Embry's POV
I had really hoped all of this was just a really bad dream and when my eyes opened everything would normal. Alec would be there smiling as she held Lowell who was human, not a wolf. This was the second time going to sleep and it didn't change, it wasn't a dream, my son was like me, a shifter. I laid there for a moment watching Alec sleep peacefully with Lowell curled up in between the two of us. She did so great yesturday, sure she freaked out at first but who wouldn't seeing their kid like that? Then she pulled it together better than anyone and did what we all wouldn't and got things done faster. She knew what he needed and did it reguardless of what the rest of us said, she was so brave.
They had some sort of connection that we couldn't understand, that the rest of us didn't have. Lowell calmed down being with Alec and vice versa it was amazing to see happen. Maybe it was becuse he was still so young, but it didn't feel that way something about them was special. She was just perfect like that, perfect and absolutely out of her mind wanting more kids. We had only gotten through one day of this situation and she was talking about having more kids even if this would happen again. I'm having a panic attack at the idea and she is calm as can be, sometimes she shocks me. Like sending me to make sure Leah knew how Lowell was doing and let her come see him if she could handle it. That was not at all on my list on things to do and yet Alec felt that was something important.
"What are you thinking about?" her soft voice pulled my thoughts to her making me grin.
"You and how strangely perfect you are."
She giggled blushing a bit with a small smile. "Thanks I think."
"It's a good thing."
Her smile disappeared and tears came to her eyes looking at Lowell."What are we gonna do? I know what you said yesturday, but do you think he's old enough to understand it?"
It hurt to see her so upset, but she braved it and never let those tears fall.
"We're going to find out. He understood that I could do it and the others too. Now it's just a matter of teaching him the actual doing it."
She nodded blinking away the tears. "That's a good start."
I nodded giving a small smile, not at all feeling confident in the words that were coming out of my mouth. In theory it sounded great, and even possibly something that could be done, but again that was theory. Reality this was a child, an infant and there was no telling what could actually happen. I couldn't stand to see Alec so heart broken and sad, she needed something to focus on. Something to keep her eyes on, a goal, then she could begin to believe. Then maybe, just maybe it would be possible for some of her belief to rub off on me like it always did. This woman could work wonders and this was one of the times that it was really needed.
Alec's POV
The look in Embry's eyes that morning told me exactly what he was thinking and it wasn't matching the words coming out of his mind. It broke my heart each time that he gave me that look, but that always gave me more reason to fight. He needed me to be strong when he wasn't and that was part of being in a relationship. That moment all the stregnth that was left in me was gathered in me to give Embry a smile blinking back the tears. That morning was three months ago, three long months ago and they were finally over. My little baby boy could now control his phasing just like the others could with little difficulty. He had also grown more too, but this was our first day back in our home and our first night too.
Lowell was loving his bath and was content to stay in it for quite some time splashing in the water happily. Embry and I both sat with him watching play until his eyes bagan to drop and we knew he wouldn't fight anymore. Whine he did, and softly growl, but he didn't fight getting dried off and tucked into his crib. We stayed with him until he fell asleep before going to take a shower ourselves. Being out in the forest that long you got a lot of dirt and grim on you, and it felt like it never was going to come off. It did though, after a long time in the shower and some scrubbing in warm water. After getting out of the shower I felt so much better and looked a whole lot better too. Embry stood behind me with a grin on his face wrapping around my waist.
"What are you thinking?"
"We don't look like cave people anymore."
Embry laughed."Yeah we did look pretty rough."
"It wasn't all bad, you did look kinda sexy a time or two."
His eyebrows shot up. "Sexy? You got a strang of looking at things."
"So sue me Mr. Call. You wouldn't have it any other way admit it?"
Embry chuckled kissing my cheek. "Of course I wouldn't."
Embry went to our room first leaving me to finish my bed time routine in silence. It wasn't until then that all the emotions came crashing over me, spilling over the flood gates and hit hard. The tears flowed down my face, the sobs shaking my body, but some part of my was aware enough to be quiet to not wake Lowell. The emotions came and went fast leaving my body more worn out than it had already been. My tears hadn't dried yet before crawling into bed with Embry who was already snoring. Despite that he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side and kissed my hair. That comfort was enough to keep a smile on my face as sleep took me over and for the first time since all of this happened my dreams were pleasant.
It was strange to say, but everything that had gone on with Lowell had really helped Embry and I with a lot of our problems. Had us focus on a common problem and made us cement our bond together. I didn't realize it at first, not until we decided to have a family dinner at our house. Embry and I were just working together like we had after Lowell's in the kithen to get the last of the food on the table when we noticed the looks. Every single person in the room minus Lowell had this extreme shocked looked on their face. It was kind of creepy seeing all of them staring at us like that, Embry's look told me the same. Then dad started talking and floored us all with more of the tribe stories, or more detailed I suppose.
He explained that we had been sharing each others actions, as smoothly as if reading each others minds. That is part of the full purpose of imprinting, having another part of you in time with you. With time all of us should be able to do this and more, be able to fight together, learn things together, save lives. That day changed a lot of things for all of us, Embry and I are focusing on Lowell and his changing. When he's at school (run by my favourite vampire, Jasper) and Alice, our focus is on our skills. We are doing amazing things, more than what we ever expected, and couldn't be happier.
A/N: That's it guys. Hope that you liked it. It was a lot of fun writing this.