hermione since sleeping with Hermione and as it became time for them to part ways he found himself wanting to eat breakfast with her.

'You are such a fucking traitor Blaise.'

'No I'm not shut up I'm not going to I just thought about it.'

Hermione turned to smile at him and reached out and squeezed his hand and continued on her opposite path as he turned to the left towards his house and the very awkward and lingering gaze of Draco.

'Fucking creep.'

And so it went Blaise and Hermione's week perfectly normal whatever that was. Sitting sort of next to each other in the classes they shared, blushing slightly when meeting each others eye contact in crowded areas, and quietly studying creating a comfortable relationship under the radar until their date on saturday morning.

Saturday morning came too early it felt like. When Hermione woke it was still dark outside the sun barely noticeable on the horizon line. She had laid out clothes the night before for her perfect date outfit for this weekend. Her mother always said men loved simplicity, inner beauty, and a subtle hit of skin in the right places to keep them guessing what you were made of. Hermione had chosen rolled jean shorts a brown belt with a gold buckle, with layered brown and white lacy tank tops covered by a blue- teal half sweater paired with brown sparkly strappy sandals, and a small peacock feather hair clip. She then scrunched her hair again adding a little more style to her busy curls with the amazing lavender smelling muggle mousse, and put on two coats of mascara and a clear lip shine.

'What time is it now do you think?'

'I don't know the sun is up....waiting in the common room maybe isn't a bad idea.'

This was so awkward for her she had never really been on a real date before. She had been out of course but never just her and a boy with the intent of dating. She came to terms with the fact that it was still extremely early and Blaise probably wasn't even up yet so she could just read a book until he was ready, no need to wake him it was a weekend.

She sat down, on her favorite and smallest of the three couches in their common room, cross legged and began reading This Side of Paradise for the thousandth time. Hermione found joy in reading, it was company to her just like another person and so she let herself fall into her world of fiction oblivious to everything else around her.

Blaise woke especially early that morning, the sun was just fully above the sky line, and showered and dressed. He wanted to wake Hermione with her favorite wild flowers that grew right below their windows. He could easily conjure them from the fifth floor if he was looking directly at them. He put the best he had taken into a nice little group and then quietly opened the door hoping not to wake her with the noise. He tip toed across the hall and reached for the door knob turning it as quietly as he could.

"Blaise you are aware I am over here?"

He froze.

'Shit she is already awake awesome phase one demolished.'

He turned and his mouth almost fell open. There she was all 800 miles of her legs and all, hair crazily perfect and her smile was brighter then ever.

"But I think those are for me yes? I do love those wild flowers, thank you."

She moved to him to take the flowers. Standing he swore her legs looked even longer and he couldn't help but notice apart from her ridiculously sexy short shorts she was dressed rather modestly everywhere else. Like she couldn't make up her mind rather to be sexy or moral.

"You...erm look very nice today Hermione I like your hair."

She smiled again, this time grabbing his hand.

"Are you ready then I do love breakfast it is my favorite meal."

He led her out of their space and out of the school onto the grounds and down the path to Hogsmeade. They walked into a small french cafe, that had divine french toast which was Hermione's favorite, and sat down in a two person booth across from each other.

"Que puis-je faire pour vous pour le petit déjeu ner?" The waitress asked

"Je vais avoir la quiche au jambon. Elle aura le pain français." Blaise answered her and she left quickly.

"How did you know I wanted french toast?" Hermione questioned.

"Well you eat french toast every morning, so I guessed."

"Oh well I like french toast...my father used to make it at home but when I turned ten he stopped making it and never made it again, even if I would ask, it is very strange so I eat it at school to make up for it I guess."

"Huh... well french toast it is then..."

The bell rang overhead signaling a new customer. Hermione looked up and locked eyes instantly with none other then a very disheveled yet sexy looking Draco Malfoy. He looked like he hadn't shaved in a couple days, and his blonde locks fell loosely around his face, out of their normally slicked back bonds. He looked raw. A shiver ran down her spine as he took in her appearance, tilting his head to the side slightly. He smirked and sat across the restaurant from the "happy couple."

Blaise hadn't noticed Draco though, he was too busy with Hermione.

'Dude she is so hot.'

'I know way prettier then Pansy uhhh why did I ever sleep with her obviously she was nothing. Why didn't I realize it then?'

'Hmm because dating a ridiculously trust worthy, beautiful, true, member of the golden trio was kind of idiotic.'

'Well that ended well....'

While the conversation faltered due to Blaise's internal battle with what an idiot he was Hermione couldn't stop looking over to where Draco was reading his paper, completely ignoring her.

'I thought he said he loved me.'

'Clearly you were high on drugs because that looks like nothing to me.'

'Well isn't nothing better then all the name calling?'

She refocused and realized he was looking right at her, that stupid fucking smirk all over his face. She smirked back sexily and rose an eye brow his way as if questioning why he was looking at her.

'You were looking at him you idiot.'

'Oh right.'

She shook her head and cleared her throat interrupting her own eye fuck and Blaise's silent war with himself.

"Excuse me I am going to the ladies room I will be back in just a second."

She got up and looked at Draco again before walking briskly around the corner, out of sight, and into the ladies room. She leaned over the sink and looked at her reflection, rolling her eyes at her own thoughts.

'First of all why aren't you talking to Blaise at all.'

'Hmm besides the obvious he looks busy with himself at the moment, oh yeah a fucking sex god walked in like he just rolled out of bed, you have never seen him in anything but a black on black suit, clean shaven, and gelled hair, of which he fits none at the moment, and oh right one last one, he is eye fucking the shit out of me making it ridiculously difficult to focus on anything but what is in between my legs.'

'Are you done?'

'Umm yes I think so.'

'Well that was fun, are you sane again or am I going to have to sedate you and take over.'

'No the fun is staying just let go. Just let go we can do it for one afternoon.'

She rolled her eyes again, and straightened her clothes before leaving the room slowly. However, as soon as she walked out of the ladies room she was thrown into the adjacent wall another body shoved up against hers. She started to panic but then before anything else she smelled the mixture of cedar, rain and something sweet, sticky almost she could tell honey maybe. She calmed immediately and looked up into the greyest blue eyes she had ever seen. Draco.

"I am sorry I just couldn't take it anymore you are just so fucking good looking from across the restaurant miss. Please forgive me you see I don't normally do this to well anyone especially not to people who have loving and devoted boyfriends waiting around the corner."

"I see sir. I don't normally let anyone this close to me but your smell has seemed to render me helpless. The mixture of cedar, rain and sticky honey have somewhat mesmerized me."

'Alright first of all who the fuck are you and what did you do with Hermione.'

'Can we just go with this please he is enjoying it and so are you, you are practically a second away from jumping up and wrapping your legs around him and begging him to do it right here.'

Wait since when did Hermione find Draco fucking Malfoy so damn attractive.

"You see miss I love this girl but she doesn't love me back and you do remind me ever so much of her." He leaned in closer. She could feel his hot breath on her ear.

"She has the same untamable hair." He said as he curled a piece of her hair around his finger.

"The same sharp jaw line." he whispered tracing her jaw.

"The same long and elegant neck." he said pulling her hair hard exposing the entirety of her neck as he licked along its middle.

"The same jutted collar bone." He kissed her protruding bone several times.

"The same tight waist." He ran his hand up her side to the curve of her breast. Her breath hitched and he stopped. He moved his other hand and grabbed a hold of one of her mile long legs and wrapped it around his hip, slightly grinding into her, let her feel his very unhidden erection.

"You seem to have a similar effect on me as she does." he whispered into her ear again kissing the hallow behind it.

Hermione could have melted right there, she was just about damn orgasming right in the middle of the fucking bathroom hallway. And then just as unexpectedly as he had tangled himself into her he untangled looking her right in the eyes. She whimpered slightly without the contact. He smirked as always of course.

'So Draco Malfoy. Ridiculous.'


'What is wrong with you close your legs.'

But before she could agree with logic she said the one thing she never ever thought she would say to Draco Malfoy for her entire existence.

"Come see me tonight." And then she leaned over and kissed him square on the lips, pulling away before he could realize what was going on and walking right back to her table with Blaise, flushed, anxious, and guilty.

'Why do you feel guilty. You do not belong to anyone. You said one date to each, one date to each means one date to each. Draco's can just be covering your body in the desert you should have been eating and then licking it off later tonight.'

'Why are you so perverse? I mean honestly you're sick.'

'Whatever you are jealous. Now shut up and talk to Blaise.'

"Sorry just needed to get this stain out of my tank, I dropped syrup. Are you ready to leave, I was thinking we could maybe go to the book store, and then maybe the quidditch shop?"

He beamed.

"Yeah sorry I wasn't very lively at breakfast I'm not very talkative in the morning." He winked at her threw some bills on the table and then grabbed her hand and walked out, right past the one guest he had neither noticed had entered nor stolen his moment of passion on his supposed date.

"Oh hey Draco I didn't see you there, how long have you been there?"

"Oh hey Blaise, Hermione I just walked in see you around." He smirked and as Blaise turned away anomalistically shot a hot wave of lust through Hermione as he winked and licked his lips.

R&R and I will love you. This marks the introduction of hot sexy draconess to hermione's brain waves and good luck getting them out from here. Now hit the blue button and I might give you lemonade sooner then you think....