Well, my little lovelies... The long-awaited sequel is now available! Yay!

It is going by the name "Breathe Electronica", if you want to search it, or you can find it on my profile! Whee!

Anyway, I'm insanely sorry for the wait, and I hope everyone's still interested!

I've been having a very interesting time lately, which is why this has taken so long... For one, I fell in love with Loveless, ironically enough, but really... It's a beautiful anime/manga. I might just cosplay Soubi. And on top of that, well... exams. Enough said, right? Given, I'm not currently doing any... But there's coursework. Or rather, "controlled assessment". Which is even worse. NUUU!

Anyway... That's enough rambling. In short; Breathe Electronica, the sequel, is now out, so I hope many of you skip off to read it!

Lots of love,