Thank you very much to everyone who has recently favourited this story and reviewed at some point in a chapter (or maybe all).

Welcome to the Epilogue

*~La Pomme D'Armor~*


(One and a half years later)

"How's everything going, Isabella?"

I hadn't realised how long I had been in the toilet, never actually going in there to fill out the call of nature, instead needing to have some time to breathe and find out something – which I know had the answer to, the only evidence of it burning the back pocket of my jeans.

"Sorry" I said genuinely apologetically as I opened the stall door to find my new friend, Blanche gazing upon me with a questioning look.

"Are you all right?" she asked me in her always so strong French accent.

"Yes" I answered her with a small smile, brushing down my jeans – one of my most favourite items of clothing...Just because it reminded me of England, France was big on denim but not the kind of denim that looked good on me – I had grown fond of my polka dot dress, though which had been the latest find in French shops thus far– always little things that sound so weird to people sound so great to you.

"Do you still wish to continue?" Blanche asked me, peering at me her eyes visible from the corner of mine as I washed my hands in the sink...Concentrating a little too much on the suds on my hands as they fell down the drain as a spiral.

"Of course...I can't keep anyone waiting" I dried my hands on two hand towels and followed Blanche out of the door.

"There's no harm in wearing your ring, Isabella?" Blanche must have noticed that I was not wearing my ring.

Three months after I had returned to Edward for the last time – also the day that I became a proper French Citizen, he proposed to me on top of the Eiffel Tower and believe me, all thoughts from others about cheesiness no longer compare to the feeling I felt as he held his Grandmother's ring out to me, asking me the question for a long-life commitment...There's was no other answer but 'yes' in my mind and so, Isabella Swan once confused and a little fearful about the idea of a future at all had stepped into the makings of one with a full heart and no doubt whatsoever in her mind.

"I know, it just helps that I have it around my neck...its closer to my heart but then again, no one can really put it down as a definite engagement ring"

I was never ashamed of my ring but considering what I was about to do...I needed the comfort closer to my skin, in all honesty I needed Edward but I had to wait until lunch to see him again and being without him hurts.

The outcome of what I had done in the privacy of the toilet was when I needed Edward's love close to me also.

"Let's go...They're waiting"

"Hello, what is your name?"


"That's a beautiful name, Cecilia...Thank you for coming, today"

I do not know whether I have already stated that I wanted to go into literature – what I meant at the time of making those aspirations was to go and study in university and take a full-time course, like the people in England do when they want to make a career out of what they love. I, however never being the same as other people...Found another way of doing so. To celebrate our first Christmas, Edward had saved up in secret to buy me my own laptop...His reasons for giving me the gift was that I may need it if I was going to study...There was something in the way that his eyes sparkled that led me to believe that he wanted me to do other things on it.

Something like writing....

The last time I had gained the time to sit down and write anything was about two years before coming to France...The writing, which was originally going to be a short-story turned into a three act-play which I had kept in my memory box to highlight of my first attempts.

The laptop was used then, to write 'La Pomme D'Armor'...A novel about a young girl's struggle as she enters a new country for the first time and finds love...Life situations throwing the lovers under but in the end, keeping them afloat....The summary is much more detailed but for basics, it was going to have to do.

From Christmas that year for six months...I wrote a full novel..Not once imagining it to be published, instead keeping it for my own children to look at one day...I had to change the names because of privacy but the story was exactly the same.

In secret, Edward took the drafted novel and sent it to a publishers in France, one of the main ones as there were only around three...The story was in English and so I found out later that he only had to have one choice because the agents spoke English and French, a good enough knowledge of English to read a novel in it, anyway.

In a twist of luck, the publisher send Edward back a note to say that they wanted to meet with me...The only moment I knew he had done this was when he showed me the note...I panicked because the draft I had written was gone but he said that it had gone to a much better place than where we were living.

Edward's actions shocked me....I'll admit in full honesty that I was angry at first...Feeling a little betrayed that he had not told me what he was doing...He only argued and stated that I was never going to let him do it...And of course, he was spot on.

That was our first and last argument to date, the pain I felt in not speaking to him was worse than what he had done – he was only looking out for me at now, I was thankful to him.

My literary agent, called Blanche published my book quickly, not needing to change anything about it because of the rawness of the language...Before I knew it or could have a few moments to register it, I was a first-time author...Now, in the process of my third book signing in France.

The sad thing was, I was going to have to go to England and various places in Europe to do book signings as well on my tour...Leaving Edward had been hard at the start of our relationship but as we had gotten older and now wanted to get married to each other...Nothing was the same.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" I had time for the people who had come along to get signed copies of my book...The audience was a mix of ages, not really young because of the depth of love as an emotion in the book but...A nice amount of young and old people clearly appreciated my writing and the time and effort I had put into it...That meant a lot to me and my fans were everything to me.

As the signing finished and all the copies of my book on the table were gone, Blanche turned to me.

"We would like you to write a sequel...I know that you have already said you cannot but...Seeing this crowd today and only for this country alone makes me believe that there will be more people who want to have another book"

It's true that I had refused the idea to write another book because, up until now...Mine and Edward's story was consistent – we were engaged and living out our lives smoothly with no changes in routine or any reason to get a plot for a novel.

At this moment in time, things had taken a change...A change that I was now aware of, but not Edward...As of yet.

"I will start a sequel...But it will take me longer to write and I need that amount of time to do it...Without any distractions"

"Fantastic, Isabella...It's all over, now...I will see you bright and early next week"

"Thank you"

Blanche left me with her various assistants out of the bookshop...I watched them go and realised that I must now make the time to write about the next chapter in mine and Edward's life...It was going to be a much more detailed book.

Of course, I was more optimistic than pessimistic about my sudden change in choice.

"Hello, my love"

There was my Edward standing outside our usual cafe near our house...This cafe was not the same as Sebastian's one but it was close enough to being just as comfortable for the two of us as a usual place to spend the day.

I kissed him softly on the lips before taking both his hands in mine.

"Edward...There is something I have to tell you-"

"What is it, sweetheart...Was it anything that happened today?"

"No" the look of concern clouding my fiancée's face made this whole revelation a little better – he still had a place for me in his heart after nearly two years as he would always be forever moulded in mine.

"I have decided to write another novel...A follow on to the last one"

"Bell I thought you said that it was going to take too much time, that and the fact that you lacked the plot to do so"

"That's changed...The book will be more detailed but now, I have a reason to write"

"I don't understand"

Looking up at him, I smiled a little taking a deep breath and reaching for the one thing that had been burning in my pocket for the entire day – shielding from Edward had been hard on me at the back of my mind because he and I never kept any secrets from each other.

Keeping my eyes on Edward, I pulled the product into view of his face and I watched his evergreen eyes brighten ever so slightly as he gazed down upon it.

"We have done it...Edward...We're going to have a baby" I said to him, tears of happiness falling from my eyes..Those tears I had spent a good three and a half hours keeping away from the book signing and my work. Personal lives and work lives are always going to be two separate things.

"Oh, Bella" Edward gasped kissing me hungrily and passionately, winding his hands around my waist and pulling me closer to him, my hands on his shoulders..I smiled against his mouth as I poured out the love I held for him in my own mouth movements. The test in my hand now feeling much lighter, the weight of the possibility of Edward never accepting my pregnancy a fifty percent possibility.

That moment, the two of us in our own little bubble outside our second favourite place continues to be the second most amazing moment in my entire life.

Edward had been miserable as a waiter, after we had made the life choice to be together...As in just living together, rather than getting engaged...He used his already impressive educational achievements and went on to study medicine in University. It turns out that Edward Masen is a genius, academically and it was great to know that he could now make a choice and further his education.

My salary from the sales of my book kept us comfortable...We had moved into an apartment of our own after two months of my book hitting the shelves – I had a lot of money, I cannot deny that but at the same time...Edward and I had grown up living comfortably but having the tendencies to struggle financially and we were not going to take anything for granted now that we had some. I paid for Edward's education, he was adamant to pay me back but considering that he had paid my rent money when I had met him to stay in the same apartment before and after we were together – I refused to have anything back. He had done so much for me; it was now my time to return the favour.

Edward continued to study during the whole time of my pregnancy, I, using the time of peace to write down the main points of my pregnancy in my notebook and making a mental note to include everything about mine and Edward's journey in the same style as I had done in the prequel.

The pregnancy had its bad and it's good times – Two months before I was due...Edward and I married in a registry office...Having Sebastian and Jake as witnesses. Paul, Jacob, Sebastian and Alice were still a huge part of both our lives and the only people who were present at our wedding...Even though, I did still keep in contact with my mum...I had taken her advice and was living my life...My own way...My dad now not being a part of it, again.

Edward Anthony Masen and Isabella Marie Masen gave birth to a boy on the 29th January at twelve minutes past midnight after a fourteen-hour labour...The baby weighed six pounds four ounces and all members of the family were well.

The baby boy was later named Louie James Masen.

"What are you doing, mummy?"

Louie had come bounding onto my lap as I finished the last sentence of my prequel novel 'La Pomme floraison'.

"Mummy has finished her next book" I informed my beautiful son, running my hands through his hair which was identical to Edward's...Louie also loves having my fingers run through it as much as Edward does.

"Can you read it to me?"

"How about...I read it to you, tonight for your bedtime story" Louie looked up at me and smiled, the same chocolate orbed eyes that belonged to me staring into my own "I love you mummy" he says with a smile.

I love you, too...Always and forever, my little man" I answered him wrapping my arms around him and kissing his cheek, then blowing a raspberry on his neck and making him giggle uncontrollably on my lap.

This was the moments that life were meant to be made for...The moments we cherish and the moments we will forever be grateful for.

For my life...I will be always more than grateful.

*~The End~*