A/N: Okay, to all who read this, I've edited events in this story before I began continuing DNA 02. I hope you all enjoy this.
Chapter 1
With darkening clouds above the raging falls of the valley of end. The birthplace, which was formed by the battle ground of the first hokage, Senju Hashirama, and the Uchiha leader, Madara. And which has now once again, become a battle ground of two young lads.
Two separate, small dust filled orbs fluttered round the base of each of the two large statutes ankles. In the first hokages, was a young blond male clad in an orange jumpsuit with blond hair and red animal like eyes, and three expanded whisker like marks on his cheeks. He stood hunched over, while aglow in a red liquid like mass known as Chakra. Chakra from the demon sealed inside him, which has formed out into the state know as, the demon cloak, with one tail of chakra swaying behind him.
As the other dust ball cleared. It showed the second lad, clad in blue shirt and white shorts. Though his form was once pale skinned with black hair, is now replaced with light purple but greyer skin, while his hair was the other, more purple than grey. A shuriken mark bridged his nose. His eyes were also red, but not because of a demon. His eyes were red because of the very blood line of the Uchiha, with three small black tomes triangle in each iris. This symbolized the adult form of his Sharingan. Currently sticking out his back, was one large wing like hand.
Both their gazes were held on one another. These two were Naruto Uzumaki the nine tails jinchurriki, and Sasuke Uchiha, the last of the Uchiha clan.
Naruto could only watch as a second wing appeared as it burst from Sasuke's back, and both faced each other down. As Sasuke stood from his crouched position, the body pulsed in pain and the words of those similar to him came back to mind. The second state of the curse mark was beginning to erode his body. He didn't have time to waste.
As Naruto leaned forward, his realised he couldn't feel his left arm and looked down at its limp form. The demonic chakra of the nine tailed fox was also damaging him, and was now taking its toll on his body.
"You're power." Naruto glanced up at that moment to the Uchiha that stood facing him. "Looks like it carries some risks with it also..." Sasuke glanced up at the falls that split them apart and the two statues they stood in. "Do you know... We're at the border they call the final valley." Sasuke looked back to the blond ninja facing him with a small smirk upon his face. "A perfect setting... wouldn't you say?"
Naruto didn't reply and it confused the Uchiha before he realised what he had said not long before they stood in their current location and forms. "Oh yeah... I said we were done talking didn't I?" Naruto once again didn't reply. "Well. It's about time we wrap up, this little duel." Sasuke mused as he had a momentary glimpse back at all the events they'd done to this point. "And all the battles to date... Now..." Sasuke closed his eyes a second and the image of his brother. The only other Uchiha left and the murderer of his clan came to mind. He vowed he'd kill Itachi, no matter how deep into the darkness he went, he would gain the power to achieve his ambition.
His eyes opened and his hands formed a set of hand signs. And called upon the technique their sensei had taught the young Uchiha. The Chidori. But the once blue and white lightning ball that formed into the left palm of his hand, now influenced by the curse mark, turned a violent black and silver.
Naruto clenched his fist as he looked down. He knew he had no choice the second they had clashed before with their techniques. He made a promise to the one he cherished most back in his home village. The girl who wanted the boy he stood before and who she loved, to come back. Naruto knew he stood no chance, she really did love Sasuke. But as a last mark of his bond to Sakura, he will bring Sasuke back! Naruto looked up with determination as he held his right palm out. The chakra swirled in the red mass as the blue chakra formed. The technique he learned months after Sasuke, by his new sensei Jiraiya of the sannin, and sensei of the owner to the technique, the forth hokage. Formed into a condense orb called, rasengan. But, with the influence of Naruto's demonic chakra, the orb expanded and darkened into a violet colour.
Both techniques finished and were both at its peak level for their current skill levels and their determination. They never broke eye contact with one another as they crouched and the falls roared even greater than before as both jumped forward. The distance closed down and both pulled back on their arms and pushed forward, both keeping eye contact as they called out their attacks.
Both attacks hit and the masses of chakra and energy rippled out as the energy formed round them. Both pushing hard against the others, with Sasuke pushing forward as he readied to take the life of the teen before him in order to attain greater power and use it to bring down his brother. The next level beyond the adult sharingan, was the powerful and deadly Mangekyou Sharingan.
But Naruto wasn't about to lose, he made a promise, he promised Sakura on a once in a life time promise to bring Sasuke back. He'd chased for two days, and watched as his friends and teammates and team leader all took on foes far stronger than them so he could get to this point. If he lost now, all their efforts and his promise would be in vain. 'I...' Naruto chakra rippled as it pushed on his attack. The rasengan pushed back on the chidori. And instantly the attacks compressed and there was nothingness as Sasuke stared blankly in shock. As Naruto leaned forward and pulled his right hand as it clenched.
"I will not lose!" Sasuke was hit full pelt in the chest and was blown back and into the leg of the Uchiha statue. It impacted and as the smoke and dust settled, the young Uchiha lay unconscious in the dust. His form reverted to his normal state.
But Naruto, where the teen should of landed, or could have been or anywhere in the area. Was gone.
"I will not lose!" Were the words Naruto had yelled, and Naruto merely skidded to a stop on the floor. His fist had hit nothing and his form was back to his normal state also, and both body and clothing had recovered. He looked surprised with bright blue eyes as he slowly pulled his fist back and stood straight.
He glanced left, then right. He looked behind him, then up and then down. And finally looked forward once more... It was endless... Endless, endless white...
"Where..." Naruto spoke. "Where am I?" Naruto asked as he glanced left and right again.
"Hello... And welcome." Naruto jumped and his eyes glanced left as he slowly turned his head. Stood behind him, that wasn't there seconds ago, was a tall male. His form clad in white robes with his hood shadowing the face. His voice was deep and booming. Shaking Naruto's form with every word, and even if he wasn't scared, it was intimidating. Naruto turned round fully and looked to the figure confused. Naruto's lips parted. "You are standing..." Themale spoke. "In a realm separated from yours. The mass of energy formed by yours and the others attacks. Ripped the wall open and though you hit the boy with the energy behind your attack. It was not you that hit him, but the barrier of energy as you passed through. But you cannot go back."
"What do you mean, by cannot go back? I came through one way. Can't I do the same as before?" Naruto asked worried. If he couldn't return to his home, what could he do?
"Sadly..." The male spoke. "Once you come before me in my realm. There is no return. Only to pass on..." As he finished the white behind him rippled and a large black door appeared. Red chains bind the door closed and two funnels were on either side. "But there is a problem. One cannot pass without giving something for both doors." Naruto looked confused by this. "In exchange to pass through, you must give something for it. Sadly, this is where many don't make it. For if you don't have anything. You're body, and soul. Will be taken and you will be forever trapped in the void of the door." Naruto panicked.
"S-so... You mean I have to give something like you said? A soul and body?" The male nods. "I can't do that? And I wouldn't do that." The male shook his head.
"Then I'm sorry... But you must join the rest then... In the void." Instantly the two funnels released white glowing snake like spirits and they rushed the young male. Naruto covered his form as he prepared for his time to end. He just wished it wasn't like this.
"Stop!" Naruto blinked as he lowered his arms and looked at the stopped spirit snakes. His form glowed and green chakra seeped away and formed in front of him, now stood before him with his back facing the blond was his idle, the fourth hokage.
"What's this?" The male spoke with interest. The fourth faced the figure calmly.
"I will not let this happen to my son..." The hokage stated as he pointed his finger at the figure. "If you want a soul... Take mine! Minato Namikaze's!" Minato roared as he thumbed his chest.
"But that only covers half the toll. The boy still has to give up one or the other. But it will not help him either way if he doesn't have both together."
"Then take the soul of the nine tails inside him!" Minato commanded. "The nine tailed fox should cover the rest for you." The white spirit snake shot into Minato's chest and the second into Naruto's stomach. Naruto was amazed as he didn't feel pain, but he was too frozen in shock to do anything. The seal glowed through his clothing as the spirit of the nine tailed fox was dragged out. Its form, condensed into a small orb. It hissed and roared as it glared out the ord.
"Curse you fourth hokage!" The fox roared as Minato glanced to the fox with a smirk.
"I will not have this happen to my son. Naruto..." Minato spoke glancing to Naruto. "Sorry I couldn't say more. I wished I could have seen you grow up and I know you're mother would have also been happy to have been there." Minato sighed. 'To bad I won't see her.' Minato had a sad smile. "Take care. Whatever happens..." Minato didn't get to say more as his form vanished and it shot down the snake.
"Fourth hokage!" Naruto yelled out as he realised what was happening.
"Gaki..." Naruto looked to the fox. "This will not be the end of me. I will not be taken so easily... Remember that boy when we meet again..." The fox's orb vanished and shot down the snake. Both red and green orb shot into the funnel. The door clicked.
"Well well..." The male spoke. "Looks like the toll was accepted... Feel very lucky, you are one of the very few who can now pass through the gate." With that the door opened and black hands began to seep out. Naruto took a step back in fear.
"No..." Naruto spoke as he stepped back. "I wanted to know more! I don't want to go!" Naruto yelled as he was gripped on by the black masses of hands. "Let me go!" Naruto yelled. "I want to go back home!" Naruto yelled again.
"As I said, it won't be. But fear not... The door for those who pass safely through... Will gain great knowledge, they will see far deeper about their abilities than what they will ever get to see. You will see the truth." Naruto whimpered in worry as he was dragged off his feet and held into the air. A large eye appeared and the arms leaned back and shot forward.
"No!" Naruto yelled as the door shut behind him. The figure looked to the door.
"Be glad, Naruto Uzumaki... That you are not the one, who has to stay here, for all eternity..." With that the figure sat down as the door vanished and he vanished also.
Naruto dropped through the dark for mere moments before a white light shone. Instantly it spiralled out and Naruto's eyes widen. Knowledge of things he'd never heard of or seen was burning into his skull. Naruto's hand clasped to his head. "It's too much..." Naruto muttered as his head ached. "It's feels like my head's going to explode!" Naruto yelled out. And instantly he gasped and the pain vanished and everything became clear. He could see everything from Ninjutsu to genjutsu and taijutsu and more! It all flashed through his mind in seconds. He had the knowledge of everything to the knowledge no ninja did! Naruto saw white expand as it got to the end and Naruto blacked out.
When his subconscious returned, he could tell he was laying flat on his back. The sun light glaring at him from the tree tops. Naruto's eyelids tucked together before he slowly opened them for his blue eyes looked on at the light. "Where..." Naruto muttered as he looked on with a defeated look. "Where I go?" Naruto moved his right arm and flinched in pain as he slowly stood. His body ached all over. As he stood straight, he stumbled and leaned against the tree trunk. His body wasn't reacting well and he sat back down against the base. He could also tell he wasn't wearing his normal clothing. He glanced down at the black jeans. Then to his orange jacket with blue band round the lower collar. He looked confused at the blue shirt as his hand moved across his body at the strange clothing style. He could still feel the head band and he wasn't wearing sandals, but something else, they were black with orange at the middle.
Naruto glanced to the backpack that was near where he was laying down. Black with orange pockets… Naruto glanced back down to his right wrist; he had a black sweat band with a small black metallic device with red buttons. A red frame round a small grey screen. "What's this?" Naruto muttered as he looked at the strange shape, like a rectangle with the corners curved in like a cross. He poked it and it beeped but nothing more. Naruto sighed as he looked up again. Slowly his eyes closed and he fell to sleep. But one thing puzzled him, though this could have been from the dizzy spell, but, was he shorter?
As he slept his small wrist device beeped and it glowed as red chakra rippled from his arm into the device and the screen glowed. Not far from where he slept, Naruto was being observed.
"Will he be all right?"
"Yes, but it's strange... For another one to be here, when all of them returned to their world to chase Vamdemon. Then there's the egg..."
"Is he dangerous then Gennai?"
"No, I do not think so. But I feel he will be in danger. Should anything happen, make sure he gets away if he's able to. This sudden appearance of a 9th child might be the balance they need..."
Naruto wasn't sure how much longer after he heard those words. But he was really confused and sadly couldn't ask. When he awoke and slowly sat up. He found himself in a small tented room; he was still clothed and had the backpack by the wall. But an over sized egg sat beside it. Red in body with black flames running up from the base of the over sized egg.
The tent flap opened. "Oh! You're up!" Naruto looked left to see a small pink mass. Naruto blinked and rubbed his eyes. Yep, it was a talking pink mass with ears and large eyes. "You okay?" Naruto just looked on at the small creature. The small blob looked confused by not having a reply.
"You say something Koromon?" Naruto glanced from the small creature to what looked like an elderly male. He wore brown rags and had a staff with a large claw on it. "Ah... So the young chosen child is awake I see?" Naruto took a breath as he sat up fully.
"Where am I? Who are you...? And what..." Naruto said pointing at Koromon. "Is that?" The small elder chuckled.
"To answer them, I am Jijimon. Like Koromon here we are digimon. And you young lad are in the digital world." Naruto blinked.
"Digital world?" Naruto asked and Jijimon nods. Jijimon waved his hand for the blond male to follow.
"Follow me young lad." Naruto stood and followed the digimon out. As Naruto stepped into the light he gasped at the small camp. All kinds of strange creatures, left and right. All shapes and sized and types walked round them. "These are also digimon..."
"So many..." Naruto muttered. Jijimon nods.
"Currently our world is in danger. See, some time ago the seven current digidestined returned to their world in order to defeat Vamdemon and are looking for the 8th child. But when they left the evil digimon, known as the dark masters have begun to attack. Digimon are being killed and I've gathered some of the small groups as we've moved around to keep out of their way. We are just glad to have found you before they did. If you hadn't fallen from the sky like that, we wouldn't have seen the red light." Naruto looked to Jijimon
"So... Why am I a digidestined? Am I the 8th one their looking for?" Jijimon shook his head.
"No, you are not the 8th. But you seem to posses the digivice and the digimon egg that appeared with you while you slept has made us curious." Naruto scratched his head.
"Digivice, digimon egg?" Jijimon nods and pointed the blond's right wrist.
"That my child is a digivice. But not one gennai has ever seen in such a style. The digimon egg as well is not of our world but it is a digimon egg with a digimon in it."
"Right..." Naruto muttered as he crossed his arms and looked about. He blinked a second and walked off. Jijimon followed the young male's movements.
"Something wrong?" Jijimon asked as Naruto stood looking at a mirror in surprise. His face... His features... Though he still had the ninja head band, but now only three whisker marks on his left cheek, he could only stare surprised as he put his hand to his face.
"I'm... Younger... I look like I'm... I'm... Eight..." Naruto said as he put his hand on the mirror. As so see if it was a trick.
"I would say about that..." Jijimon spoke. "Why, what's wrong?" Naruto sighed as he let his arm fall to his waste.
"For starters... I'm 12... And now..." Naruto said turning round. "I've been regressed by 4 freaking years." Naruto put a hand on his forehead. "I really don't know what's going on. I lose my dad's soul and see the demon that plagued me have its soul taken. I get sent through a gate and see too much for my brain to handle..." Naruto rubbed his head; he could hardly remember much of it. "And awaken in the digital world with 4 years off my age. This has to be a dream." Naruto said, but he knew he was dealing with reality. Jijimon put a hand on Naruto's shoulder.
"I do not know what you're going through. But it would be best to rest. If the dark masters attack, you could be in danger." Naruto looked to Jijimon but shook his head.
"I can take care of myself." Jijimon shook his head.
"Not right now... You are in no shape or mind. If the darkmasters get you, it will only drop our world's chances down. So please young sir. Rest is the best thing to do." Naruto sighed.
"Okay..." Naruto spoke walking passed. "Oh!" Naruto said looking back. "Name's Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said walking back into the tent. Naruto sighed and looked to the backpack and egg. He grabbed the pack and sat down. He opened it to find some food, a scroll which he opened and was empty and something for hygiene. He set the bag down and looked to the egg and picked it up. "Man... It's pretty big." Naruto muttered as he looked it over. As he spun it on his index finger the egg hopped off and Naruto shot out to catch it. He sighed with relief before the top cracked. It opened and Naruto looked into the eyes of a small red ball of fur. The red pupil less eyes looked back.
"Gaki..." The small ball squeaked out. Naruto blinked and blinked once more.
"Fox?" The ball nods.
The digimon outside the tent jumped and looked worried at the tent as insane laughter broke out from it. Inside Naruto was pissing himself as he laughed himself to the point his side hurt.
"What the hell are you laughing at?" The small ball yelled. But the high pitch sent Naruto beyond talking as he simply couldn't breathe as he laughed harder. The small ball of fur had steam coming off the top its head with annoyance. And the fox fired a small red floating fire ball, at the blond child, which only bounced off to no effect. Naruto took deep breaths as he tried to calm the fact the once scary fox was now a ball of fur.
"I needed that." Naruto spoke. Naruto sighed and looked right at the small glaring red ball of fur, he felt better after that. "So... You're the kyuubi?" The ball nods. "How? You're soul was taken."
"Well..." Naruto snorted a chuckle, but waved his hand to go on, much to the fox's annoyance at the big grin. "I left part of me in my chakra. Which has now been dragged into... This state. I'm going to kill you gaki." Naruto chuckled.
"Sorry, fox. But while you look like that. You aren't even going to scare dust." The small red ball bounced up and down in furry. "So... What's your name? Like the others out there they have a name." The red ball stopped a moment. Only for Naruto's digivice to glow and a small image of a black ball with yellow eyes appeared. "Botamon..."
"That's what I was about to say." Naruto looked to the fox.
"But you're red with red eyes... You look nothing of it." Naruto stated.
"I think I might be able to help." Jijimon spoke. The pair looked to the digimon. "You little guy..." Jijimon said looking at the Kyuubi.
"I'm not little." Kyuubi replied. But Jijimon went on.
"You are a hybrid formed from Naruto here. I overheard you were his 'chakra'. His digivice must have formed you into a digimon with... What I could only presume is a random set shinka... Or even a new one."
"Shinka?" Both spoke together. Jijimon nods.
"There are several states to a digimon. Botamon here is in the infant stage. Which, it will then evolve when ready into the in-training form. From there it's the bond you two have that will only evolve it forward."
"Bond?" Naruto asked. Jijimon nods. "You mean like friends?" Jijimon nods again. Both Naruto and Kyuubi looked to each other.
"I've got to be friends with this guy?" Both yelled together. Jijimon nods. "No way!" Both yelled. Jijimon chuckled.
"I can tell you won't get along to begin with. But you two must now get along to get stronger. If you do not find your ground with each other, you won't be able to help the digidestined."
"Then leave it to them." Kyuubi spoke. "I won't help mortal humans." Jijimon looked to Kyuubi and for a split second Jijimon looked like the mother of all things scary.
"Care to repeat that Botamon?" Jijimon asked kindly as the kyuubi hid behind Naruto.
"I... I said I'd give it a shot!" Jijimon nods.
"Good to hear it. Now I'll leave you two be so you can get along..." With that Jijimon left. Botamon scurried round.
"That... Was horrible." Kyuubi spoke. Naruto smirked.
"So even the great demon can be scared?" The fox looked at the blond.
"I'm as high as your eight year old ankle! He's as tall as an eight year old! So of course it's... You look like an eight year old?" Kyuubi spoke as he looked at the blond. Naruto shrugged.
"Something happened passing through. So I really can't begin to understand. So... What's it like as a digimon?" Kyuubi just looked at the blond.
"Very... Weird..."
"So there's a digidestined in that camp? That's good... But we have Jijimon to deal with..." Up on the ridge two figures stood looking down on the small camp. "When we attack we've got to take out the strongest majority and take Jijimon out while he protects the child and press on the attack. So we'll attack in the hour..." With that the two figures took off.
"Fox..." Naruto spoke as he lay on his back. Kyuubi was sitting in a small corner of the tent as he looked up.
"What gaki?" Naruto glanced to the small ball.
"I never asked how you knew I looked 8 years old. How would you have known?" Kyuubi yawned.
"When you're stuck with nothing to do but glare at iron bars… You tend to do other things. So watching the outside world was something I did in my spare time." Naruto looked to the ceiling.
"What did you see?"
"Stuff I liked... And stuff I wished I hadn't seen." Kyuubi muttered. Naruto took a breath.
"What... Was your thoughts on how they treated me?"
"My thoughts?" Kyuubi asked. "I simply laughed." Kyuubi stated. "Watching human's fear what couldn't touch them... That wasn't even there. Watching them pick on a small child was fun. But also insulting that they would think I would simply just turn into a small defenceless child and not attack them. I am a demon... I live for killing." Naruto glanced away.
"Glad you got your fun... My suffering was top on the list for everyone." Naruto growled.
"Gaki... Do not think that demons don't have emotions as well." Naruto glanced to the small orb of fur. "You don't know what it was like for me... Let me tell you..." The pair stopped at the explosion as the ground shook. Naruto jumped to his feet and grabbed his backpack as he moved to the flap. Digimon were running in panic as tent's exploded.
"Hyper cannon!" Naruto and the fox were blown off their feet as five tents were blown apart. Naruto jumped to his feet as shadows came through the flames. Naruto's digivice glowed as the image appeared, Naruto looked to it.
Tankmon a champion level digimon.
Naruto tensed only for the Tankmon to remain still as a figure appeared in front of them, and between them and Naruto. "Hello there, digidestined..." Naruto's digivice glowed once more and looked to the device.
Piemon, a mega level digimon. Naruto looked back to the mega form. Piemon looked like a clown gone wrong.
"My name is Piemon and one of the dark masters. So you are the digidestined?" Piemon glanced to the Botamon. "This will be ever so simple... It's only a Botamon and the child clearly doesn't have a crest to digivolve beyond champion." Piemon sighed as the swords on his back unsheathed on their own accord. "I'll make it quick... Trump sword!" The two swords shot forward and Naruto grabbed Kyuubi before he jumped and back flips away from the attack. "Trump sword!" Naruto looked to the other two blades only to watch as Jijimon intercepted and deflected the swords.
"Jijimon!" Naruto called. Jijimon glanced to Naruto.
"Get going Naruto!"
"But!" Naruto called.
"I know! But you're safety is important!" Jijimon deflected the three swords. "Get out of here! Both of you get stronger and help the others, argh!" Jijimon gasped in pain as the fourth blade went in through his back.
"You really are a slow old fool... This was far easier than I thought."
"Jijimon!" Naruto called. Jijimon gasped as he pulled the blade free.
"Get... Going, I'll stop him, just go!" Jijimon yelled rushing forward. Naruto was about to act.
"Do as he says..." Naruto blinked as other digimon stood in front of him. "Jijimon is right. If you can stop the dark masters we'll be able to come back. Go! We'll hold them off!" Naruto took a step back.
"Right... We'll meet again!" Naruto yelled running off.
"Oh..." Piemon spoke as he let Jijimon drop. "Running like a mouse? Very well... If cat and mouse is the game, then I'll play." The digimon stood before Piemon.
"You'll have to defeat all of us first Piemon! Attack!" Piemon smirked as the area lit up with explosions.
Naruto glanced left and right as he looked for safety. "Okay fox, we need to hide out. Ah... damn it! I shouldn't have run."
"Jijimon is right. You and I would not have been able to face him. You're too young for melee combos and you need to make sure your chakra works well enough. You have no weapons and I'm no good out here. I hate to say it, but running was the best idea." Naruto growled.
"I just wish I'd been able to help them."
"Just make sure their deaths aren't in vain. As long as we get away-" Kyuubi stopped as laughter broke out.
"Flying cross cutter!" Tree's fell as a large spinning object flew at Naruto. The blond yelled as tree's and dust fell and covered the ground. A clunky wooden digimon landed on the trees. "He dead already?" The digimon asked as it looked about. It saw the digivice, then to the boys arm under a tree. "Oh... He's dead. Oh well! Maybe the others will be more fun." With that the digimon ran off as the digivice beeped slowly.