I do not own Torchwood. I'm just borrowing the charcaters for little bit.

Gwen and Tosh had gone for the night leaving Owen and Ianto alone in the Hub. Owen was finishing up the last weevil dissection while Ianto cleaned up the trash around the main Hub area. Since Jack had left them three weeks prior Owen and Ianto were the last two to leave the Hub every night. Owen because he was the leader of Torchwood and Ianto because he couldn't bare to be alone.

"Alright Ianto time to leave." Owen said coming up from the med bay.

"Go ahead, I'm almost done." Ianto said cleaning off the counter in the kitchen.

"No way! You're leaving...now." Owen said in his most orderly voice.

Ianto sighed, but put the wash cloth away. He knew that Owen was right. Ianto got his bag from the closet in the kitchen and turned off the light. He walked with Owen to the life and got on the stone with Owen. Half way up Ianto almost fell off.

"Woah there mate. Don't want to have to pick up from the floor." Owen said. He held onto Ianto's waist. Owen held onto him the rest of the ride. Ianto didn't move out of the embrace.

Once at the street level Owen let go of Ianto. "Well good night mate." Owen said.

"Good night Owen." Ianto replied and walked away from the man.

The next day Ianto and Owen were the first in the Hub. Owen went to his desk while Ianto went to the coffee maker. Soon Tosh and Gwen came in and everyone was working quietly. Ianto went around the Hub giving everyone coffee and a little breakfast treat.

Owen was the last to get his coffee, "Thanks Ianto. Oh hey before I forget want to get dinner tonight?"

"Owen I get dinner every night." Ianto replied.

"I meant just you and me." Owen said.

Ianto was silent. "Not as a date. Just two mates out for a bite." Owen said.

"Fine, 8 ok?" Ianto asked.

"Prefect, later...tea-boy." Owen said and went back to work.

8PM came sooner then Ianto thought. The girls had left for the night and Owen was in the med bay finishing up paper work.

Ianto went to get Owen, "Hey you want to get out of her?"

"Sure let me shut off my computer." Owen said.

Soon Owen and Ianto were out of the Hub and up in the Plass.

"Where do you want to go?" Owen asked.

"There's this little Italian place a block away." Ianto stated.

"Sounds good." Owen said, "Lead the way."

Ianto walked the direction to the restaurant. Once there they were seated in the back and left alone. They ordered and were in silence.

Owen started the conversation, "So...you and Jack?"

"What about us?" Ianto asked in defense.

"Were you two...together?" Owen asked.

"We were just...nothing...a part time shag." Ianto said quietly.

Owen sighed, "you were more than that. When Jack came back after being dead. When he kissed you...I saw that you were more than a part time shag. he liked you more then that."

"But not enough to stay." Ianto said quietly.

"Look mate if he couldn't see how great you are he doesn't deserve you." Owen said.

Ianto smiled at that, but before he could answer their food came. Owen and Ianto ate and talked quietly the rest of the meal. When finished with dinner both mean were ready to go home.

"Thanks for tonight." Ianto said.

"No problem...it was nice." Owen said.

"Yeah it was." Ianto replied.

"Listen if you ever need to talk I'm here. Just come down to the med bay and we'll talk." Owen said.

"Thanks...see you tomorrow." Ianto said back.

"See you." Owen said and turned to go get his car.