Ok I made a huuuuuuuge boo-boo! Some of you may have noticed it and I'm soooo sorry and I thank you for paying so much attention here's the updated version thanks again and sorry (again)

"Isabella Marie Swan, do you take Jacob Ephraim Black to be your lawfully wedded husband, for richer for poorer, for better or worse, in sickness and in health 'til death do you part?"

"I do."

"Jacob Ephraim Black, do you take Isabella Marie Swan to be your lawfully wedded wife, for ri..."

"I do."

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife go in p... alright, alright, you may now kiss the bride."

The moment we were both anticipating was here, Jacob milked it and slowly walked towards me, touching his hand to my cheek, the way he did when he woke me up 3 years ago, and leaned in to connect our lips together and finalise our marriage. I had never felt so whole in all my life. I thought the first time we made love was the peak of how close we could get but I was wrong. Here, now; at the end of our wedding ceremony was when we were at our closest, we were now one person.

I'll be your dream,
I'll be your wish,
I'll be your fantasy.

I'll be your hope,
I'll be your love,
Be everything that you need.

I love you more with every breath,
Truly, madly, deeply do.

After all the speeches and tears and feeding the vast werewolf stomaches, me and my new husband started our first dance. He had chosen the song and not told me. I started tearing up again with a stupid grin on my face that could rival Jacob's biggest smile.

We came together in the middle of the dancefloor and for the first time in my life I didn't want to run a mile from being the centre of attention; we were meant to be together and I wanted the whole world to know it.

The old Bella would have hated the thought of how corny this whole day had been but the new me welcomed it with open arms because it meant being with Jake the way I should have been since the day I met him.

The rest of the reception passed in a blur of drink, dancing and most of all fun. Then it was time to relax and prepare ourselves for the honeymoon tomorrow. This was my surprise for Jacob; he chose the song, I chose the honeymoon destination. Sun, sun and more sun was my criteria. Despite his dangerous temperatures (for a human), he longed to feel like he was being warmed again so I chose Brazil. I knew most women wouldn't dream of taking their new husband to Brazil because of the excess in bikini clad women, however, being an imprint I did not worry about that at all. Well... maybe a little bit; I was only human.


After a heavy day of beaching we were back in our hotel room, or rather on the balcony of our room, snuggled together in one chair. The way we kissed never got boring for me, I knew I would never tire of having our lips touch and move together; the way we knew what actions would send the other person crazy was just too perfect. For example Jake knew that I could never be physically close enough to him so he was constantly holding me as tightly as my fragile body would allow and he loved his hair being stroked and played with. There was never anything but each other when we were kissing.

But there was something troubling me. Ever since the day he woke me from my coma, I'd felt there was something missing, even with imprinting on Jacob I still felt like I wasn't truly in the know. Now that we were married I thought it would be better if I voiced this worry of 3 years. "Jaaaake?" I said breaking the kiss and resting our foreheads together. I drew his name out, still trying to figure out how best to phrase what I was worrying about. "Yeeees?" He replied copying me.

"Do you ever feel like... like there was something... something different that could've happened if we hadn't been in that car crash?" I looked at him now to see whether he understood my very bad description of what I was thinking. Whatever I was expecting his face to look like it wasn't what I saw.

He looked upset rather than confused and like he had been hoping I would never ask that question. Did he feel the same way?

"Hmmm I know what you mean." Not what I was expecting at all.

"What aren't you telling me Jake?"

After a deep breath from my new husband, I heard all about the conversation between him and Edward Cullen in the woods just minutes before he woke me. I found out about vampires, and how they were the reason Jacob and the others had become what they were. He told me that he wasn't the only one that had a supernatural attraction to me, that I was Edward Cullen's singer, that he was who drove into us and put me in a coma, which triggered Jacob's wolf gene; he was the one who suggested that Jake didn't come and visit me knowing that he would do anything to defy any Cullen. He was the reason we were together.

"And I've never looked back." Jake finished pulling me into a tight hug with my head resting on his shoulder.

We were silent for 20 minutes after this while I absorbed everything he said. Sir-stares-a-lot was staring at me because he was attracted to me, in the most sinister way possible, but it wasn't in hate.

Pulling back from the hug with a million questions in my mind I saw Jacob's face; his eyebrows had dropped low over his eyes, but, not as far down as his mouth which was turned down at both corners. For the first time in years there wasn't a trace of anger on his face; only fear.

"I love you Jacob Black."

And that was the end of it; Edward Cullen and his family were never mentioned again, my questions were never answered because I didn't need to know them if it kept the look of pure fear off my soul mate's face and we lived a happy life together as Mr and Mrs Jacob Black and eventually 3 more Little Blacks: Jacob Jr., Sarenee and Charly.

The only day I ever thought of Edward again was when we were helping Charlie empty my old bedroom and donate the unnecessary furniture to the charity shop in Forks.

"Ready Jake? One, two, three!" I watched from my old computer chair as Charlie strained to lift his half of my matress while, on the other end, Jacob lifted it with one hand, then balanced it on his index finger. "Show off." I heard Charlie mutter. "Maybe I will let you take it down by yourself."
"Suit yourself Charlie." Jake replied, and he lifted it up tucked it under his arm and carried it like this from the room.

Still muttering under his breath, Charlie shooed me out of the way, lifted my old computer chair in his arms and took that downstairs instead.

Giggling, I took a walk around my room, which now just held the base of my bed; there were clean patches in different shapes and sizes where my computer desk, lamp, bedside table, wardobe and chest of drawers had stood for years. I had moved my pictures to our house when me and Jacob moved in together and the rectangles there were starting to fade. In my wandering I stood on a piece of paper. It looked like a piece ripped from a notebook I had ages ago that had a lilac butterfly in the corner of each page.

I picked it up and saw that someone had written on it; the hand-writing was exquisite, every repeated letter looked exactly the same, as though it had been typed.

'I'll Miss You'

I don't know whether it was my fascination with the perfect writing that made me fold it up and put it in my pocket or whether I wanted to keep it as a reminder of a future I could've had, either way I knew (even before Jacob came back into the room and suggested I sit on the bed while he carried it out) that I had been taken down the right path, thanks to the vampire that left me alone.