* Yes, I skipped Mimi's funeral. Bite me. It was deleted FOUR TIMES! I think I deserve the right to skip some time. So: Roger is angsting. Rue is mildly angsting. The rest of the bohos have went on with their life. This is more of a filler chapter. The past chapters are depressing. So.....ON!!

"Ow," Rue whimpered, laying face down on her bed.

Cramps, headache, no Advil or Motrin in the house. Rue, having no mother around, was taught any home remedies. So, she just has to suffer.

"Rog! Rue!" Maureen yelled, walking into the apartment, "HI!"

Rue groaned into her pillow.

"What's wrong?" Maureen bounded into Rue's room and accidentally sat on Rue's feet.

Rue yelped, "Ow! Cramps."

Maureen stood up, "Aw...I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm running to my apartment."

"Don't run. It's , like twelve blocks, taking a cab would be faster," Rue spoke into her pillow, but it was obvious what she said.

Maureen smirked and left.


"Better?" Maureen smiled.

Rue nodded.

Heating pad on her stomach, two Advils, and hot tea. Remedy from the gods.

"I'll put these in the bathroom," Maureen held up a small blue box.

Rue blushed, but Maureen had saved her from a very awkward conversation with Roger.

"So," Maureen started, sitting down on the edge on Rue's bed, "When a girl starts her..."

"I've had this talk!" Rue jumped.

Maureen smirked, "Aw, come on! I've always wanted to give some one the sex talk!"

"Then, go give Roger the talk!" Rue laughed, "Be sure to use to use my old doctor's favorite phrase: 'The Special Hug'"

Maureen thought for a moment and went into the living room. Rue was giggling uncontrollably.

"Roger, we need to talk," Maureen sat next to Roger on the couch.

Roger looked up for his guitar, "What did Rue do?"

"Nothing...it's just that...you're growing up. It's time you knew about The Special Hug."

Roger's eyes widened," You do realize I have HIV, right?"

Maureen nodded.

"You do realize how you get HIV, right?"

"Dirty needles, or you're born with it, or your mom gives it to you, or..ohhh..."

Roger rolled his eyes, "Go give Rue this talk."

Maureen crossed her arms," She sent me in here to give it to you."

Roger thought for a moment. "I have an idea."


"Rue, we need to talk to you," Roger walked into Rue's room.

Rue blushed. She knew exactly what it was about, just by the look on Roger's face. "I've had this talk."

"So? We'll refresh your memory!" Maureen smiled.

Rue stood up, "I'm going to Melissa's house." (A/N: Jeez...I haven't mentioned her in forever...))

"Collins! Barricade the door!" Roger shouted. Collins ran in front of Rue's bedroom door before she could.

Mark, knowing what Rue was going to do, blocked the fire escape.

Rue groaned, "I hate you guys..." She hid under the blankets on her bed.

A/N: He-he... favorite chapter EVER. Thank-you, Fifi (IRL friend), for loaning me the term "Special Hug" Reviews are like hugs. I like hugs.