Notes- Sam was never put up for adoption but was raised by nannies and sent to boarding school when she was old enough. All the kids are older. Ric left town before Molly was born and hasn't been seen since. Alexis and Mac were dating for a few years before Alexis passed away.
Eight months, that's all the time it took for Sam's world to come crashing down. It all started with a gun shot, which led to the love of her life pushing her away, because his life was too dangerous. This left Sam broken, it took time but with the help of her friends and family. She was slowly becoming the her old self. Than she was hit with another blow her mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, six months later Alexis had past away, leaving Sam to take care of Kristina and Molly. Now all Sam can try to-do is pick up the pieces.
"Carly I got your call,what's so earth shattering that I had come over right away?" Sam asked as she opened the door to the Jack's residents to see total chaos. Suitcases littered the hallway and yelling echoed from the living room.
"How could you Jax? I trusted you and you do this, you are ruining this family" Carly screamed.
"Ruin this family, I am trying to protect it."
"By sending the father of my children to jail. I know you hate Sonny but I had no idea that you would stoop so low as falsifying evidence." Carly yelled as she walked into the hall to see a shocked Sam.
"Oh thank God, I need your to help me get these bags to the car and than I have to pick up Morgan."
"Carly hold on, what is going on?" Sam asked grabbing Carly's arm to stop her from leaving.
"Carly, don't do anything rash, we need to talk." Jax said joining the women.
"Don't you dare tell me what to-do, you lying bastard. He tried to have Sonny framed for those men killed at the pier. I have nothing to say to him Sam." Carly mumbled as she pulled her hand free and grabbed her bags leaving.
"Sam don't start, I did what I thought best for my family, I am tried of Sonny getting away with everything and pulling Carly and the boys into his warped world, not to mention you and the girls."
"Framing him, that's what is best, and let's not forget Michael, Morgan and Kristian. She already lost her mother Jax, now you wanna take Sonny away from her too."
"They all would be better off, without him in their life."
"Get off it the only reason you want Sonny put away is because our scared that Carly will go running back to him, and you know what, you just shoved her right into his arms." Sam hissed as she walked out the door slamming it behind her.
"Sam, thank you. I didn't know who else to call." The blond said they pulled into the long driveway.
"It's fine, I'm actually happy be out of Windermere, Nik is having the whole place redone since the girls and I are staying there. Are you sure you want to stay here?"
"Yeah, I want the boys to be conformable this is the only place I wouldn't have to see Jax." Carly said know the Metro Court was not an option.
"Okay well let's tell Sonny he has some company." Sam said getting out of the car.
"So, where have you been all day." Sam heard as she walked into the study.
"There was an emergency. How are you doing?" Sam said as she sat on the couch.
"Staying busy, it helps. But I am more worried about you." Nikolas said standing up from his desk and walking until in front of Sam.
"Sam you haven't taken the time to deal with the death of your mother, you are too busy getting involved with everyone else's problems." Nik added sitting next to his cousin.
"I am dealing with it, I have other priorities though, that being my sisters. I need to be strong for them right now. If I need to talk about it I will." Sam said standing just was the doors opened.
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."
"No it's fine Liz, I was just going to get lunch." Sam said walking past the young nurse, not sure why she was her again for the second time today.
"Robin, why don't you just go talk to him" Maxie said as she picked at her salad.
"He looks like he is waiting for someone." Robin mumbled looking behind Maxie to see Patrick Drake sitting at the table closest to the door.
"Okay, I don't get it. You said that you like him, yet you are not saying anything."
"It's not that easy Maxie, we work together and he is not the relationship type." Robin added as she picked up her turkey sandwich.
"You don't know that and you went on one date, that's it."
"He never called me."
"You never confronted him about it."
"Maxie just leave it okay."
"Why should I, it's breaking your heart."
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Okay fine, So have you talked to Sam about our lunch date and Mac wants her and girls to come over Friday night for a barbecue?" Maxie asked getting the hint.
"I haven't seen her since Monday night at dinner, but I'll ask her now."
"What are you talking about?" Maxie asked turning around to see Sam walking through the door and into Kelly's and walk straight over to where Patrick was sitting. Maxie watched as the doctor pulled the brunet into a tight hug.
"Or maybe I'll just call her later." Robin said standing and grabbing her bag.
"Where are you going?"
"I have to get back to the hospital and you have to get back to the office." Robin said not wanting to leave Maxie alone knowing that she would come up with some crazy plan.
"Here, I thought that you might stand me up." Patrick said standing once he saw the brunet enter the diner.
"And miss the chance to see a sexy doctor? I don't think so." Sam smirked as she let Patrick pull her into a hug, than sitting down as she watched Robin pulling a smirking Maxie out the door.
"Well you got me there."
"You are so full of yourself." Sam smiled as the waitress came over to take their order.
"You don't wouldn't want it any other way."Patrick said as he took a sip of water.
"So why did you want to meet here?" Sam asked grabbing here iced tea.
"I'm a little hurt Samantha, maybe I just wanted to have lunch with my friend." He mocked, "Fine, I need your help, my apartment is in need of a makeover." He added once he saw the look on Sam's face.
"You are finally getting tired of all the boxes. Why do you want my help?"
"You know me better than anyone, so you can do the boring things, like shopping and planning."
"And why would I wanna to that?" Sam asked as their food came.
"You can spend as much as my money as you want." Patrick smirked knowing that would get her.
"Okay, but you have to come too."
"I am not going shopping with you for anything, I did that once with you and Carly and it ended horribly." Patrick mumbled as he picked up his sandwich. "It's not funny, I have a scar from where Carly hit me with that car door." he added seeing Sam laughing.
"Okay, you win, I'll come over tomorrow so we can start." Sam said as she lifted her turkey club to her mouth and glanced to the door, and immediately sta when she saw Jason standing there.