Now I have two stories on the go I felt like I was leaving this one behind!!

Just a little note about 'A Swan's Melody' I HAVE deleted it but only because I am doing more detailed planning on the plot because it will be a confusing story for me to write and I put it up a week ago and it's got LOADS of mistakes...I AM working on it so it will be back up soon!

Here is a little taster of what THIS story will be...The prologue will be what happens at the end (however I am NOT going to specify whether this is what happens in the LAST chapter..You will have to wait and see!) Then after the prologue I will work my way back through the story...Kind of like a film ...I have never tried it so I thought I would give it a go.

I do NOT own Twilight...I own 'LPDA' (PLOT!) All Ms Meyer's characters belong to her...With some of my own characters thrown in who belong to ME !


"Final boarding call for flight 22789 to London Gatwick departing from gate five...That's flight 22789 to London Gatwick." The sound of the air stewardess standing in front of the flight gate rang through my ears...I guessed that I would be the only one left now to board the plane. I had no strength in my legs...They were like lead as I stood in front of Edward for what was going to be the last time. I rubbed my soaking wet eyes with my hands as my hand luggage leant on one of my legs. Edward took the sides of my face in his hands and pulled me closer to him...I couldn't move and he must have noticed as he closed the distance between us.

"I don't want to go, Edward" I choked out as he wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"I know you don't, Bella...If I had my way you would stay here with me but you know you can't. You have to go back and be with your family now...They need you." He replied in a whisper and I let out a sob.

"What am I going to do without you?"

Edward smiled and kissed my nose "you will manage...You have always had strength so much more than I have ever done."

I shook my head under his hold "I'll miss you...So much" I stated...His thumbs moved from my cheeks to my eyelids..I closed them to register every last touch of his to memory. Edward was silent moving his lips and connecting them to mine..I sighed in his mouth as I parted my mouth to let him in...I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him tightly for as long as I could as our tongues caressed each other..Edward was moaning against my lips and we were both fighting our overwhelming emotions in that moment.

Edward had been my life for the past year...I have come so far and it has all been because of him...He was my world and my one reason to get through my life in France...I never believed that I would ever be going home as I had lacked the financial means to do so...I didn't care about going back home anymore after I had met Edward because life without him was just too painful to think about.

"I love you...I will always love you." Edward whispered against my mouth as our lips disconnected...I sighed again letting out more tears.

"God, Edward...I love you with every inch of my soul...I am so grateful to have met you." I replied my voice barely recognisable with my emotion.

"I am the one who should be grateful...My beautiful Bella...No words will ever describe just how much you really mean to me." Edward rested his forehead on mine and I could just about see his own tears falling down his face through my clouded vision. I kissed his mouth again savouring the last moment and letting our tongues lead another dance. Edward ran his hands through my hair as he brought them up from my waist...I tilted my head back and stroked both sides of his face with my hand...His tears brushing my cheeks as they fell down from his eyes.

"You have to go" he whispered...His voice enhancing pain.

"I love you." I choked out..Edward smiled.

"I love you too" he replied. He released his hands from my face...He then stepped back...I sniffed loudly as I bent down to pick up my bag...I turned on my heel and walked over to the stewardess who gave me a dirty stare. I brushed it off as she checked my passport picture and my boarding pass...She tore the larger half of my pass off along with my ticket and gave me the free half.

"Thank you" I said taking the square pieces of paper.

"Have a good flight" the woman said...I am sure that I will now never get bored of the French accent again...It's true that I am English and Edward was American but being surrounded by the accent for so long has made me realise just how beautiful it is. I walked through the door leading down to the plane...I turned suddenly before turning to my right and walking down the long stretch. Edward was still standing there, he blew me a kiss and he mouthed an 'I love you'.

A sob escaped my abdomen as I mouthed 'I love you' back...Edward looked like he was in real pain and I didn't think it was possible that I could be hurting anymore at this moment. I turned to the right and made my way to the plane door holding back my tears the entire way.

I sat down in my seat and fastened my seat belt...I brought my knees up onto the seat and wrapped my arms around them...I put my head on my knees and let out all my tears.

I was saying goodbye to the love of my life.

That is what Edward will always be..

My only one and true love....Forever for as long as I live and even until after I die.

In 'Consumed with fire and water' I used the prologue to describe what the story was about..However with this one just by reading this I would like you to guess. This story WAS going to be an Emmett/Bella story but I enjoyed writing 'A Misshapen Life' so much with Edward/Bella that I couldn't risk not having them pair up again.

I do not know yet whether I will be doing an Emmett/Bella pairing...If I did then Bella would have been paired up with ALL of the Cullen brothers but then again it wouldn't be such a loss if Emmett belonged ONLY to Rosalie .

So...This story WILL start when I finish EITHER 'Consumed with fire and water' or 'A Swan's Melody' when I put it back up... I am struggling with TWO stories on the go as it is ! But I love writing so much I can't bring myself to care.

Thanks for reading and ALL your support!