E/O Challenge
Word Count- 100 on the button
Disclaimer- I don't own anything, just playing with the Weechesters a bit.
Beta- TribbleMaster and as always thank you, you're awesome! :)
Silent Lucidity
Now I lay me down to sleep…
5 year old Dean crept quietly to where Sammy slept peacefully. Dean could hear his little breaths.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep…
He climbed carefully on the bed next to his baby brother. He curled up and tucked himself under Sammy's blanket.
The angels watch me through the night…
Wide green eyes watched as the baby stirred. Sammy wriggled and rubbed his nose. When he was still, Dean gently placed a hand on his chest. Then closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Until I wake in morning light.
A/N:Thanks for reading and reviewing and bonus points if you know what band I borrowed the name of my story from! *waves* Until next week everyone :)Penny