Disclaimer: I do not own anything associated with this fic. I merely write things I wish they would do.

Can't wait to get a mouthful

Ezio walked through the door to Leonardo's workshop, letting himself in as usual. His white assassin's robes, covered in his blood and the blood of his enemies. A scroll held tightly in his uninjured hand, like a lifeline.

"Leonardo?" he called out, looking around the seemingly empty workshop.

"Over here Ezio!" Leo called back, from the far back of the workshop; he was haunched over a map looking thing. Ezio limped over to the back.

"I have another codex page for you"

"Oh that's marvellous" Leonardo turned to face his friend. "Let me ta- Dio Mio!* Ezio! Are you alright, here sit down…" He helped Ezio into a chair and knelt in front of him. "What did you do?" He prodded at Ezio's face and at his arms where it seemed to have been injured most.

"Leo! Please! That hurts!" Ezio flinched away from the prodding hands.

Leonardo moved round to get the first aid kit.

"Right, Strip! So I can take a fuller look at your wounds" Ezio blushed slightly as he was taking off his robes, being left in nothing but his undergarments. He blushed even more as he heard Leonardo gasp in front of him. Leonardo knelt back down in front of him and took a damp cloth and started blotting at the dried blood around the wounds. Careful not to stray away from the main objective. Leo moved to clean his face. Trying not to get to close to the other man than completely necessary.

"Leo…" Ezio said quietly, making Leonardo look into the other mans eyes. Leo blushed as Ezio moved his face closer and brushed his lips against the painter. Ezio moved away and looked at him again; then proceeded to move closer to kiss him more passionately than the first time, letting their tongues get involved. Ezio wrapped his uninjured arm around Leonardo's waist and pulled him into his lap, whilst Leo dropped the cloth into the wash basin and put his arms around the assassin's neck, deepening it.

Ezio was the first to pull away, panting slightly; he rested his head against Leonardo's forehead.

"Ezio… I..." Ezio shushed him by kissing him again. A quick peck not like the passion they shared only moments ago.

"Don't talk, Amore Mio**, just feel" Leonardo closed his eyes and leant in again. Kissing Ezio like there was no tomorrow, and this was the only moment they got.

Sometimes they just can't wait to get a mouthful of each other!


Dio Mio – My God

Amore Mio – My Darling.

I hope you liked this. I particularly didn't I believe it could have been better, but oh well. I wrote this for my friend Kimmieh-chan.